Alien Ruler

Chapter 505: Hold on for seven days


Because of Diao Si's cannon, the enemies even withdrew from the defense line that originally monitored the Eternal Temple and retreated several kilometers away.

But staying in the Temple of Eternity for seven days like this is quite tiring, especially because of Heng Yuan's tense state. In fact, the more important the battle, the more you need to relax. This is Diao Si's gaming experience.

The Dragon Clan is finally back, but it has only been half a day since they occupied the Eternal Temple, and the war is still far from over.

After unloading the shells, Hengyuan grabbed Diao Si and asked the Dragon Clan to send some of her senior generals back to the imperial city so that they could gather an army to support them.

In order for the Dragon Clan to complete this task better and faster, Hengyuan also asked Diao Si to act as her translator and fixed the entire flight route for the Dragon Clan.

In fact, this is not the way to communicate with dragons. The route chosen by animals like them that are good at flying is far better than Hengyuan's well-thought-out route. But seeing Hengyuan like that, Diao Si also tried his best to translate word for word. Finally, They were also asked to bring some ammunition back with them.

After the dragons flew away, Hengyuan did not give Diao Si a chance to breathe. She immediately summoned all the senior generals to make detailed arrangements for the entire battlefield campaign.

In the past, Diao Si always thought that he paid too much attention to deployment, always arranging the entire process, and preparing several possibilities and escape routes in case of unexpected situations. This time he felt ashamed when he heard Hengyuan's deployment. What she thought of was more comprehensive and was simply top-notch.

After several hours of deployment, Diao Sicai randomly found a place to hide and rest. He also did this for this battle. Everyone was nervous at the beginning, so there was no need for him to be nervous. The enemy's large forces had not yet arrived.

But the tension of these soldiers cannot be sustained for long. Sooner or later they will get tired. Diao Si staggers with them like this. When they are tired, he will have just rested and can take over their duty.

Diao Si's artillery unit has always had a rest system. At any time, some people are on duty and others are resting. This arrangement is also the same during the battle, because their artillery establishment is originally calculated based on some people, so He didn't have to worry about their rest.

However, things were not as ideal as Diao Si imagined. He had just rested for a while when Heng Yuan came over and woke him up. Initially, Diao Si thought a war was about to start, but when it was quiet, he still couldn't hear the sound of any gunfire. He knew that Heng Yuan was too nervous.

"Are you relieved? I don't allow you to rest, but you can't just sleep in a place like this. What will they think when they see it..." It turns out that Hengyuan criticized him because he slept too casually. question, Diao Si had to admit his mistake immediately.

"By the way, the enemies over there haven't made any moves yet. I suggest you let them all take a rest first, or take turns to rest. How can they face the battle if they are not in good condition?"

Regarding Diao Si's words, Hengyuan retorted unhappily: "Look at what's going on now. I believe that even if I let them sleep, they won't sleep as peacefully as you do..."

If it was still criticism, Diao Si had no choice but to accept it, and immediately rushed to the simple city wall in front to observe the current situation of the enemies of Hengyang and Hengli.

The enemy's dynamics really puzzled Diao. They actually evacuated all the soldiers who were originally guarding the Eternal Temple, and are now setting up a camp at a certain distance from the Eternal Temple.

They haven't even approached the Eternal Temple yet. What's the purpose of this? After being puzzled, Diao Si couldn't help but worry, because the enemy must have their own reasons for doing this, and they must have already figured out a way to attack.

"If the enemy attacks from all directions, can your cannons and guns stop them?" Hengyuan put forward her worrying situation like this. Maybe this is the reason why she has been nervous. What Diao Si is most afraid of is the cannon. The enemy dispersed.

"No, but if they attack in such a scattered manner, their combat effectiveness will be relatively scattered. My gun team can kill their generals one by one, so your battle formation can completely block their progress..."

Although Diao Si tried to explain, Heng Yuan still couldn't calm down. She frowned when she looked at the enemy in the distance. She was really under great pressure to guard the Eternal Temple like this.

"By the way, have the dragons come back? Have you asked them to transport ammunition again?" Diao Si looked around and saw that there was no trace of the dragons at all, so he asked Hengyuan.

Hengyuan shook her head after hearing this, and responded a little unhappy: "I haven't come back yet. Moreover, your dragon clan only listens to your orders. Do you think they can do whatever I want them to do?"

Diao Si was most worried about any conflicts with Heng Yuan at this time. Since entering the Everlasting Temple, Heng Yuan seemed to be dissatisfied with everything. Not only with Diao Si, but also her close generals had been criticized many times.

This is not conducive to the battle. When the generals are very enthusiastic, making such judgmental comments is equivalent to pouring cold water on them, which has a certain impact on morale.

But Heng Yuan cannot be blamed. She already had this kind of mentality, but in this most important battle, her mentality became even stronger.

"If the dragons come back, we won't let them leave for the time being. We may need them in the next battle." Diao Si said in a low voice while observing the enemy's large army.

These words attracted Hengyuan's attention again. She knew that Diao Si must have something in mind when he said this, so she asked nervously: "What did you see? What are you thinking about? Tell us now and let's study together."

"It's the air force. I saw a lot of flying monsters behind the Heng Yang Empire's army. They may use the air force to attack us..."

Diao Si explained this, and Hengyuan responded with a smile: "Air troops? Those are just scouts. No matter how flying monsters are, they are only for arrows, including your dragon clan."

Or, in front of those powerful warriors, such flying troops are indeed vulnerable, but the number of air troops sent by the Hengyang Empire is not ordinary, there are tens of thousands of them. Do they need so many scouts?

Moreover, those flying troops were still quite far away from the Eternal Temple. Diao Si could not see clearly what monsters they were. They were probably all gryphon troops, but they were separated by categories.

There was no time for Diao Siduo to study. The large army in front had already made some movement, and they gradually came out of the camp. They should have been studying the plan to attack the Eternal Temple before, but now they have obviously made a decision and are ready to attack.

"Oops... we have to adjust the battle plan!" Diao Si suddenly said this, which immediately touched Hengyuan's nerves. She nervously picked up the telescope to observe, but still couldn't see any problem.

"What did you find? Don't always just react without content!" Heng Yuan asked dissatisfiedly, while Diao Si had already drifted towards the artillery formation over there.

Hengyuan wanted to chase after her and ask, but then the senior general beside her also discovered the problem and immediately pointed to the fog that started to rise around the enemy.

Yes, there are some powerful mages among the enemy. They also know how to create fog of war like Diao Si. If they can use the fog to cover the entire Eternal Temple area, Diao Si's cannons will not be able to aim at the target. .

If the enemy uses this fog to attack, Diao Si can only fire randomly. This will not only fail to effectively block the enemy, but also waste a lot of ammunition. There are no clear roads around the Eternal Temple, or it should be said that there are roads everywhere. They have no way of knowing the enemy's attack route.

"Call all the mages immediately and figure out how to deal with their cover-up tactics. We must not let their fog block the cannon's sight here..."

Hengyuan has already thought of using a mage to deal with such magic, but where is her mage's turn to speak? Unless they are sent to the enemy's lines, but that will completely let them die.

In this regard, Diao Si persuaded Hengyuan: "Don't be too nervous. Let them hide for a while. I will let them reveal themselves when the time comes. Now we should relax a little and calm down." (To be continued)