Alien Ruler

Chapter 52: Burn the enemy camp


Because Diao Si used fire attacks to burn their food and camps, the Imperial Army launched a general attack on Ruifeng City. Because they were eager to attack, they fell into Diao Si's chain of tactics again, and the troops broke into the second wall of Ruifeng City.

When the generals began to realize something was wrong, it was already too late. As the kerosene in the encirclement burned again, the imperial troops who rushed in were squeezed in and roasted alive.

The imperial troops behind were still squeezing in desperately. They could already see the light of the fire, but how could they know that there was a fire pit specifically designed to deal with them.

When the imperial army behind discovered the problem, the archers of Ruifeng City had already been deployed, and then the black arrows were overwhelming. Around the gap in the city wall, the corpses of the imperial army were even piled up. There are several layers.

The Imperial Army generals who were still fighting on the city wall stopped unconsciously, especially the Golden Light Warrior. Watching countless Imperial Army soldiers fall down screaming here, it was such a heroic scene.

"Retreat...all retreat!" She ordered as she jumped directly from the city wall, but the imperial troops behind were still pushing to come in. Their heads were so hot, how could they know the tragic situation ahead.

The golden light warrior even used his skills to drive them away, and they slowly calmed down, but no one of the imperial troops who had invaded had survived. She just stared at Diao Si who was still standing on the city wall watching the battle. She wished she could eat Diao Si alive.

"Stop shooting!" Diao Si was also moved by the corpses on the ground. Of course, this was not how he ordered to stop shooting. Because enough is enough. The Imperial Army lost 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers in this battle, plus the casualties in the burned camp, they had no reason to continue.

The rain gradually subsided, and the Imperial Army also retreated. There was still some barbecue-like aroma wafting in Ruifeng City. The fire in the second line of defense had not yet been burned out. Some of the Imperial Army were even burned to the color of black charcoal. Men and women Can't even recognize it.

"Stop looking, start building the city wall immediately. If the outer layer of the city wall is made of the best materials, then the materials from the second-tier city wall will be used inside. Also, by the way, move back all the materials that are pouring over there. They won't do it again. Close." Diao Si ordered and turned around to leave.

Diao Si wanted to forget it, but the scenes of those imperial soldiers screaming were still in his mind. It was so profound. In the past, it was normal to torture people in games, but the game was fake after all, and he had never seen such a scene of thousands of people dying tragically.

"Commander, where are you going?" The generals asked as they watched him leave in despair. But Diao Si only asked them to take care of the corpses and did not reveal his direction. He only passed by the crowd of people who were assisting in the battle.

He wanted to find a place to calm down, because he felt as if his hands were covered in blood. Is this the only way to force the Imperial Army to retreat by killing tens of thousands of soldiers? Calculating this, how many battles and bloody scenes will he have to go through before he can unify the Nima Continent

Unknowingly, Diao Si walked back to Kawa's residence, where there were more women who were not warriors. They all knew Diao Si now, and they all smiled and congratulated Diao Si on winning the battle and punishing the imperial invaders on behalf of the Sun of Light.

Only then did Kawa appear. She was happy and uneasy when she saw Diao Si. These people were arranged by Ka Zhu to take care of Kawa. Kawa was not having a good time during this period. Diao Si ordered those people to leave. He wanted to be quiet here.

"My dear, it's great. I can finally see you. I thought you didn't want me anymore..." Kava said sadly, hugging Diao Si tightly and kissing his face and body.

"Very good, dear, don't stop..." After being caressed by Kawa like this, Diao Si felt a little better again, as if he could leave the cruel battlefield behind.

Diao Si also hugged Kawa tightly, feeling her sexy body, and then tore her clothes apart like crazy. He even wanted to bite Kawa. I don't know if this is a kind of abnormality. He needs to vent a little to adjust to the brutality of the battlefield and the distortion of his mind.

"My dear, I want it, come on, satisfy me quickly, why do women have to let men do it..." Kava said, tightly wrapping around Diao Si, using her breasts and lips to stimulate Diao Si's desire. .

"I'm coming, ahhh..." Diao Si fucked hard and screamed wildly, with the bloody scenes in his mind again, as if the Kava under him with the sheets taut had become his enemy. Same…

I don't know how long it took, until he was exhausted and Diao Si collapsed. Only then did he realize that the Kava seemed to be frightened, and then burst into tears.

This is probably because she is sensitive. There is indeed something wrong with Diao Si's performance today. He is also very upset that he used Kawa as a tool, but he simply couldn't control himself just now.

"I'm sorry, dear..." Diao Si uttered such a sentence and didn't know what to say. He just hugged Kava's shoulders tightly.

It would be great if I could live a small life with Kava just here, but unfortunately there is no such option. Faced with such a fate, Diao Si couldn't even truly love the Kava in front of him. He still had too much way to go.

The dark clouds dispersed, and the sunlight penetrated the transparent ceiling of Kawa. It was still warm and made people unable to open their eyes.

"Are you leaving again?" Kava asked Diao Si immediately after seeing him get up.

Kava's half-naked body looked very charming. Diao Si smiled at her and responded: "Yes, dear, I'm going to the battlefield."

"Can't you stay a little longer?" Kava pouted and finished, then she thought of something and immediately added: "Can you just tell me when you can come back? What I fear most is aimlessly waiting... "

Diao Si sighed lightly and said, "I'll be back soon, I promise you." After that, he turned around and left.

He really wanted to stay a little longer, not only because he was nostalgic for Kawa, but also because he was tired of the battlefield, but Diao Si knew that the hotbed did not belong to him, and the battlefield was his destination.

There are already several generals waiting outside. They now understand Diao Si's temperament more and more, and they respect Diao Si more and more.

"Have the Imperial Army retreated?" Diao Si couldn't listen to their reports in turn and asked directly.

"No, they haven't retreated yet, but the camp has been moved to the back of a hillside... "

What? The Imperial Army still hasn’t retreated? Diao Si heard this and found it a bit difficult to accept, because even if the imperial army's food had not been burned out, there should be very little left, and now there was only such a small amount of troops left. Aren't they afraid that Ruifeng City would attack them

"Commander, the morale of the soldiers is now high. Please open the city gates and go out to fight to drive the imperial army out of our Ruifeng City territory..."

In fact, it was a good thing that these soldiers had such a request, which was to scare away the imperial troops, but Diao Si was afraid that they would rather die fighting than leave. This is meaningless. To deal with such a remnant and defeated general is to kill with abandon.

"No, wait a minute. Now send a few elite birdmen to the border to conduct reconnaissance. I believe that the Guangnan Empire has received a signal of support and may have sent a large army to rush over." Diao Si said this, the general Get the order and leave immediately.

The distance between the main city of Guangnan Empire and Ruifeng City is quite far, but since they sent troops to attack Ruifeng City, they must have thought about support and other situations, and they will not be slow to act if they are prepared.

It is difficult for the Imperial Army in Ruifeng City to support them until reinforcements arrive, so they should now be looking for food in nearby villages. It stands to reason that there are a lot of wounded soldiers in the imperial army. Their current actual combat strength is only about 20,000 to 30,000. Ruifeng City can completely annihilate them by sending troops.

But do we still want to take action to annihilate those imperial troops that have lost their ability to siege cities? Diao Si was a little conflicted. At least he didn't want to let Ruifeng City's troops leave the city until he knew about the Imperial Army's reinforcements.

The Guangnan Empire is a powerful country, and they will not abandon Ruifeng City just because of the loss of tens of thousands of soldiers. In this way, their emperor will be disgraced. So reinforcements would definitely come, but it was difficult for Diao Si to guess how many troops they would send to Ruifeng City.

In short, the battle will continue. According to the current situation, the Guangnan Empire and Ruifeng City must fight to the death before it ends. (To be continued)