Alien Ruler

Chapter 523: Weapons of mass destruction


What I thought was a smooth negotiation turned out to be the most annoying outcome for Diao Si. Fortunately, at the cost of a little energy, Diao Si single-handedly singled out a dozen people from the Henglong Empire, and they quickly became drunk.

"Foreign Minister Diao Si, I really... really... really don't understand why your Hengxi Empire is willing to spend so much material to assist us in order to establish this diplomacy. They all say you are stupid."

Wumei told Diao Si the truth like this after she was drunk. This could be regarded as Diao Si's reward for eating so many drunken fruits in pain, so he immediately went over and put his arm on Wumei's shoulder to talk to her.

"Develop together? Times have changed. In the end, no matter who wins or loses, we will be one family. Let's keep a line now so we can meet each other in the future." Diao Si said, thinking about how to get some useful information from Wu Mei. .

"Hahaha, you are right, very right... But there is another thing that I can't figure out the most... most... that is that your country is so big, especially the Sabei Desert, where there are tons of mineral resources. Why do you want us to develop it for you if you don’t want to develop it yourself?”

Unexpectedly, there were quite a lot of things that this idiot couldn't figure out. Diao Sizhen wanted to tell her loudly, of course, you should develop other people's resources first. In this way, if you use up other people's resources, you will still have your own. If you use up your own resources first, you will have to ask for help. Someone else.

But he did not waste time and indirectly inquired about some important military situations of the Henglong Empire. It took a while to finally get some important news, that is, some spies arranged by the Hengxi Empire to the Henglong Empire had rebelled and surrendered to the enemy.

But when Diao Si continued to ask about Booker, Emperor Hengyang, and Wu Nu, the former Emperor of Hengli Empire, Wu Mei had already fallen asleep. Diao Si originally planned to use psychedelic magic to get more information from her, but he gave up because he was worried that being discovered would affect the mission of establishing diplomatic relations.

After lying down for a while, Diao Si woke up and heard Wu Mei say that there were some patriotic young people in the Henglong Empire who wanted to meet Diao Si and the others. This must be Booker's conspiracy again. Any patriotic young man treats Diao Si as a three-year-old child.

So Diao Si refused the request and led his team to leave on the grounds that he was feeling unwell after eating too much. After all, this was Booker's territory, and Diao Si was still worried about what purpose she might use.

After returning to the Hengxi Empire, Diao Si first immediately released the message to the spy network, informing everyone that someone in the network might have rebelled, and asking them to be more vigilant.

Because the team is so large, it is not surprising that some people rebel and engage in mission-impossible missions. However, if such a small number of people rebel, it is likely to involve a large group of people. It is not Diao Si's turn to be nervous.

Moreover, there is a certain danger in continuing to release information to the spy network, because Diao Si has no way of knowing who is rebelling, but other than that, he doesn't know what other ideas he can have.

Unless, starting from the agreement just reached with the Henglong Empire, let the company that is going to be arranged there find a way to receive the spies there, and then properly protect them.

But this is also a problem. The factories and mines arranged by the Hengxi Empire will definitely be strictly monitored by the Henglong Empire. It is not easy for them to do this. If not, they will have to watch the spies sacrifice themselves.

Then Diao Si held a meeting with the bosses of some large domestic companies. When he first mentioned setting up factories in the Henglong Empire, almost everyone said they could not accept it because the system of the Henglong Empire was too dangerous. They worry that something could happen at any time there.

In this way, Diao Si told them that in fact, they did not need to be there for a long time. They only needed to train some indigenous managers there and then let them handle daily affairs.

However, this statement was still not accepted by too many people. Diao Si had no choice but to talk to them in detail about some business theories that he had not been exposed to for a long time, so that the bosses would know how much money they could get in the Henglong Empire. remaining value.

First of all, the Henglong Empire does not have a perfect tax system. They can easily escape a large amount of taxes. Then, the wages are ten times lower than the Hengxi Empire, and there is almost no money for raw materials and various consumption. They even fight with the relevant nobles. Once you have a good relationship, you can enjoy privileges that the Hengxi Empire does not have...

After hearing Diao Si's analysis, the bosses quickly started talking. Of course, with so many good reasons, who would be a fool not to go

Then Diao Sicai told them that they should abide by the rules of the Hengxi Empire to make money in the Henglong Empire, because it would affect the Hengxi Empire's face, and asked them to treat the local people even better than the people of the Hengxi Empire. Always pay attention to the image of the Hengxi Empire.

This meeting broke Diao Si's original plan and lasted for a relatively long time. But this is of some value. Diao Si also received some suggestions from the bosses, and the entire work has been basically arranged and completed.

When the bosses were crossing the border with the railway engineering staff, Diao Si even went to see them off with a large amount of equipment. Wu Mei over there is also giving warm hospitality. This time some people from the original Hengyang and Hengli empires came. This can be regarded as a kind of cordial reception.

But the good times didn't last long. After getting this matter sorted, Diao Si soon received news from the spy network. This time, something happened to Ding Lei as the leader, and she had been arrested by Booker.

After this incident was exaggerated, the hostility of the people of the Henglong Empire suddenly rose again, even forcing the engineering teams and factories to be greatly affected and suspend work one after another.

Then this incident also made the citizens of the Hengxi Empire excited, but because of the good guidance, they were mainly concerned about the safety of the engineering team and staff in the Henglong Empire.

The direct result of this is that Booker's image continues to be vilified, and people even bring up many of her past problems to talk about, including some things that are not actually true.

Generally speaking, it was somewhat beneficial to make a fuss like this, but Diao Si had to rush to the Henglong Empire again to find a way to meet with the idiot Wu Mei and negotiate a solution.

Of course, Diao Si's focus was not on the engineering team and staff, but on the imprisoned Ding Lei and some important intelligence personnel. Booker's first reaction was a clear rejection of his request.

This cannot be blamed on Booker, because the spies had great damage and influence on them. She wanted to cut these people into pieces, so how could she be willing to return them to Diao Si's hands.

Before Ding Lei's accident, she was a senior management official in the Henglong Empire. Because of her identity as a fugitive official from the Hengxue Empire and her past performances of hating the Hengxi Empire, she had been highly praised by Booker.

But Diao Si could not watch those who had taken risks to do things for him end up being executed or imprisoned for life, so he asked to meet Booker and promised to pay a certain price for these spies.

Wu Mei had some real feelings for Diao Si, but after she reported many times, Booker was still unwilling to meet Diao Si. In desperation, Diao Si had no choice but to force himself, and he immediately drifted past the guards and left.

It was not difficult to find Booker with Diao Si's ability, but his behavior soon caused chaos in the imperial city of the Henglong Empire. When he rushed to the palace, he saw the man who was having fun with more than a dozen men. When Booker arrived, he was surrounded by dozens of warrior generals.

Diao Si has seen this scene many times before, he is not afraid at all, and he can escape no matter how dangerous it is. But Booker was different. She was suddenly seen by the guards like this, and she didn't know where to put her face.

"It turns out that the emperor is busy with such things. No wonder he doesn't have time to meet with me. I'm sorry for offending." Seeing the awkward looks of the generals and Booker, Diao Si spoke first.

"Go away..." Booker shouted in anger, and the naked men ran away. The warriors over there also wanted to leave, because they didn't know that Booker's package did not include them.

"Your Hengxi Empire has gone too far. Breaking into the palace of our Henglong Empire like this, how is this different from invasion!" Booker's first sentence said that Diao Si invaded. It seems that Diao Si is going to convince today. She is also quite difficult, and may even cause a serious diplomatic crisis. (To be continued)