Alien Ruler

Chapter 51: Timely rainstorm


As time continued to pass, the newly built second-line encirclement wall in Ruifeng City had gradually taken shape, but Diao Si still asked the auxiliary troops to cover it with things.

The Imperial Army's golden warriors over there shouted slogans to the soldiers again. It seemed that they really planned to attack. This was also expected by Diao Si, because they didn't have much food and couldn't find much supplement in the nearby villages. It would be a matter of time before they attacked the city.

In this way, Diao Si thought that the Imperial Army might also plan to attack in the rain, because although heavy rain will affect their marching speed, heavy rain, especially when it is windy, will also have a great impact on the archers. Strong winds It may even blow the arrow away.

How to do it? If they really wanted to attack during heavy rain, Diao Si's first plan would be greatly affected. No, they must stay for a while to delay the attack, but how can this be done

It's coming soon. The heavy rain will come in about a few hours. The generals in charge of kerosene are already on standby. The city wall surrounded by the second line has been built, but it is still covered with a lot of things. The birdmen of the Imperial Army came to reconnoiter. It also became more frequent, and elite archers also attacked from time to time to prevent them from getting too close.

The Imperial Army was having a meal at this time. This was preparation before the battle. They would take a rest and then rise to assemble and attack when the heavy rain started. Therefore, Ruifeng City should all take a rest, just to deal with the imperial army's attack.

Diao Si became nervous again. What he was most worried about now was the powerful warriors of the Imperial Army, especially the golden warrior. Because Ka Zhu is not here, she doesn't know yet whether she will show up when the time comes. She only hopes that the Imperial Army's Golden Light Warriors will be unable to attack due to injuries.

It was useless to think about anything now. Diao Si was also very tired. He needed to take a rest so that he could be energetic enough to deal with the imperial army's attack and implement the plan he had arranged long ago.

"Sister Feng, there will be another war here soon, and many, many people will die here. In fact, I don't want to kill people, but I have no other choice. Can you tell me what to do?" Diao Si was about to say While resting, he muttered to communicate with the wind elf.

Diao Si woke up at the scheduled time, and while he was observing, the Imperial Army over there also started to rise. So he acted as planned, and he immediately ordered all the archers to line up neatly on the city wall like an exhibition.

This is really impressive. I believe that when the Imperial Army on the opposite side saw it, their hearts were filled with difficulty. How could they dare to attack at this time? This is what Diao Si needs. He wants the Imperial Army to rest in the heavy rain and stay well in their camp.

At this time, dark clouds began to appear in the weather, the two suns were blocked, the temperature continued to drop, and the wind picked up. Sure enough, there seemed to be some change in the imperial army over there. This should be because their commander was considering whether to attack by force.

It was because of Diao Si's plan that they did not force their way over. I believe that the commander's plan was to launch a sudden attack after the archers in Ruifeng City withstood the heavy wind and rain and were tired and their condition declined.

It's a pity that these are all part of Diao Si's plan. He has never planned to rely on arrows to win. The archers are just auxiliary tools, so they can be left to soak in the rain and wind on the city wall.

"Rumble..." Lightning came, followed by several gusts of wind, and then the pouring rain. The archers on the city wall were really suffering this time. They were soon soaked all over, but they still stood on the city wall holding bows.

In the Imperial Army camp not far away, the soldiers were hiding in the camp to rest. Although the wind just made their camp quite messy, it was still better than standing in the rain.

The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army must have thought that the archers on Ruifeng City would soon be unable to support themselves and their condition would be greatly affected. How could he know that Diao Si was ordering the general in charge of kerosene to pour kerosene on the mountain on the city wall.

Kerosene floats on the water, and the camp where the Imperial Army is located is a low-lying location prearranged by Diao Si. Diao Si had planned it when he asked the rat men to fill the soil. As long as he poured the kerosene on the city wall and the mountain, the kerosene would flow directly to the Imperial Army's camp over there.

But when the rain began to weaken, problems arose. She didn't expect that the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army would be so careful and sent out birdmen to conduct reconnaissance after the rain weakened. In this way, she quickly discovered Diao Si's conspiracy. But just when the imperial troops began to take action to evacuate the camp, a burst of fire rushed over.

The Imperial Army camp soon became a sea of fire. Even though the ground was full of water and it was still raining, the intensity of the fire did not decrease at all. What was important was not only how many Imperial Army soldiers could be burned to death, but also their food and food. tent.

When the imperial troops screamed and fled in all directions, even the archers on the walls of Ruifeng City looked panicked. They never imagined that Diao Si's move could make the imperial troops so miserable. .

Diao Si couldn't bear it, but he had to do this, and there was another way. Now that the imperial army camps have been burned, there may not be much food left, and their commander must be dying of panic.

However, the gap in Ruifeng City had not been washed away by the rain. After looking over, Diao Si realized that those soldiers were holding water to protect the city wall. What fools they were. So Diao Si directly ordered the generals to tear down the city wall from behind, and ordered the generals in charge of kerosene to pour kerosene into the circle surrounded by the second-line city wall.

When he heard Diao Si's order to tear down the city wall, the general thought he heard it wrong. It wasn't until he saw the combatants pouring kerosene into the encirclement that he realized that Diao Si wanted to surround the imperial army and burn it.

"Boy, what you did is so awesome. Wasn't it enough to have a fever just now? You see, they are all afraid of you..." At this time, Lao Zhu came out to speak again.

"No, I must completely repel them before their reinforcements arrive, otherwise there will be more casualties after their reinforcements arrive." Diao Si responded, and Lao Zhu had nothing to say.

It is indeed true, because the Guangnan Empire is determined to win Ruifeng City, and they must be defeated once and for all. Otherwise, if they continue to fight like this, both sides will suffer losses. If the imperial army can capture Ruifeng City, they will probably massacre the city. There are more than 200,000 monsters and people crowded in this city.

"Hurry up, knock down the city wall!" Diao Si shouted to the general over there as he watched the Imperial Army over there regroup the remaining troops and shout slogans.

This was a critical moment. If there was no big gap in the city wall and the imperial troops attacked the city gate, the dragnet set by Diao Si would be in vain. Now the Imperial Army is fighting with their last resort, their food barracks have been burned, and there is no way out.

"Rumble..." As some stones fell, the original gap in the city wall collapsed like a river embankment, leaving a large gap not high above the ground, and the accumulated rainwater immediately poured down.

Of course, such a big move was immediately noticed by the Imperial Army over there. If the general had thought about it seriously, she might have guessed that there was something abnormal about such a sudden change. But she didn't think clearly, thinking that this was a gap created by God's mercy on the Imperial Army, or that she had no other choice. Even though she knew there was danger there, she had no choice but to attack there.

"Ah ah..." Earth-shattering shouts rang out from the Imperial Army. Under the leadership of a golden light warrior and several purple light warriors, they walked straight towards the gap through the rain. They really went all out, and Diao Si could even feel their murderous intent.

"Archers, prepare to shoot!" Huai Liqi gave the order, and the archers gathered near the gap quickly coordinated their actions. Seeing such ferocious imperial troops, they also lost their desire to hide. In battle, either you will die or I will die.

"Fire arrows..." In fact, before Diao Si gave the order, the captains gave the order to shoot first, and those arrows hit the angry imperial troops with the rain. Soon, the rain on the ground was dyed red, and all kinds of The screams are endless.

The generals of the imperial army in front continued to use their skills to resist the archers of Ruifeng City, allowing their soldiers to pour into Ruifeng City from the gap.

However, the generals of Ruifeng City accepted Diao Si's order and did not attack to stop them, deliberately allowing them to invade continuously. How did the generals of the Imperial Army know that something more terrifying was waiting for them next? (To be continued)