Alien Ruler

Chapter 522: The issue of establishing diplomatic relations


After such simple diplomacy, Diao Si entertained Wu Mei and her accompanying team and gave them some special gifts that were not available in the Henglong Empire.

But Wu Mei was worried about Diao Si's warm hospitality, because the Henglong Empire was still promoting its hostility to the Hengxi Empire, and it was not a good thing to be so close to the enemy.

After this incident was over, many generals questioned whether Diao Si was right or wrong in doing so, whether he agreed to the Henglong Empire's conditions or spoke so highly of Wu Mei.

These things are not difficult for Diao Si, but his real purpose cannot be easily revealed. It is of great benefit to have a good relationship with Wu Mei.

This time Wu Mei returned to the Henglong Empire and there was no problem because of the benefits she received. Instead, Booker established her as a positive figure and said how she had done a good job in diplomacy and thus won the respect of the enemy.

It was also because she got some obsolete items from the Hengxi Empire in exchange for this. Booker was very happy, so in the next period of time, she continued to write and act her own way to launch wars at several border locations.

After seeing many such situations, Hengyuan also saw clearly that the poorer and backward a country is, the more it likes to fight, and it should be said that they cannot do without war, as their internal conflicts are serious.

In this way, with a war every ten days, the Henglong Empire can always talk about the Hengxi Empire. Almost everyone dies and every rain has something to do with the Hengxi Empire, because they have advanced weapons and terrible weapons. The dark mage.

Diao Si also liked this, because the Hengxi Empire also kept them shouting there, always reminding their citizens of their attention, even if it slowly turned into a piece of shit, they just wanted to keep it.

However, because previous wars had resulted in a small number of casualties, some people began to propose the establishment of some weapons of mass destruction on the border defense lines to ensure homeland security. After being unable to resist the pressure, Hengyuan agreed.

In this way, it would be difficult for people from the Henglong Empire to come over and cause trouble again, so problems soon occurred. Because the people opposed Booker, Booker had to carry out an internal military suppression. It is conceivable that this Make Booker more embarrassed.

After this incident, Booker was even more panicked. Because of Diao Si's ideological invasion, the people of the Henglong Empire made rapid progress in thinking.

Because of the comparison with Henglong Empire, Hengxi Empire's sense of superiority and happiness skyrocketed, and more and more people supported Hengyuan and Diao Si.

But what gave Diao Si a headache was that when the Henglong Empire was not causing trouble, their conflicts increased again. Someone once mentioned that the current army was idle and had nothing to do, and asked to reduce the army.

It's not that Diao Si disapproved of cutting down the army, but it was just that if the cuts were suddenly made like this, what would happen to the soldiers who were dismissed? This is another time bomb.

What's even worse is that more and more voices are calling for Hengyuan to occupy the Eternal Temple or overthrow Booker's rule and achieve great unification. How can this work? If there is no Henglong Empire, how can we attract people's attention

However, after careful consideration, Diao Si suddenly figured out a problem. He could teach the Henglong Empire a new way to divert conflicts, which was to make a fuss about the Hengyong Temple.

So he then arranged for Hengyuan to appear near the Eternal Temple to stimulate Booker's nerves and induce her to do something.

Booker did not disappoint Diao Si. She quickly thought of something and led a large number of troops to the Eternal Temple. She still had to climb the mountain of the Eternal Temple.

This news excited Diao Si for a long time. He immediately asked Zuo Rui's team to make a fuss about the legend of the Eternal Temple, saying that if Booker occupied the Eternal Temple, they would become under Booker's rule in the future. slave.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar. People in the Hengxi Empire, especially in the southern states, continued to demonstrate, saying how they wanted to oppose this matter, and pointed the finger at Booker. Of course, there are people arranged by Zuo Rui in this parade.

After the Hengxi Empire became such a commotion, the news coming back from the Henglong Empire became even more noisy. Booker directly claimed that as long as they get the Eternal Temple, the rich land of the Hengxi Empire will be theirs, and their people can live a good life. Lived.

Is this also related to land? Is it a soil problem? But Diao Si is used to it. The Henglong Empire always has many innate bad factors.

However, Diao Si failed to completely control the Hengxi Empire's voice this time. The legend of the Eternal Temple gradually evolved into panic among the people, causing them to constantly petition and ask Hengyuan to occupy the Eternal Temple first... This is also progressive. The consequences.

It took Diao Si a while to come up with an idea, and then he vigorously announced to people that the Henglong Empire had developed a large number of weapons of mass destruction. If he fought with them now, it might bring very serious consequences to the Hengxi Empire. It would be better to resolve this crisis through negotiation.

Fortunately, we learned our lesson this time and guided the public opinion. Because we know the lethality of Diao Si’s guns and weapons, and know that Diao Si once technically supported the Henglong Empire, coupled with some created evidence, most of the people Still believe it.

This evolved and developed, and finally Diao Si responded to the request and sent an envoy to the Henglong Empire to negotiate with them. However, the Henglong Empire was accustomed to boycotting everything from the Hengxi Empire at this time, and they did not dare to agree immediately to Diao Si coming like this.

So Diao Si made an excuse, saying that he wanted to lead a team to learn one of their traditional activities from the Henglong Empire, hoping that a country as generous as the Henglong Empire would agree to accept it.

This trick really worked, Booker agreed and sent Wu Mei to the open city to receive Diao Si's team. In fact, any study or activity is just an excuse. At this time, the two countries really need to meet. This meeting is actually a negotiation on the crisis of the Eternal Temple.

But that damn Booker didn't show up because Diao Si was not the emperor. He just arranged for Wu Mei to come and talk to him. Diao Si has all the decision-making power in this negotiation, but Wu Mei has no decision-making power. Everything has to go through Booker, which is very boring.

However, it was rare that Booker could now allow enemies like them to enter the Henglong Empire. Diao Si did not ask too much, but was still thinking about how to better complete his mission this time.

After discussing the situation of the Eternal Temple continuing to shelve the dispute, Diao Si raised the topic of how to deepen friendship with Wu Mei as planned, such as allowing people from the Hengxi Empire and the Henglong Empire to do business and exchange with each other, and to provide some mutual assistance. Mutually beneficial activities.

Booker thought about Diao Si's request for a while, and then expressed that he could moderately allow non-warrior mages from the Hengxi Empire to the Henglong Empire, but before that, Diao Si had to agree to some conditions for their assistance.

This was nothing. Diao Si quickly mentioned that he would unconditionally build railways and other facilities for the Henglong Empire, but made it clear that given the current conditions of the Henglong Empire, it would be impossible to produce ammunition in a short time.

Diao Si knew that, in fact, the Henglong Empire had been using resources and other things to secretly exchange his guns and weapons. They could already imitate similar cannons, but they could not pass the ammunition test.

Agreeing to the unconditional construction of railways and other facilities was already a very good benefit, so in the end Booker agreed. The two countries began to establish diplomatic relations, and non-warrior mages from the Hengxi Empire could open factories and mines in the Henglong Empire.

Finally, in order to celebrate this diplomatic achievement, the Henglong Empire also hosted a banquet for Diao Si and his team. Unexpectedly, they ate quite a sumptuous meal. Diao Si had not had such a big meal for a long time, but they brought the drunken fruit that Diao Si hated so much.

And on such an occasion, if you refuse to eat, it may cause some diplomatic problems. You must know that this is the first time that the Hengxi Empire and the Henglong Empire have established diplomatic relations.

After Diao Si painfully ate a little, the people receiving the food from the Henglong Empire lined up to eat with him. These bastards must have been prepared, and they might even want to take the opportunity to trick him after getting drunk.

There was nothing more unlucky. Fortunately, Diao Si still had his magic. In order to complete this task, he used magic to support him until Wu Mei and the others were all drunk. (To be continued)