Alien Ruler

Chapter 512: Leave the temple


However, Diao Si couldn't believe that the armies of the Hengyang Empire and the Hengli Empire actually retreated. They didn't even leave any troops behind, and they withdrew towards the direction of the Heng Yang Empire.

The troops of the Henglong Empire were still parked far away from the mountains of the Eternal Temple. It was probably because they came here just to watch the battle, and on the other hand, they had not yet grasped the situation here, so they did not Dare to get too close.

The Hengxi Empire's delaying troops are getting closer and closer, and the entire crisis seems to have passed. The generals of the Hengxi Empire gradually cheered, but at this time, the first day of the Hengxi Empire's guarding at the Everlasting Temple had just begun. There are still six long days in the past.

I don't know when Heng Yuan woke up. She nervously asked Diao Si and the generals about their current situation, and began to think hard as she watched the enemy troops retreating towards the Hengyang Empire.

"Why are they going to the Hengyang Empire? They must have some intention, otherwise the Hengyang Empire will never let the troops of the Hengli Empire enter their country... "

Hengyuan's analysis attracted Diao Si's attention. Her analysis was very reasonable. It was indeed the case. Under what circumstances would another country's army be allowed to enter its own country like this? There must be some conspiracy between the Hengyang Empire and the Hengli Empire.

Then Diao Si quickly thought of something, and he became nervous, and quickly told Heng Yuan: "Their target is our imperial city. They want to attack our imperial city to force us to leave Hengyong Saint." Palace, now our imperial city and the rear are empty. "

This must be the case. In order to support the defense of the Everlasting Temple, the main forces of the Everlasting Empire have basically been transferred here. Now there is really an emptiness behind their imperial city.

"I also thought about it. It seems that we must be ruthless this time. Before we obtain the Eternal Temple and the Heart of Glory, we should leave the Imperial City and the rear behind..."

Hengyuan said that she had made up her mind, but Diao Si was not willing to do this, because on the one hand, his women were all in the Hengxi Empire Imperial City. If the Hengyang Empire and the Hengli Empire attacked the Hengxi Empire Imperial City, They will have serious life threats.

On the other hand, I don’t know whether this ghost legend occupying the Eternal Temple is true or false. If the Hengyang Empire and the Hengli Empire are still dissatisfied after seven days, it will be useless for them to continue to guard the Eternal Temple. Yes, we still have to face the threat of food shortage and no backup.

"Emperor, this won't work!" Thinking of this, Diao Si suddenly interrupted Heng Yuan: "Now our entire rear area has no ability to resist. If they take down our entire rear area, we will only be able to defend the Hengyong Temple. What’s the use?”

Hearing Diao Si's words, Hengyuan hesitated for a moment, but then said: "No, as long as we can guard the Eternal Temple for seven days, they will surrender to us, and the entire continent will be ours..."

"What if it's not? What if they don't surrender and continue to seize our Eternal Temple? Great Emperor, this is just a legend, which means it may be false."

Diao Si ignored Hengyuan and reminded her directly, so Hengyuan fell silent again, but after the silence she still insisted: "No, after our two armies join forces, this force is strong enough, they can't attack Get off us..."

"What if they get the cannons in our rear and use our guns against us? And after we lose our rear, our ammunition will soon run out, and we will even run out of food..."

Diao Si's repeated reminders made Heng Yuan angry again. She loudly accused Diao Si and said: "This is the best opportunity for our Hengxi Empire to occupy the Eternal Temple. Do you know how long we have been waiting for this moment? This is My mother's last wish before she died..."

As they talked, Hengyuan even broke down and lost control of her emotions, but Diao Si did not compromise because of this. They argued so much that the generals who were supposed to come over to report were so scared that they waited aside and dared not speak.

"Face the reality, will they really surrender to you if you keep it for seven days? This is just a proof of your strength, but if the entire Hengxi Empire is lost except for the Eternal Temple, they will Will I still surrender to you?"

Amid Diao Si's constant arguments, Heng Yuan finally fell silent, because what Diao Si said was very reasonable. If they lost the entire Heng Xi Empire's rear just for the sake of the Eternal Temple, they would have to face failure. .

"On the contrary, if we pursue the victory like this and eliminate all their main forces, then when we are truly invincible, the Eternal Temple can be occupied at any time as long as you want, Emperor."

After hearing what Diao Si said, Hengyuan let out a long sigh, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "I understand. Thank you for always opposing me so boldly. If it weren't for your opinions, I think I would have committed a crime." Made a lot of mistakes.”

"What does this mean? I am your man. I really hope that you can successfully become the Great Emperor of Hengyong and then officially become my woman..." Diao Si patted her shoulder after hearing this.

Hengyuan smiled knowingly after hearing this, and then ordered the generals who had been waiting on both sides to pack their bags immediately and prepare to leave the Eternal Temple.

Such Diao Si reminded her that there were still troops from the Henglong Empire waiting there. If they left like this, they might immediately occupy the Eternal Temple, so they had better seize this time and wait for it within seven days. We must attack back.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the Henglong Empire was still watching, Diao Si could have let Hengyuan stay here and let him lead the troops to pursue the enemy. But since they are here, if Heng Yuan is allowed to stay here with a small number of troops, they will definitely take advantage of it.

In order to catch up with the enemy as soon as possible, Diao Si also suggested that Hengyuan send her main army and artillery team to join the backup force first, while he stayed behind to take charge of the transfer of the wounded and logistics.

Now that Hengyuan had great trust in him, she was eager to come over to join forces and immediately led the large army to set off. Diao Si stayed there to pack things and transfer the wounded. This was mainly to send the seriously injured people who were difficult to move back to the imperial city.

When the logistics work there was almost done, Diao Si had a new idea. He could fly back to the imperial city first and then bring another army to deal with the invasion of the Hengyang Empire and the Hengli Empire.

The reason why he acted like this was because Diao Si was worried that Hengyuan's army would be ambushed by them when they pursued it into the Hengyang Empire. After all, it was the territory of the Hengyang Empire, and their army had the right time, place and people.

But he didn't tell Heng Yuan this idea, lest she think too much or even stop him out of worry, so after allocating all the logistics and other work to the generals, he first "escorted" the wounded back to the imperial city. went.

We are about to leave the Eternal Temple. There are corpses everywhere around here, but the Eternal Temple is still bathed in the light of the Eternal Sun, so sacred and peaceful.

Beautiful things are always accompanied by disasters and wars. This so-called refuge for living beings actually brings endless trauma to living beings. This is a irony.

Or maybe, the purpose of building a shelter like this by the so-called God of Life is not to protect the world of living beings at all. It should be said that it is just to protect some living beings. It is all the same as the Demon Emperor.

In this way, Diao Si quickly flew over Hengyuan's troops, and then he asked the Dragon Clan to fly over the Hengyang Empire. This was to grasp their strength and movements, so that Diao Si could deal with them more confidently.

After the previous war, the Hengyang Empire and the Hengli Empire suffered great damage, but perhaps because of their long-term war experience, they still marched in an orderly manner. This is still a powerful military force that cannot be ignored.

Diao Si had always hoped that there would be other ways to stop their war. This was not just to deal with the Demon Emperor. Who would want to watch his own kind kill themselves like this

Let's end it all as soon as possible. War and casualties are inevitable. Now Diao Si has no other options. He just hopes that all this can end as soon as possible and give humans some time to repair this wound before the demon army invades. (To be continued)