Alien Ruler

Chapter 506: The enemy's tricks


On the first day of guarding the Eternal Temple, the combined armies of the Hengyang Empire and the Hengli Empire gathered in large numbers and set up camp in front of the Eternal Temple.

After they discussed the battle plan, they began to take action, but they did not expect that before taking action, they would let those powerful mages cast the magic of the fog of war.

This is obviously a plan for Diao Si's cannon. Under the influence of such fog magic, Diao Si's artillery cannot grasp the enemy's position and cannot prevent the enemy from approaching.

Of course Hengyuan was nervous about this, but she didn't know enough about magic and didn't know how to deal with it, so she just left this task to the mages.

Diao Si didn't say anything to her, and just commanded the long-range artillery to slowly bombard a large area in front of the enemy camp.

He didn't mean to kill the enemy like this. He knew that the enemy usually wouldn't take a straight path like this and took a detour. This was just to make the enemy take a detour.

"Prepare the medium-range artillery!" While Hengyuan was still wondering what Diao Si had in mind, Diao Si loudly gave an order to the medium-range artillerymen pushing from behind.

Then Diao Si floated down the mountain, and then used his wind magic and water magic, and soon dispersed the fog in the area under the mountain.

After this gradual dispersion, a large group of enemies was soon exposed. Although those powerful mages had quickly re-created the fog, Diao Si's cannons rang out as soon as they were exposed.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Under such bombing, it is estimated that the enemies there will suffer heavy casualties. But Diao Si couldn't care so much and continued to float to the other side to dispel the fog around there.

He has already calculated the route that the enemy will probably choose under the guidance of his cannon, and his medium-range cannon has also been aimed at this approximate position. Such purposeful dispersal will naturally make it easier for those enemies to reveal themselves.

But after revealing another enemy army, he was counterattacked by the enemy's hidden arrows and electric shocks, and he did not dare to go too deep into the enemy.

The powerful mages from the Hengxi Empire that Heng Yuan had summoned before continued to disperse the thick fog in front of the mountain. There were not many mages among them who knew how to disperse the thick fog. It was impossible for them to float over and attack like Diao Si. .

After taking a general look at the surrounding enemies, Diao Si also retreated. It is very dangerous for him to float over like this. He is basically not afraid of magic, but the hidden arrows of those powerful archers have almost hit him several times.

"Bang...bang!" The enemy had reached the foot of the mountain, and Diao Si's gun team also opened fire one after another. Then the artillerymen of the short-range artillery automatically loaded and prepared.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, the long-range cannons have stopped firing, and the short-range cannons are ready..." Diao Si ordered while thinking about their next direction based on the enemy's distribution when he dispersed the fog.

"Dragon, the dragon is flying back." Suddenly a general shouted, and only then did Diao Si and the others raise their heads to observe the dragons high in the sky like a flock of birds.

Great, since the dragon clan is back, the supporting troops should also be on the way, so as long as Diao Si and the others can hold on for a while, these enemies in front of them will not be a threat.

But at this time, a strong wind suddenly blew from the foot of the mountains on both sides. The strong wind carried sand and dust straight towards the Eternal Temple, causing the artillerymen in front to cover their faces and eyes, unable to see the enemy's situation at all.

The mages of the Hengxi Empire have tried their best to resist, but their power is still much weaker than the enemy's mages, and the dust stays on the mountainside and cannot be dispersed.

"Diao Si! Blow this damn sand back!" Heng Yuan loudly ordered to Diao Si. Of course she had a good idea, but if she were to fight against so many mages, even if Diao Si could win with that energy, he would be able to do it very quickly. Consumed.

"What are you in a hurry? Just wait a little longer and let them come up a little further. All the short-range cannons are loaded with flame bombs and are on standby!" Diao Si said, still calculating the enemy's possible attack plan.

The wind and sand became stronger and stronger, and even powerful arrows were thrown in front of the Eternal Temple. Diao Sicai suddenly raised his energy staff, and a wave of air immediately burst out, heading towards the enemy down the mountain. .

This air wave has no lethality, but when he suddenly used such wind magic, the enemies who were gathering troops to attack at the foot of the mountain were exposed for their true colors.

Before Diao Si or Heng Yuan could give the order, those short-range artillery fire immediately exploded, blasting the mountainside into a continuous sea of fire. Soon a large number of enemies fell, and the sea of fire stopped them. Halfway up the mountain.

Then this was also a temporary effect, and soon the sky suddenly became filled with dark clouds, and a downpour was about to begin. Diao Si also immediately used his magic to try to control the sudden change in weather.

The weather was still forcibly controlled by him. At least there were no dark clouds approaching the mountains of the Eternal Temple, but this was not easy. Diao Si's energy was being consumed greatly.

It's better to give up. It's futile to fight against magic with so many powerful mages. Diao Si could only ask his artillery to replace the flame bombs, and then block those shells. The heavy rain soon poured into the sea of fire, directing those fires. Rushed down the mountainside.

Hengyuan became even more nervous now, but she didn't criticize anyone anymore and immediately ordered Henglan and other generals to organize their warrior teams to prepare to face the powerful enemy attacking from the front.

"The long-range artillery moved behind the second city wall and fired scattered cannons towards the mountainside. The logistics troops were ready to help the Dragon Clan unload ammunition..." Diao Si continued to direct, and soon the rain cleared and thick fog appeared on the mountainside.

"Behind... there are a large number of enemies coming from behind!" Suddenly a general came over and told Diao Si, and Diao Si rushed over immediately.

In fact, he knew that the enemy would use the trick of making noise in the east and attacking in the west. The main reason was that the Eternal Temple really did not have much advantage in defense. There was no support in the surrounding area, and the enemy could attack from all directions.

But there is no need to be afraid. Even if the enemy can dodge Diao Si's cannon, it will not be easy to rush through Diao Si's gun array. That large firearms unit is not a vegetarian.

Diao Si has already practiced it. The big guns they have now can easily penetrate all armor below the samurai level. If it is within a hundred meters, the armor of the samurai can be penetrated. He has also trained specifically, so that How those gunners aimed at the enemy's weak points to shoot.

"Emperor, it's General Wusi... She is leading an army to attack!" Another senior general ran towards Hengyuan in a hurry. Hengyuan heard this and ran towards Diao Si.

General Us? Diao thought about it. He was the fighter who was said to have killed Hengyuan's mother. Hengyuan had always wanted to avenge her mother. This was not good. With her character, she might have gone there to challenge him.

Diao Si immediately flew over and saw a person whose whole body was covered with reflective luster from a distance. The guy was not big, but the fighter-level armor on his body was particularly conspicuous.

"That guy in the luminous armor, the firearms unit did it first!" Diao Si pointed at the tiny light in the distance and gave the order, so the sniper gunners lay down in front of the simple city wall one by one, waiting. The guy approaches.

But Wusi didn't attack immediately. She just directed the troops to fight at the foot of the mountain, and the fog quickly obscured them again.

Heng Yuan had already arrived. After she climbed onto the city wall, she looked intently at the mist surrounding the Us troops. There was only the roar of cannons, but nothing more could be seen.

"Emperor, I know you are eager for revenge, but there is no need for you to do such a small thing yourself. When the time comes, we will pick up that guy's body and present it to you."

Diao Si persuaded him like this. Heng Yuan glanced at him and then responded: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to take a look..."

In fact, what Diao Si said was irresponsible. Since Wusi was a fighter-level warrior, those big guns would not easily hurt her. Unless she was accidentally hit by a high-explosive cannon, it would be difficult to get injured.

Hengyuan's words did not come from her heart, because the battle on her side was also continuing. The enemies had swarmed up the mountainside, and they urgently needed her command. If she didn't want to take action, how could she come here to watch idle.

The Dragon Clan has returned, but the enemy has not yet attacked. The mountainside has been shrouded in thick fog, and the only sound of exploding shells can be heard. (To be continued)