Alien Ruler

Chapter 511: The first round passed


"Hahaha... I thought someone was here, but it turned out to be a man who can only talk nonsense. You said you defeated Jin Zhao? Then try to attack me again."

It was Wusi. Now Diao Si was also observing her armor carefully. Her armor was really special. It was made entirely of spikes from the blade. She didn't have any weapons in her hands, but judging from the armor on her body, she would be injured if she touched it casually.

"Bang!" However, just as Us was slowly approaching, she was hit by a bullet in the forehead, and sparks shot out. Of course, this was the shot fired by the Diao Si Gun Team. If this shot had hit her eye, it might have directly killed her.

Diao Si smiled and signaled the gun team to stop shooting, and then responded to Wushu: "If I were you, I would first see if all the people in the Heng Yang Empire have escaped."

"General, the people of the Hengyang Empire have indeed withdrawn..." One of Wusi's generals told Wusi after observing, and Wusi glared at the guy fiercely.

"Ah ah..." Before Wusi could take action, a red warrior from the Hengli Empire who was close to Diao Si rushed towards him waving a weapon. Her movements were very fast, and the warrior from the Hengxi Empire next to her had not yet moved. Reacted.

However, after she was blasted over like a cannonball, she quickly slowed down until she finally stood in front of Diao Si. This was just like Wusi just now, she was completely controlled and didn't know how to move for a short time.

Diao Si smiled again, and then repeatedly used water and fire magic to burn the guy with ice, causing her to scream in agony. The warriors from the Hengli Empire saw this and rushed over.

However, the moment they rushed forward, the red warrior's body suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and there was a loud noise and the warriors were blasted back together.

This was probably the first time Wus had seen such aggregation magic. Seeing that Diao Si could push back so many of her warriors by herself, she was even more convinced that Diao Si had just defeated Jin Zhao, the Emperor of Hengyang.

"You're lucky, I'll spare your life for the time being... retreat!" After Us said that, before Diao Si could rush forward, it turned into a weapon and rammed directly towards where Diao Si was lying in wait. gun team.

"Qiang Qiang... Qiang!" This guy's skills were too terrifying. In just one period of rampage, Diao Si's gun team killed and injured more than ten people, and those people were killed before they even had time to pull the trigger. .

"Bang bang bang..." While Wus was slaughtering Diao Si's gunmen who tried to stop her troops, Wus's men who were retreating here were also hit by gunfire and fell to the ground.

Diao Si wanted to catch up and block Wusi, but the injured warriors from the Hengli Empire rushed over to block him, making it difficult for him to catch up.

The enemy finally retreated, and Diao Si's first round of defense ended successfully. But this does not make Diao Si excited, because in the battle just now, the Hengxi Empire's troops suffered heavy losses, not only Hengyuan's warrior troops, but also his gunnery troops and dragon troops.

The same goes for Hengyuan. It seems that she is still injured. This is the first offensive and defensive battle. They have been beaten like this. How can they continue to support them in the past few days? Although their backup troops were about to arrive, the enemy's backup troops were also on their way.

"Adjust deployment as soon as possible and prepare for the enemy's next round of attack. ... Step up reporting on the enemy's and our casualties, and when our reinforcements will arrive!"

After Hengyuan gave these orders, she walked to where she was and picked up Henglan's upper body, which was cut off by Wus's skill just now. She was already dead.

Diao Si originally wanted to comfort her, but what is most needed now is the situation between ourselves and the enemy. We must have an overall understanding before we can decide on the next strategy.

So while the generals were busy deploying and counting casualties, Diao Si used his refraction magic to observe the situation of the enemy team over there.

Their losses in the battle just now were quite heavy. Most of their losses were not at the Eternal Temple, but around the mountain. There were corpses everywhere, and there were countless casualties.

There were still scattered dragon corpses on the mountainside and at the foot of the mountain. It was estimated that there were dozens of dragons killed in the battle. This was Diao Si's biggest loss since he tamed the dragons. You must know that such a red dragon takes more than a hundred years to grow, unlike those gunnery troops that can be cultivated in a few months.

The enemy has withdrawn far away from the camp, and they are also making adjustments. Their losses in the battle just now were quite large. Before confronting Diao Si's artillery troops, they were completely unprepared to deal with such powerful long-range weapons. This was not how wars were fought in the past.

After observing the enemy, Diao Si began to look for their backup force. Through long-distance refraction, he discovered that there was also smoke curling around a distant town. It seemed that their backup troops had encountered and fought with the enemy's troops.

No, this should be the enemy's arrangement. They blocked the Hengxi Empire's backup troops in this way because they wanted to wipe out Hengyuan's army in the Eternal Temple in one fell swoop before they arrived. However, this plan has failed.

"What did you see? How are the enemies doing now? Are they going to retreat? Will they just abandon the Eternal Temple?" It was Hengyuan's voice. Unexpectedly, she had recovered from her sadness so quickly.

Diao Sicai came back to his senses and looked at the enemy troops over there. They seemed to be really retreating. How can this be? If they retreat, wouldn't it mean that they would give up the Temple of Eternity to Hengyuan

Soldiers never tire of deceit, and there might be another big conspiracy here. But is there another conspiracy? Diao Si continued to use refraction magic to observe the surrounding situation, and then noticed that the troops from the Henglong Empire were almost reaching the Eternal Temple.

Could it be that the Hengli Empire and the Hengyang Empire wanted the Henglong Empire to fight Hengyuan's troops first? But this time the team sent by the Henglong Empire was very small? How could they fight the Hengxi Empire

"Are they going to deal with our reinforcements? If you see what comes to mind, tell me immediately!" Hengyuan became more and more anxious. She was always like this. She not only wanted to know what Diao Si saw, but also wanted to know What was he thinking about.

Diao Si responded: "They shouldn't attack our reinforcements. Otherwise, if we surround them again, they won't be able to escape even if they want to. I'm just wondering what the hell the Hengyang and Hengli Empire's armies are doing." Don’t they have any more powerful troops?”

"No, they suffered a lot of losses in the last joint war. The war between them has not stopped in the past few years. This time, there are many new recruits in their team."

Diao Si still didn't quite believe Hengyuan's answer, so he asked the question that he had thought of before: "Didn't you say that there are two fighters in the Hengli Empire before? Why is there only one Wusi?"

Hengyuan immediately replied after hearing this: "No, the other fighter is their Great Emperor Wu Nu. She is old, or she still had a certain fighting ability a few years ago, but she may not be able to do it now. I haven't seen her for a long time. Take action and just direct the battle from behind."

It turned out that was the case. Diao Si nodded, and then told Heng Yuan: "I guess they need to take a break and adjust their strategy. You see, the losses of their entire air force and those mages just now were very heavy. The previous tactics There is no way to come back, now they have nothing to do with our guns and weapons... "

Listening to Diao Si's analysis, Heng Yuan calmed down and sat on the ground again. Diao Si was quite worried about her at first. After using water magic on her, he realized that it was not that she was too seriously injured before, but that she was too tired and needed a rest.

So Diao Si picked up Heng Yuan, which made Heng Yuan quite nervous, but soon she smiled and closed her eyes in Diao Si's arms.

Hengyuan's body is also quite heavy, but from the perspective of a quasi-fighter like her, there is no problem with such weight. The entire bodies of these powerful warriors are covered with sinews and thick calluses, so the proportions are of course different.

Just let Hengyuan take a rest. Diao Si rested first just to take over from her at this time, so he cast water magic to help her sleep better. (To be continued)