Alien Ruler

Chapter 525: Darkness returns


Things were going quite smoothly. After the chemical plants were built, the Henglong Empire secretly released the spies from the Hengxi Empire.

When they returned to the Hengxi Empire, Ding Lei and the others couldn't believe how Diao Si allowed the enemy to hand them over in person under such circumstances.

Then the Hengxi Empire's media began to expose a lot of the Henglong Empire's development of guns and weapons, which even caused people on the border to move out of fear, and gradually some people went to demonstrate.

The Henglong Empire over there vigorously preached that they had finally mastered gun technology through self-reliance and hard work, and would soon be able to catch up with the Hengxi Empire in terms of advanced weapons.

Because of such successful "cooperation", there were more and more exchanges and contacts between the two countries. In the end, Hengyuan and Booker had a summit meeting at the border and vowed to work for the peaceful development of the two countries.

Of course, this was all due to Diao Si's behind-the-scenes operations. Everything was under his control. He gradually became acquainted with Booker. Many times when he visited, Booker would receive him in person.

However, the dark power of the Demon Emperor still broke the peace of the living world. Ouyun and those Zarkon monsters south of the Blazing Empire came out to cause trouble again. Fortunately, due to developed transportation and appropriate protective measures, they did not cause much damage to southern countries. However, some of Hengyuan's people-friendly plans to southern countries had to be cancelled.

Originally, Diao Si planned to go there in person to quell the chaos, but he didn't expect that just when he was about to fly, Hao He sent word that Ou Yun and its dark power had been repelled by them.

Diao Si didn't pay too much attention to this and continued to be busy with his development plan and continued to delve deeper into the industry.

But very suddenly, news came that something happened in the imperial city. Some soldiers suddenly went crazy and attacked others, and there was a sudden fire.

The generals didn't know what was going on yet. Only those who had come into contact with Diao Si from the Blazing Empire knew that it was the dark power of that old witch Ou Yun.

Ou Yun actually came to the north. This must be for Diao Si. So the previous defeat in the south was not due to Hao He's success, but because Ou Yun could not find Diao Si, so he disappeared and left.

Diao Si's first reaction was to think of his women. Ou Yun also tried to attack them last time, but failed and only killed Ou Feng.

Now that Diao Si's women are stronger than before, they shouldn't be afraid of Ou Yun anymore. But the problem is that Ou Yun has also disappeared for a long time. Maybe she has also made great progress.

After handing over all the work, Diao Si rushed back to his residence, where he immediately found Xiaoyan and Eve. Because they were a little different from normal humans, they usually hid at home.

Then Diao Si asked them to go find Ouya and Kawa together, and he went separately to find three warriors, Lei Ji, Lafite and Hao Qi. Diao Si was most worried about these warriors, especially Lafite, because she was still I have never had any contact with Ou Yun.

And the most terrifying thing about Ou Yun is the powerful mental magic. Mages are somewhat resistant to magic like hers, but warriors are not.

Fortunately, Diao Si found them quickly, and immediately took them to meet Xiaoyan and the others, but a fire suddenly broke out in the building next to them.

Originally, Diao Si wanted to help put out the fire first, because he had powerful water magic and it was very easy to put out the fire. But after thinking that this might be Ou Yunsheng's idea, he rushed back without caring about anything.

"Zhaken... Zhaken..." But it's not that simple. A group of Zhaken monsters have been guarding Diao Si's residence. It is estimated that Ou Yun is really going to attack his woman.

After a series of freezing spells, the Zarkon monsters turned into a lot of stone statues. Then when Lei Ji and the others started to kill these monsters, Diao Si rushed back home.

"Hahaha... Zakken's enemy, you have fallen into the trap, you have fallen into the trap..." However, there is only one Zakken magic in the residence, and Xiaoyan and the others have not returned at all.

"Where is Ou Yun? What does she want?" Diao Si asked the Zhaken monster after surrounding it with an ice formation.

But it didn't work. These Zarkon monsters only summoned the undead, and they were not afraid of death. In desperation, Diao Si killed it and floated above his residence.

He used refraction magic to observe while flying around to search, but he didn't dare to leave Lafite and the others too far. He didn't lead them over until he sensed Eve approaching.

At this time, the imperial city was in chaos, and many places were burned. The soldiers and mages were fighting against the Zarkon magic.

"Eve..." Diao Si said this, and Xiaoyan who was next to Eve immediately flew over and told him: "Sister Ouya is missing, we can't find sister Ouya!"

Ou Yun, the witch, turned out to attack Ou Ya, who had no force or magic. Diao Si regretted it now. He should have protected Ou Ya first.

"Ou Yun, where are you...get out of here!" Diao Si roared loudly, then floated to the nearby building, and then searched in the sea of fire.

I sensed it, it’s the gathering point of darkness! Diao Si had a certain sensitivity towards dark elves, so he left a message asking Xiaoyan and the others to stay there and wait for him before drifting away.

Xiaoyan and the others now have a certain fighting capacity. If they are separated, they may not be able to defeat Zarkon's magic, but if they are together, there should be no danger.

"Ou Yun, you must not hurt Ou Ya, or I will never let you go even if I die!" Diao Si shouted loudly as he flew over.

"Hahaha... I really hope you won't let me go. Do you know how lonely I am now?" Ouyun finally appeared, but Diao Si could not find Ouya yet.

Diao Si could sense that Ou Yun was different now from before. Her dark power was extremely powerful, which he had never sensed before.

"Ouyun, I know this is my fault, and I also know that you are lonely, but now is not the time. I promise that my spirit will live with you until the day I die, okay? Stop being a demon emperor. The puppet..."

Diao Si persuaded me like this for a while, and Ou Yun slowly recovered a little bit of her human form, and then responded: "I don't allow you to say anything wrong about the Demon Emperor. It never asked me to do anything, it just gave me the strength to do it." Looking for revenge on you..."

"Idiot, you just don't know that you have been used by the Demon Emperor. It is because you have hatred in your heart and because you want to take revenge on the world of creatures that it chose you..."

Diao Si continued to persuade and did not give up, because now Ouyun was willing to talk to him, so that he could work hard. At least he still understood Ouyun quite well.

"No... Even if this is use, it's just mutual use. You should thank the Demon Emperor with me. If it weren't for the Demon Emperor, I wouldn't be able to see you again today. The Demon Emperor said that as long as I can kill you , you will never leave me!"

It was really difficult to convince Ou Yun, because she had serious psychological problems even when she was alive. How could she accept Diao Si's words now

Diao Si wanted to say something, to let Ou Yun let Ou Ya go, but then he realized that the light there suddenly dimmed, and the whole space seemed to have opened a black hole.

"Boom..." The dark elves actually gathered together and exploded. Such an explosion had no physical impact at all, but it did great harm to the spiritual bodies of living creatures.

Fortunately, Diao Si was protected by his holy armor of light and was protected from such harm. However, after being attacked like this, he found that even his resistance to dark magic had suddenly decreased.

"Ou Yun, don't force me to take action! I am no longer the same as before, and I will destroy your spirit!" Diao Si warned loudly, but Ou Yun had no intention of stopping, and the surrounding area quickly It became dark.

Only then did Diao Si feel that Ou Yun's power was completely different from before. She could even control the entire space and trap Diao Si.

There was no other way, it was time to get rid of the cancer that was Ou Yun. Although Diao Si had always felt guilty about her, he had to do this in order to protect his women. There should have been a resolution between him and Ou Yun long ago. (To be continued)