Alien Ruler

Chapter 528: The final stage


In order to prevent the color signal of the Temple of Eternity from causing reactions from Hengxi and Henglong, Diao Si used his refraction magic to change the color signal. In the process, he accidentally discovered the secrets of the color signal magic. .

After being so addicted, he lost track of time, but judging from the signal information, it seemed that it had reached the final stage, which was the last day.

Originally, Diao Si thought he could occupy the Eternal Temple so easily, but he did not expect that after entering the final stage, the Eternal Temple would shake violently.

Regardless of what the troops of the two countries stationed around thought, Diao Si first discovered that the difficulty of understanding the information in this final stage suddenly increased. There was a very special message being conveyed, but it was not easy to accept.

After the earthquake stopped for a while, it was followed by more violent shaking. Diao Si could even see cracks on the mountain. But because he was distracted in this way, he missed some important information, so he didn't care about anything outside.

The information conveyed by the Eternal Temple became more and more complex and colorful. Diao Si tightly integrated himself into the information world and began to understand these in-depth contents.

However, the influence from the outside world became more and more serious. When he came to his senses and returned to the material world, he could not believe it, because the Eternal Temple, which was always bathed in sunlight, suddenly became dark.

What's going on! Diao Sicai raised his head to observe and found that the Eternal Sun had actually dimmed and disappeared, while the Blazing Sun on the other side gradually became brighter.

Is it a solar eclipse? Diao Si reacted. Although this was a normal astronomical phenomenon, Diao Si had never encountered it once since he came to this world. How could he encounter it by such a coincidence today

The earthquake was still continuing, but it was not as strong as before. The armies of the two surrounding countries once again rushed to the foot of the mountain.

Only then did Diao Si realize that it was because of the eclipse of the Eternal Sun that the place became dark, making it difficult to cover up the color signals on the Eternal Temple, so it was discovered by the armies of the two countries.

Under such circumstances, it was too difficult for Diao Siwei to control the signal, and the armies of both countries probably would not believe it, so he had no choice but to continue to persist until the seven-day long process was over.

"Attack..." Seeing the armies of the two countries beginning to attack, it was difficult for Diao Si to stay there. In fact, he really wanted to finish reading the content conveyed by the Eternal Temple. He still had some unanswered questions. Lose.

But the armies of both countries were swarming up. If Diao Si didn't stop him, I wonder if he would be the only one to get the light of glory when it appeared.

After Diao Si's refraction magic stopped, the gorgeous refraction effect over the Eternal Temple immediately lit up a large area. It was like a gorgeous aurora. Especially during such a gloomy solar eclipse, it is estimated that You can also see it in the Imperial City of Hengxi Empire.

After seeing this almost terrifying scene, the armies of the two countries were frightened at first. Then there was a sudden strong wind, dark clouds began to gather, and the surrounding weather began to change drastically.

There is actually no other reason for the change in weather, mainly the long-term solar eclipse. Because this place is far away from the blazing sun, most of the temperature comes from the direct sunlight of the permanent sun. After the permanent sun does not shine here, , the temperature will drop by several degrees Celsius every period of time, and the sharp contraction of the air will naturally cause sudden changes in the weather.

"The Eternal Temple is about to be occupied, rush..." Someone started shouting, and some soldiers started shouting to rush in. The people from the Hengxi Empire and the Henglong Empire who were approaching started fighting first.

"The Heart of Glory is about to appear!" As such a cry rang out, some warrior generals rushed into the outer wall of the Eternal Temple.

Although Diao Si was in the central hall of the Eternal Temple with holes in the ceiling, due to the progress in magic in the past few days, he could now know the situation within a certain range around him without using refraction.

The generals started fighting immediately after entering the outermost city wall. This time the battle was not only between the two countries, but even those in the same formation would attack each other.

This is all caused by the legend of the Eternal Temple, because the so-called rule of the entire continent by guarding the Eternal Temple for seven days is because of the legendary heart of glory.

Originally this was only passed down from mother to daughter by some rulers, but it has long been lost due to too long a period of time, and many senior generals also know this legend.

If it was only the first day, they would not dare to snatch the Heart of Glory like this anyway, but judging from the color signal of the Eternal Temple, they knew that it was already the final stage, and Hengyuan and Booker might still be there. Don't know yet.

In fact, everyone wants to be a king or a ruler, and everyone wants to have the power to do whatever they want. If it weren't for Hengyuan and Booker who were so powerful, who would be willing to bow down to them

The war quickly spread, from the outermost city wall to the second city wall, and the battle between the two countries turned into a melee. Some warrior generals used their powerful skills to attack each other.

Diao Si stood quietly inside, feeling how these people were fighting for the so-called ideal and actual desire for power. He seemed to understand another deeper message conveyed by the Eternal Temple.

All living beings exist for desire. If living beings cannot be controlled, they do have very terrifying destructive capabilities. Just like the germs on people are small, it is not difficult to kill them.

The existence of the Eternal Temple not only inhibits the development of the living world, but also protects the non-living world. And it should be said that this suppression of the living world is also due to the protection of the living world, because the power of living beings is too great, but the corresponding control power is not enough.

Therefore, the living world can easily self-destruct in the end, just like the current war that never stops. The constant casualties have not made humans reflect. If this continues, it will even destroy the world.

"The emperor's army is rushing over. The emperor is coming over..." After such a voice suddenly sounded outside, the fighting inside slowly stopped. The warriors in the same formation who were fighting seemed to realize at this time. Yes, it was her comrade who was beaten just now.

After all, an emperor still has a certain influence, the reason is just that the weak eat the strong. They usually have the status of fighters and strong fighting power.

As a result, the previously chaotic battlefield gradually stabilized, but the fighting did not stop. As the sound of gunfire rang out, the two lineups of Hengxi and Henglong Empire were already facing each other.

"Dang Dang... Cang Qiang... Uh ah..." All kinds of sounds were heard endlessly. Just after killing an enemy, he was killed by another enemy. Those warriors and even powerful samurai also gradually lost their strength in this kind of fighting. of falling.

Time continued to pass, and the killing never stopped, but Diao Si stood quietly like that. He didn't even go over to help the Hengxi Empire army, just feeling how they went from advantage to disadvantage, and then regained the advantage.

While fighting, the soldiers also advanced step by step towards the central hall of the Eternal Temple. They had passed the second city wall and came to the innermost wall, where they continued to fight.

"Great Emperor... Great Emperor..." It was Booker and the others who arrived first. Unexpectedly, Heng Yuan, who could use the help of the Dragon Clan, let them arrive before they arrived. This may be because Heng Yuan knew Diao Si was here and was afraid that she would affect Diao Si after arriving here. Thinking plan.

But Hengyuan made the wrong move. The fact that Booker and the others were able to appear in the Eternal Temple so quickly showed that they had always had such a plan. But there is no point thinking about it now. Even if Heng Yuan arrives, she may not be able to stop them in time.

Just when Diao Si was thinking about how to face such two powerful fighters and many powerful warriors, he unexpectedly learned that Hengyang Emperor Jin Zhao suddenly betrayed Booker and asked Hengli Emperor Wu Nu to deal with her together.

They really all have their own agendas. Unexpectedly, when they finally came to the Eternal Temple, these former partners would immediately turn against each other. In the final analysis, it was the desire that caused the trouble.

But this is a good thing for Diao Si. I just hope that they will not be able to tell the winner so easily. As long as some time passes, Diao Si will completely occupy the Eternal Temple, and then the light of glory will appear. (To be continued)