Alien Ruler

Chapter 514: The defeat of both countries


Just when Diao Si arrived and floated to Heng Yuan's side, preparing to use water magic to extend her life, he realized that she was not dead or seriously injured.

So, wasn't it Us who was defeated? Diao Si turned his head in disbelief. At this time, Wuscai fell down with blood spurting from his body, followed by the cheers of Heng Yuan's subordinates.

"Mother Queen, I have finally avenged you. Please rest in peace in the honor of Hengzhiri and the Hengxi Empire." Hengyuan raised her weapon towards Hengzhiri before she even bothered Diao Si.

Diao Si really couldn't believe that as a black warrior, Heng Yuan could actually defeat a fighter like Wus. It was very difficult for her to do so with her strength. How much determination and will this required.

Hengyuan will become the monarch of the Eternal Temple. She has such courage and strategy. The long-term melee in the northern land is about to end because of the emergence of leaders like Hengyuan.

According to what Heng Yuan said before, after the fall of Wus, the Hengli Empire should no longer have such a powerful leader who can stand alone, let alone a threat to the Heng Xi Empire.

"Emperor, they are about to break out!" A general said suddenly. Heng Yuan and Diao Si turned their heads. It turned out that the troops of the Hengli Empire broke through the siege on the other side and were escaping in the direction of the Everlasting Temple and the Henglong Empire. Woolen cloth.

The main reason is that Hengyuan's previous idea of encirclement was not ideal. They created such a large encirclement and spread their troops too thinly, making it easy for them to break through.

Although the Hengli Empire has suffered repeated defeats, they still have many powerful warriors among them. If they concentrate their forces in this way, it will naturally be more difficult to stop Hengyuan's scattered surrounding troops.

"Fire the cannons... Give the cannonballs to the Dragon Clan immediately. We have to stop the enemy in front!" Diao Si has already thought of an idea. He will seize this opportunity and continue to besiege the Hengli Empire's army and force their emperor to surrender. .

But the general in charge of the artillery told him tremblingly that they had run out of ammunition. Diao Si suddenly ran out of ideas like this. He couldn't risk letting the dragons fly low to fight hand-to-hand with those samurai enemies.

It's no wonder, because Heng Yuan has led them from the Eternal Temple to here, and has not replenished ammunition during this period. It is absolutely normal for them to run out of ammunition.

"We don't have to rush to intercept them. We should rush back to the Eternal Temple immediately!" After Heng Yuan gave this order, the generals who were preparing to pursue the enemy stopped and began to direct the transfer of the army.

Diao Si understood that the reason why Heng Yuan rushed to the Eternal Temple was not only to intercept the enemy, but more importantly, she was worried that the army of the Henglong Empire would take the opportunity to occupy the Eternal Temple. Occupying the Eternal Temple was also her ideal. .

"Has the Hengyang Empire's army retreated? Otherwise you wouldn't have appeared here." Heng Yuan said to Diao Si at this time.

Diao Si smiled after hearing this and responded: "They are heading towards the Henglong Empire. I wonder if the Henglong Empire will welcome them there."

"Sincerely, thank you for your hard work." Hengyuan suddenly said seriously to Diao Si, then looked at the body of Wus on the ground and her soldiers, and then continued: "I will lead them to continue to occupy Hengda." Eternal Temple, the affairs of the empire and the enemy-occupied areas will be left to you for the time being."

Hengyuan was eager to occupy the Eternal Temple, and Diao Si didn't know how to persuade her. Or, let her occupy the Eternal Temple, hoping that this can really bring an end to this thousand-year war.

"Then please be careful, Emperor. I will go find you after solving the problem here. You must take care of yourself, for the sake of the Hengxi Empire and for me."

Hengyuan was very happy to hear what Diao Si said, but she didn't want to stay any longer. She was about to move with the large army, and she was really nervous.

"Wait a minute, Emperor, your team should need some ammunition support, and you can leave the wounded behind..." Diao Si caught up and said, Heng Yuan was too anxious, and there were still many things that had not been dealt with here.

"I'd like to trouble you to deal with this first. I'm going to lead the vanguard. There is no ammunition now. Your artillery troops should stay here and deal with the problems left by the Hengli Empire and the Hengyang Empire together with you."

Hengyuan didn't even want to listen to Diao Si talking about such arrangements. Now she only had the Eternal Temple in her heart. Without saying anything else, Diao Si first arranged for the wounded and his artillery unit and treatment unit to deal with all the troubles left behind.

For the towns within the Hengli Empire, Diao Si still pursued the same policy as before for the Hengyang Empire, only seeking stability for the time being and being patient without resorting to force.

Although the main force of the Hengli Empire has withdrawn, there are still many guards in this town. If they conquer them one by one by force, not only will they waste manpower and material resources, but they may also suffer a lot of casualties.

It was also to prepare against the demon army in the future. Diao Si really didn't want to fight them anymore. Even if they stayed in the city and refused to surrender, the Hengli Empire no longer had the ability to compete with the Hengxi Empire.

After spending a lot of time, Diao Si sorted out the troublesome things here, so that when the soldiers were allowed to rest, he used refraction magic to observe the situation of the Hengyuan and Hengli Empire armies.

Hengyuan and the others were getting closer and closer to the Eternal Temple, but the army of the Hengli Empire did not move to the Eternal Temple, but moved in the direction of the Henglong Empire.

They had no choice but to do this because it was impossible for them to fight against Heng Yuan's army with their current strength. The Henglong Empire was their only choice.

And it is very likely that the Henglong Empire will accept them and form a new alliance with them, because now the Hengxi Empire is obviously the dominant one. If they want to continue to survive without surrendering to the Hengxi Empire, they can only unite. .

Thinking of this, Diao Si felt a little uneasy. Although Hengyuan could be said to have defeated Hengyang and the Hengli Empire, her Hengxi Empire's army also suffered certain losses.

On the contrary, the Henglong Empire, which has withdrawn from the scope of the Eternal Temple, is recharging its strength. They are now like the Hengxi Empire before, hiding in one side and letting other countries fight to the death, and finally emerge, they can It's easy to get this fisherman's advantage.

This is also a big problem. I only hope that Hengyuan can really hold on to these seven days, so that all the wars here will end and the entire Nima continent will be unified. That will be the best ending.

When taking the wounded back to the Imperial City of Hengxi Empire, Diao Si found that the place was quite chaotic. The soldiers who were keen on war kept shouting propaganda, and the wounded were lying on the square in front of the palace.

The stagnant production of workers and peasants due to the war has made people even more busy. Anti-war voices are still ringing, and various contradictions are brewing. If it hadn't been diverted by the war, the consequences would have been quite serious. Seriously.

However, these are not the only things that trouble Diao Si. There are also the Hengyang and Hengli empires that have withdrawn their armies. According to Hengyuan's previous ideas, to prevent them from coming back and to avoid unnecessary killings, they must send Troops went to both empires.

After the troops are stationed in this way, the territories of the two countries will be included in the Hengxi Empire, and then a new defense line will be established at the border. The Hengxi Empire will be able to slowly digest these two countries.

However, such integration still requires a process, and it is definitely a painful process. During this period, there will be many contradictions and conflicts, which also require careful thinking and methods to deal with them.

So for troublesome things like Diao Si, Hengyuan was relatively comfortable staying in the Everlasting Temple. Or maybe, the two of them worked together like this before. Hengyuan was responsible for fighting the enemies externally because of her strong martial arts skills, while Diao Si was responsible for internal management.

But things were not that simple yet. On the second day after Heng Yuan stayed at the Hengyong Temple and Diao Si was still dealing with so many complicated matters, she sent her generals back to the imperial city and asked Diao Si to bring Heng Xi to justice. The entire imperial city of the empire has also been moved to the Eternal Temple.

Her idea was a good one, so that they could stay in the Eternal Temple without any worries. But it was really hard for Diao Si to move the entire imperial city here like this, and he was almost fed up with it now. (To be continued)