Alien Ruler

Chapter 521: Open requirements


Under Diao Si's arrangement, such a show made Heng Yuan's image so good that even some generals of the Heng Long Empire were deeply moved and thanked her and left.

However, some generals still couldn't figure it out, because they realized that with their current combat power, they could directly counterattack the Henglong Empire and take the opportunity to eliminate them.

How could they understand that keeping the Henglong Empire would be of great benefit to the stability of the Hengxi Empire? If the Henglong Empire ceased to exist, where else could the conflicts be transferred

The publicity afterwards was more important. Taking advantage of the nation's state of rebirth after a disaster, Diao Si asked Heng Yuan to make high-profile appearances, such as visiting injured soldiers and inspecting facilities destroyed by the Henglong Empire's troops.

After such a short period of publicity, Heng Yuan did not believe that it would have such a good effect. Many people supported her very much and expressed that they would protect their emperor with their lives.

Now Hengyuan admired Diao Si even more, and gradually began to believe in his seemingly abnormal strategies. However, some senior generals around her who knew her began to feel confused.

After Diao Si received the news from the spy network, he and Heng Yuan were furious about the situation in the Henglong Empire, because Booker was trumpeting the victory of their recovery operation. The main reason was that they had been fighting Arrive at the imperial city of the Hengxi Empire.

Booker's reason for retreating like this was that he did not expect that all the people of the Hengxi Empire were soldiers. Their righteous soldiers could not bear to attack civilians, so they withdrew first.

Booker also said that they achieved a major victory in this battle and destroyed a large number of military facilities in the Hengxi Empire. It was clear that the guns and weapons of the Hengxi Empire were only used to scare people.

This made Hengyuan understand even more that the success or failure of a war is not important, the most important thing is how to package it, just like Booker can call a war in which wrong leadership led to a disastrous defeat a victory.

In fact, in the final analysis, those people are too stupid. If they are stupid, they can only continue to act as cannon fodder. This is also the law of nature.

This was not over yet. After the Henglong Empire had been at such a climax for several days, Booker asked Wu Mei to come over and talk to Hengyuan, asking them to release the generals who had been imprisoned after the Henglong Empire surrendered.

This was really funny. Diao Si responded by saying that they could agree to release some of their generals, but because the Henglong Empire invaded them and wreaked havoc on their military facilities, they must responsibly compensate for some losses.

Hearing that Diao Si also admitted such a loss, Wu Mei was happy, so she immediately asked someone to report the situation to Booker, and then responded to Diao Si, asking him what kind of compensation he needed from the Henglong Empire, and said that Booker She is very generous, and she will agree to the Hengxi Empire's reasonable compensation request.

Seeing her proud look, Diao Si felt disgusted, but without saying anything, he mentioned a little bit of land requirements. The reason why I want to ask for this little bit of land is because there are some mineral deposits there just now, and there are resources that Diao Si needs.

In addition, Diao Si also mentioned a proposal to open border cities for trade with the Henglong Empire. If Booker agrees, he can also provide some production and power technology to the Henglong Empire.

This is a good condition. Booker has always wanted to get the technology of Hengxi Empire's guns and cannons. During this period, many spies have been sent in to get it, but such sophisticated things cannot be completed in a short time.

As Diao Si wished, Booker agreed to the request, but she directly mentioned the need for Diao Si's ammunition manufacturing machine.

She thought simply, thinking that a machine could directly produce ammunition. This required a complicated process. Just the refining and processing of chemical raw materials would take them a lot of time to study, and the Henglong Empire did not have it. A fool would never be able to build such a sophisticated training institution such as an academy.

So Diao Si persuaded Heng Yuan to hand over some of their guns and ammunition directly to Wu Mei. Seeing these weapons, Wu Mei was simply elated, and Diao Si naturally agreed to all the conditions mentioned before.

They also thought that Diao Si opened those cities just to do business with them. After opening a door in this way, the comparative psychology of the people of the Henglong Empire would naturally allow those new ideas to invade. For such an uncivilized country, this is more difficult than invading by force. Even scarier.

Next, Diao Si gave tax-free special orders to those open cities, and asked Zuo Rui to put some advanced products and equipment there regardless of cost, and soon built up the economy there.

This, of course, greatly stimulated the people of the Henglong Empire. They soon realized that the living standards of the Hengxi Empire were like that, especially those who originally moved from the Hengyang Empire to the Henglong Empire and those who stayed in the Hengyang Empire. People's lives are much better than theirs, so Booker's propaganda lies cannot be concealed.

So Booker regretted it very much and made a fuss about those cities again and again, saying that the Hengxi Empire had plundered a large amount of their resources there and wanted to take the opportunity to close them off.

Diao Si was already prepared for this, and he used selling technology as an excuse, and repeatedly compromised to provide material aid to the Henglong Empire in order to keep those cities open.

Then Booker was still in one of the cities, using the excuse that the invasion of the Hengxi Empire caused a small war, and those cities had to be closed.

After knowing this news, the Hengxi Empire set off another wave of opposition to the Henglong Empire, because the Henglong Empire had performed many bad behaviors in that city for a long time and accumulated a certain amount of public resentment.

The Henglong Empire took the opportunity to stir up the matter even more, coming up with some so-called things to talk about, and even shouted that they would march to the Hengxi Empire again to take back the things that had been plundered.

In response to this, Hengyuan specifically approached Diao Si and asked him if he wanted to deploy a strategy for actions like the Henglong Empire. Diao Si shook his head after hearing this and asked her to calm down before analyzing the situation with her in detail.

Hengyuan still didn't see through it. How could Booker fight with the Hengxi Empire? If the Hengxi Empire gets serious about fighting like this, they will be doomed. It is not because of the damn internal conflicts that they are shouting for nothing. It is quite difficult for Booker to face such pressure.

This result directly caused Wu Mei to go to the border again and ask to talk to Diao Si. This time when Diao Si went to meet her, he unexpectedly found that there was a reporter holding a notebook beside Wu Mei.

The bastard Booker kept criticizing the Hengxi Empire while secretly learning from the Hengxi Empire. There was really nothing he could do against her. But since she wants to learn from the Hengxi Empire, it shows that she still wants to make progress, which is also a good thing for the Henglong Empire.

Now that all the reporters have followed, Diao Si's thoughts are different. He just learned from the spy network before that the Henglong Empire is also promoting him as a devil. Damn it, if it weren't for Diao Si's mercy, the Henglong Empire would have at least hundreds of thousands more deaths by now.

"Dear General Wu Mei, my old friend, I'm glad to see you. You have worked hard along the way..." Wu Mei was a little stunned by Diao Si's words. But to be honest, she was quite familiar with Diao Si. She was just worried that Diao Si's enthusiasm would lead to her being accused of treason.

"Thank you..." Wu Mei was a little flattered at first and wanted to say some kind words, but thinking of Booker's previous request for her gesture, she became serious: "Well, you should know what the purpose of my coming here is. Recently exist… "

Diao Si listened to her words carefully and then responded: "Yes, yes, we can consider compensation, but shutting down those cities will directly affect the interests of some of our companies and the people."

When Diao Si said this, Wu Mei couldn't understand, and asked: "Because it affects your company and the personal interests of the people, you have to compensate? I heard it right."

"Of course I heard you right. The national government serves the people. If it affects the interests of the people, our emperor will be scolded." Diao Si responded seriously.

Wu Mei couldn't believe it even more when she heard what he said, but seeing that the reporters around her were recording without saying anything, she continued to discuss compensation and reopening those cities with Diao Si.

Because of Diao Si's aid-style compensation, Wu Mei quickly agreed to his request. Then Diao Si shook hands with her cordially and talked about how she had contributed to the peace between the two countries. He also said that the next The Hengxi Empire is going to give him a peace award. (To be continued)