Alien Ruler

Chapter 510: Convergence magic


"Hua..." Jin Zhao suddenly swept around again, and Diao Si suddenly floated behind a stone.

But this time he was very unlucky. A cannonball just landed next to the stone. Diao Si couldn't avoid it and was blown away. When he came to his senses, he saw the huge body of Emperor Hengyang charging towards him.

After a blast of magic, Diao Si retreated quickly but was hit by the mace she caught up with. His whole body immediately flew straight to the foot of the mountain like a baseball.

Feeling a severe concussion again, Diao Si stood up and found that he was surrounded by a large group of warriors, and the big guy on the mountain rushed towards him.

"Humph!" She flew up in the air like a cannonball, and then hit Diao Si directly. When he pounced like this, not only Diao Si, but also the samurai who surrounded him and refused to let him leave faintly stepped back.

"Boom..." It stands to reason that if the big guy smashed it down from a high altitude like this, she would have been injured if she hadn't been hit to death. I really don't know if her body was made of flesh and blood.

After such a smash, a sinkhole was immediately created there. Some warriors around him were splashed by the fragments, but Diao Si was floating in the air.

After looking at Diao Si and then at the cracks in the pit, the big guy asked in shock, "How is that possible? I've obviously smashed you into pieces..."

What she smashed was actually the substitute undead that Diao Si had temporarily summoned. However, Diao Si had a hard time summoning the undead just now. It was probably because of the influence of the Eternal Temple. It is estimated that no one here except him could summon the undead. Undead.

"Then did you kill one of your own? Dear..." Diao Si responded in a pretense of nervousness. Now he had figured out the background of this big guy and thought of a way to deal with her.

"Hoo wow..." The guy rushed over and blasted Diao Si wildly, but still couldn't touch Diao Si's fur.

It's not because this guy's agility is not as good as that of a samurai, but when facing her, Diao Si has changed from the original floating dodge to a big dodge. That is, as long as she gets close and strikes, he will continue to dodge backwards, and the dodge is not a weapon. But people.

"Can you stand obediently and don't move?" The guy roared, and then jumped up in the air again. She was about to smash walnuts again, and Diao Si was waiting for her to jump.

"Yeah..." Diao Si also roared, and then used his earth magic to freeze the big guy in the air.

This was really shocking. Not only were the enemies around Diao Si blocking Diao Si's path, but especially Jin Zhao, who was fixed in the air, her expression changed instantly.

Diao Si did not alternately use the magic of wind, water, fire and earth. In order to seize the opportunity to freeze the guy, he directly mixed those magics together and attacked with all his strength, so that the guy was surrounded by a special energy ball. Living.

"Boom..." After the mixed attack of various magics, the guy actually emitted a strong light and then a violent explosion, and then the whole thing was blasted into the air.

Diao Si didn't understand what kind of magic was mixed in, let alone that such a special light would occur. The surrounding warriors were so illuminated that they protected their eyes.

But one thing that is certain is that such a magic attack consumed Diao Si's huge energy. He was even unable to cast any magic for a short time, as if he was frozen by something.

"Uh ah... this is... what is this?" After the big guy fell again, he slowed down and got up for the first time. Her whole body was burnt, and it looked like she was seriously injured. .

She no longer dared to come closer. Diao Si could see the electric current swaying on her body. Diao Si's energy cost was valuable. It was estimated that Jin Zhao would not be able to attack him for a short time now.

"Impossible, how could this happen?" Jin Zhao walked a few steps and stopped, then checked his body with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Boom..." A cannonball landed not far from the big guy, and then she was hit by bullets from the big gun. And it wasn't as simple as just one shot. More and more bullets hit her.

The thick fog has dispersed! Diao Si reacted and looked around. The thick fog in a large area was dissipating. This may be because the energy of those mages could no longer support it, and there was a turn for the better!

Diao Si originally wanted to kill Jin Zhao directly, but she turned around and ran away as if she was afraid of him. Moreover, many enemies had invaded the Eternal Temple at this time, so Diao Si had better go back and command the battle.

"Big guy, I'll come find you next time, just wait." Diao Si said this and floated back to the Eternal Temple.

"Bang bang... bang!" It was the dragon gun team above. The gryphons and Zarkon monsters had been repelled by them, and now they were firing at the ground from the air.

"Uh..." It was a mage from the enemy team. Before, she was still using wind magic to affect the dragons' flight. However, because her defense ability was relatively weak, she quickly died under random gunfire.

Now Diao Si understood. After the Dragon Lancers killed the enemy's air troops, they began to hunt down the enemy mages who created the fog. That's why the situation changed like this.

Just when Diao Si was happily thinking about how to better help the Dragon Lancers, a low-flying red dragon was hit by an arrow and fell down. It was a cold arrow fired by a powerful archer who was hiding on one side. When Diao Si saw this, he immediately floated over.

There is no need to rush back to the Eternal Temple. The most important thing now is to kill these archers and mages first, so that after the enemy's fog tactics fail, Diao Si's guns can work again.

There are still quite a lot of enemies on the ground, but with the floating magic and the chaos there, Diao Si doesn't need to worry too much. Instead, what he has to worry about is his own guns, which are difficult to dodge.

"Retreat...retreat!" After another period of time, an enemy general finally ordered a retreat, and Diao Si then loudly signaled the retreat to the dragons in the air.

When Diao Si returned to the Eternal Temple, most of the enemies had retreated, and only one area continued to fight in melee. Diao Si's gun team was already in position around them, but they did not open fire because they were afraid of accidental damage.

Diao Si was attracted by the special luster when he floated in front of them. It was the fighter named Wus. She was fighting with Hengyuan, and two warrior teams in formation were also fighting around them.

"Act immediately and surround them!" Diao Si ordered an artillery team to ambush them on their possible retreat. This was a great opportunity for Heng Yuan to take revenge.

"Great Emperor..." But before he could arrange all this, he heard Henglan's scream over there. This really shocked Diao Si, because something might have happened to Heng Yuan, and she must know that she is now fighting Wusi, who also killed her mother!

"Henglan!" However, it was Hengyuan who shouted next. When Diao Si floated over, he saw that it was Henglan who rushed out to block Wus's skill, and was chopped into two pieces.

Only then did Diao Si clearly see the lustrous Wusi. Her fighter armor was exactly the opposite of that of the previous Emperor Hengyang. Emperor Hengyang was a defensive type with a shield all over his body, while Wusi was an offensive type with blades all over his body.

Just when Us was about to continue attacking Heng Yuan who had fallen to the ground, she was frozen in the air. She was so surprised that she wanted to return to the ground. She didn't know who controlled her in the air.

"Hey, are you that idiot from Us? How can you, a fighter-level warrior, bully another samurai? If I want to fight you, you should fight me first."

After Diao Si said this, he used a series of explosive magic to blast Us out of a certain range. Only then did the eyes of everyone around him fall on him, and the enemies of the Hengli Empire looked at him in disbelief.

"Diao Si?... I thought something had happened to you just now, where have you been hiding!" Hengyuan was still accustomed to saying in a critical tone. She really couldn't find Diao Si just now, and thought it had nothing to do with what he was doing at such a critical time. Urgent matters.

Diao Si slowly helped her up, then bowed his head and admitted his mistake and replied: "I went to kill Jin Zhao from the Hengyang Empire just now. I almost succeeded, but unfortunately I let her escape because they couldn't beat me and they all retreated. ”

After Diao Si said this, everyone present couldn't believe it, but they soon noticed the retreating dragon team in the sky, as well as the gunnery troops being deployed around them, and knew that what Diao Si said was not a lie. (To be continued)