Alien Ruler

Chapter 519: Peaceful days


After hard work and games, the Henglong Empire finally agreed to the Hengxi Empire's agreement to shelve the dispute, and then sent senior generals to the Everlasting Temple.

The agreement has been reached. It is said to be for the sake of all mankind and for peaceful development. The Hengxi Empire and the Henglong Empire have reached an armistice agreement. During the agreement, both sides can only station troops within the scope of the Everlasting Temple and are not allowed to enter. Half a step to the Eternal Temple.

Then the Henglong Empire first stationed troops there, and watched them retreat while receiving the food compensation from the Hengxi Empire.

Although this is an agreement based on overall considerations, the generals of the Hengxi Empire are not very supportive of this, and even express their individual unacceptable acceptance.

Of course, they are all powerful warriors. It would be shameful to retreat like this. How can they live up to their supreme sense of honor

On the contrary, the cannon fodder soldiers of the Henglong Empire were overjoyed after the generals' speeches. They took the food compensated by the Hengxi Empire and shouted excitedly, as if they had won a great victory.

Hengyuan also doesn't have a good attitude, but her character is such that since she has decided something, she will not regret or regret it at all. She is only thinking about the next plan now.

After returning to the imperial city, Hengyuan began to prepare again for the relocation of the imperial city while increasing her troop training and stocking up on guns and ammunition.

Diao Si still held her down, but he did not stop Heng Yuan from doing this. He just asked her to make a change and change the relocation of the imperial city to the establishment of a large military base near the Temple of Eternity.

According to their past habits, passing through the imperial city is the most important city in a country, so it is also the most important military base and the center of various systems. According to Diao Si's current idea of establishing a military base, that military base is actually the future imperial city.

After such a change, on the one hand, it will not cause conflicts among the people, and on the other hand, it will prevent the Henglong Empire from being too sensitive. It can be regarded as a way to kill two birds with one stone.

Diao Si focused on two steps of work. The first was to deal with the enemy and increase the investment of manpower and material resources in the spy team. The goal was to master the intelligence of the Henglong Empire while also controlling their public opinion to a certain extent.

Diao Si is already very experienced in this regard on Earth. He wants the people of the Henglong Empire to improve their thinking, and by comparing certain situations with the Hengxi Empire, some voices will be raised against Booker.

The Henglong Empire definitely has no experience in resisting this kind of situation. As long as Diao Si can do well, it will not be difficult to make them chaotic.

The second step of the work is internal. At present, this seems to be more important. Only by solving the internal problems of the Hengxi Empire can the people of the Henglong Empire be better compared.

This is not easy. Construction is always harder than destruction, but fortunately Diao Si already has some experience in this regard. The ideal thing is that he already has a complete management structure.

The biggest contradiction is still a problem of people's hearts. It is the habit of comparison between people, that is, a problem of balance. How easy is it to achieve balance in a land as big as the Hengxi Empire

Fortunately, Diao Si already has a federal system. Their respective managements are relatively independent, and they can learn and promote each other. If one of them has a big problem, they can rely on the others to stop it.

There is also the use of public opinion to control people's ideologies and direct their attention to areas that are conducive to stable development. This is very important.

Let’s start with the Henglong Empire. Diao Si wants the people of the Hengxi Empire to agree that Booker is a devil. She actually uses the people as human shields. If such a person rules the Nima Continent, all the people in the Hengxi Empire will be killed. Become a slave.

Under the guidance of such a threat to survival, people will not focus on the problems of the Hengxi Empire itself, which will naturally be conducive to the stability of the country.

The fundamental thing is to intensify development efforts. It is not difficult to develop such a backward world with Diao Si's experience, and his southern countries already have a certain foundation and experience.

Such a large land has certain advantages despite its many disadvantages. As long as there is sufficient transportation to promote exchanges between the north, south, and east and make the entire market come alive, it can promote great development.

Time flies very fast when you are busy. Because you deal with problems of one kind or another for a long time, Diao Si's enthusiasm for management is gradually fading.

But he can still think of a way. He is a person who likes to accept challenges. In this way, he constantly gives himself some small goals and feels the joy of success, which can be regarded as support.

What pleased him the most was his women, so when he was busy with the mechanical work, he would always think of his women. They were the only place where he could find fun.

During this period, Hengyuan often got very close to him, going to Diao Si's house many times, and once bumped into that girl Lei Ji.

In the final analysis, Hengyuan still couldn't accept that Diao Si had hidden so many women, but this problem was something Diao Si couldn't solve. He just hoped that after all this was over, he would retreat to the Elf Forest with his women.

Many days have passed in the blink of an eye. The new military base has basically been transferred, and Diao Si's foreign and domestic policies have begun to bear fruit. Now the problems within the Henglong Empire have begun to become more and more serious.

Of course, with their stubborn way of doing things and their secretive approach to doing things, how could they compete with the cunning professional team

When public complaints began to increase, Booker had to find a solution, so he quickly got a little information about Diao Si's espionage operations that infiltrated the Henglong Empire.

But so what? Diao Si's actions are technical. Your Henglong Empire itself has so many problems. Do you think it will be easy to extinguish the fuse after it is lit

So even though Booker was very anxious and did a lot of work, he still couldn't get rid of Diao Si's destruction. And because of the coercive policies adopted at the beginning, the problems of the Henglong Empire became more and more serious.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Booker certainly didn't understand this. Her smarter ideas were at least a few hundred years behind Diao Si's, so how could she possibly compete with Diao Si

Dogs can bite when they are anxious. What Diao Si could not have imagined was that when Booker suffered a severe head injury from him, he suddenly claimed to the people that it was because of the previous plunder and war against them by the Hengxi Empire. They are having such a hard time now, so they want to take revenge on the Hengxi Empire.

Booker is not just a fool. Her main basis is the large and fertile land of the original Hengyang Empire and the Hengli Empire, as well as the massive damage to their facilities and equipment caused by Diao Si's air raids on them.

Of course, there are a lot of exaggerations. Diao Si's air strikes only targeted their troops, but did not damage their facilities and equipment. Moreover, they did not have any advanced facilities and equipment at all.

After the news reached Hengyuan, she became nervous again, because the Hengxi Empire was now focusing on construction, and she was worried that the Henglong Empire would destroy their intensive construction work.

So Hengyuan immediately sent diplomats to the stationed positions of the Everlasting Dragon Empire around the Everlasting Temple to ask for dialogue with them, asking them if they were going to violate the agreement made with a sense of honor under the Everlasting Sun and start a war.

It took a tense period of time before I got a reply from the Henglong Empire. According to Booker, the message was that their revenge operation was against the Hengxi Empire and had no intention of marching to the Eternal Temple, so it did not count. Breach of Agreement.

They were still prepared, and the main content of the previous agreement was indeed aimed at the Eternal Temple rather than war, so it makes sense for them to say so.

Zhan Diao Si is not afraid, he just doesn't want to attack those who can only serve as cannon fodder, but if they really want to come, they must fight back.

It should also be said that the Hengxi Empire also needs the Henglong Empire to do something now, because there are already some academic intellectuals in the country making irresponsible remarks, saying that the cunning Booker Devil is not true. The people in the Henglong Empire are very Support her.

Then let these people get to know Booker and the troops of the Henglong Empire. Diao Si also greeted Zuo Rui first and asked him to pay close attention to this matter and appropriately vilify Booker and the Henglong Empire. (To be continued)