Alien Ruler

Chapter 524: Diplomatic crisis


Suddenly he broke into Booker's palace in the Henglong Empire, but with a group of warriors, he saw Booker doing indecent things. Only then did Diao Si realize the serious consequences that his intrusion might bring.

But having reached this point, he could only continue. He had to find a way to save Ding Lei and the others. Although Diao Si had already explained when he sent them to the Henglong Empire that he might not be able to save them if something went wrong, how could his conscience be at ease like this

"Yes, I broke into the palace of the Henglong Empire and encountered some wonderful moments. But I came here to solve the current crisis between the two countries. I hope you will listen to my words first before making a judgment. "

After Diao Si said this, he waved his hand, and some chairs and tables nearby flew over and blocked Booker's front. His action also made the warriors nervous. They thought Diao Siwei was taking the opportunity to attack Booker.

This simple action still won Booker's favor. Although everyone here except Diao Si was a woman, it didn't look good to have her naked in front of these warriors like this.

"Aren't we enemies? What else is there to talk about between us!" Booker said while adjusting his clothes and armor. Although her attitude was not good, she was willing to respond like this, and Diao Si had a chance.

"Wrong..." Diao Si said, took two steps closer to Booker, and then used those barriers to block the warriors outside, and then added in a low voice: "My great emperor, we should have a cooperative relationship, and the people will is our real enemy."

Of course Booker couldn't react when he heard Diao Si's novel words, and asked again: "What are you talking about? What can we do to cooperate? Have we ever cooperated before?"

Diao Si smiled after hearing this, and then responded: "Then Emperor, think about it, when did we threaten your rule? We have never affected your rule. On the contrary, if it weren't for us, your rule might not be stable. You are here. But your people are not easy to deal with. They will kick you out at any time."

"What nonsense are you talking about? If it weren't for your instigation, my people would be like this?" Booker retorted, still not understanding.

Diao Si smiled again after hearing this, and then explained: "You are right, but we have no choice but to make fun of you. You have to know how difficult it is for us to manage such a large country."

"What does it matter to me how you manage your country? If you do this to my country, you are my enemy! And today you broke into my palace like this. Do you still want to start a war?"

Seeing Booker's tough attitude, Diao Si had to change the way of talking: "To be honest, we are never afraid of war. It will only take us a few hours to level the Henglong Empire, so we don't take you seriously at all." , we are only afraid of the masters of our own homes.”

What Diao Si said was true. Even though Booker was tough, he still knew this. Especially after this period of ideological invasion, how could the Henglong Empire be able to stop the Hengxi Empire.

"Do you think we are really afraid of your guns and weapons? We just don't want to see tens of millions of people sacrifice for the country... What do you want? Let us send your engineering team back?"

After hearing what Booker said, Diao Si adjusted slightly before replying: "Yes, none of us want war. This is a new era of peace. War is a primitive and barbaric act..."

"Do you want us to release your spies?" After listening to Diao Si's words, Booker finally thought of something and asked.

"The Emperor is indeed wise. To be honest, those people are all citizens of the Hengxi Empire, so we have the obligation to protect their personal rights. I hope the Emperor will agree to return them to us..."

When Diao Si said this, Booker interrupted in confusion: "You mean you will go to war with us for these spies? Is this the idea of your self-proclaimed advanced Hengxi Empire? How ridiculous! "

"Your Majesty, you guessed it right again. Yes, the purpose of our national power and the entire military system is to protect our citizens and protect their personal rights, so..."

Booker couldn't help laughing when she heard what Diao Si said. Diao Si's remarks seemed really problematic to her. After laughing, she responded: "But they stole our information and hurt me." For the benefit of the Henglong Empire, do you think I might let them go?"

After hearing this, Diao Si said: "No transaction is impossible, but they have been arrested by you for a while, and all those who should be interrogated have been completed. They have no value to you anymore, right? Why not sell them at a price?" Let’s forget it.”

"Sell it to you at a price?" Booker laughed again after hearing this, which made the warriors outside a little confused. How could they know that the enemy Diao Si would make Booker so happy when he broke in.

"Yes, we can even consider using guns and weapons to trade with you, we just need you to set a price!" Diao Si said seriously, and Booker hesitated after hearing this.

This is a huge benefit to Booker. She has always wanted to have such powerful guns and weapons like the Hengxi Empire. This is a permanent pain in her heart.

"Okay, but we don't need your weapon entities. We want you to exchange them with technicians, one for one. Can you agree?" Booker is not stupid. What she wants is long-term development.

Diao Si smiled and responded, "Of course that's possible, but you may not know, Emperor, that if we only give you a group of technicians, it will take you at least two or three years to produce the first batch of ammunition. …”

"Do you have a better idea? Let's talk about it first." Booker had already worked hard on this, so she believed what Diao Si said, so she asked again.

"Well, let me think about it first. There are good mineral resources here in the Henglong Empire. We can open some chemical factories here to specialize in producing some explosive materials. This will also make it easier for our railways to pass through mountains and flat hills..."

Diao Si said this suggestively, and Booker quickly thought of something, so he responded: "If it is true as you said, after we obtain the relevant technology, we will take these spies..."

"That won't work..." What if Booker retorts after the technology is sent out? Diao Si was not willing to engage in such a loss-making business. He continued, "Let's divide the technology into two parts. After completing the first part, you release them, and then we will give you the technology of the second part."

After hearing Diao Si's suggestion, Booker hesitated for a while, and finally agreed: "Okay, then we will testify with our perseverance and sense of honor..."

"It's settled. So Emperor, how should I leave now? Should I let your people arrest and escort them out, or should I be subdued by you personally?" Diao was too thoughtful. After all, he had broken into Henglong now. What about the palace of the empire

After hearing his suggestion, Booker thought of something, and asked in disbelief: "You are willing to be arrested by us in such a humiliating way? Then how can we let you go?"

"The Henglong Empire has the magnanimity of a big country. What's more, the two countries are fighting without killing each other... The emperor wants to know who is our enemy. There are still many things for us to cooperate with in the future."

Diao Si laughed after saying this, and Booker also laughed coldly after hearing this. She seemed to have figured out a lot at once.

After leaving the Henglong Empire, Diao Si hurriedly went back to report the situation to Hengyuan. However, when Hengyuan heard that he was going to pass on the blasting technology to the Henglong Empire, she immediately expressed her shock and unacceptable.

It took Diao Si a while to use the weapons of mass destruction they had boasted about before and the fact that the Henglong Empire had been intent on stealing their technology to convince Hengyuan and let her accept this fact. Sooner or later, the Henglong Empire would Will master such technology.

Then Hengyuan mentioned some of the problems between them to Diao Si, saying that she was now like Diao Si's puppet, and that Diao Si was actually in charge of many important things.

This is a sensitive issue, but since Heng Yuan told him this, it means that there is still no problem in their relationship. In this regard, Diao Si used the reason that Heng Yuan controlled the three armies, indicating that she did not need to worry at all. He could be kicked out of power by her at any time.

At the same time, Diao Si also promised Heng Yuan that he would retire and leave after defeating the demon army, and it would be best if he would never have to deal with these troublesome things. (To be continued)