Alien Ruler

Chapter 530: Fight against three warriors


As a god-level mage, it was unbelievable for Diao Si to deal with two of the most powerful fighters in the continent by himself, and the most unacceptable thing was that he could actually fight back.

After being attacked by a special convergence magic like Diao Si, both Booker and Jin Zhao's states were affected. Compared to Jin Zhao, who has always had outstanding defense, Booker suffered greater damage.

"Qiang...Qiang Qiang!" Booker wanted to use her skills again, but Diao Si used his magic to dodge first, making them unable to sense him for a while.

This is no longer the refraction magic before, it should be said to be the most powerful dodge magic at a deeper level. Diao Si can even be said to have suddenly disappeared in this material world.

Of course, because this is the latest and highest-level magic that Diao Si has just learned, he has not yet fully mastered it, let alone the level of flexible and free use. And being chased by two powerful fighters is not the time for training.

When facing two strong enemies, it is best to find a way to get rid of one first. Between Booker, who is good at offense, and Jin Zhao, who is good at defense, Diao Si will of course choose Booker first.

So when Booker attacked with her skills again, she realized that Diao Si's appearance was reflected in the entire lobby. When she launched the attack, she slashed at all the phantoms at once, cutting off the mirror effect. , the entire lobby was lit with fires everywhere.

Diao Si's purpose of using fire magic in this way was not to directly harm the enemy, but to deprive the place of oxygen first. At the same time, it was also to create chaos for Booker and Jin Zhao so that he could find an opportunity to strike.

Of course, this can't be rushed. Diao Si must calm down and let Booker and Jin Zhao get anxious first. Because the seven-day occupation period will come soon, they must be eager to get rid of Diao Si. The more anxious they are, the more risks they will take.

The opportunity finally came, but just when Diao Si found the opportunity to freeze Booker suddenly, some turning arrows flew silently and colorlessly from all directions.

In this way, Diao Si had no choice but to continue to use his disappearing magic to hide, and then sensed the shooting of arrows outside. It turned out that she was also a fighter-level warrior, and she was the old Wu Nu.

Wu Nu always kept a low profile and had never made a move in front of Diao Si. Only now did Diao Si know that she was actually a fighter-level archer.

As a warrior of this age, Wu Nu was originally not very capable of going to the battlefield, but she happens to be a long-range warrior, and under the cover of Booker and Jin Zhao, she has great potential. Chance.

Those arrows that are bent, not only have uneven arrow feathers, but some are not even straight. It is estimated that no one except Wu Nu himself knows how to aim such arrows.

Based on the mage's original enemy status and the relatively defenseless character of Wu Nu, it was natural that Diao Si would attack her first.

"Huh!" But Jin Zhao immediately stood in front of him, preventing Diao Si from getting close to Wu Nu easily. There was also Booker who had just been frozen by Diao Si. After Diao Si's magic was forced to be lifted, she attacked even harder.

Wu Nu continued to run and change positions. Although she was old, she was still a fighter. Her running movements were quite agile, and her ability to shoot arrows while running was even more amazing.

This is all based on experience. When Wu Nu fired the arrow, he didn't even look at Diao Si. He didn't need to turn his head to shoot the arrow in the direction of Diao Si. He just fired arrows around, and the arrows would draw like magic. Shooting towards Diao Si in an arc.

It was so amazing. At first, before the arrows flew to Diao Si, he couldn't grasp their flight path. This was the most terrifying arrow that Diao Si had ever encountered.

In order to occupy the Eternal Temple and obtain the Heart of Glory, the old guy Wu Nu also ran into the Eternal Temple. Originally, Diao Si wanted to lure Booker and Jin Zhao out while chasing her.

In this way, after he chased him into the lobby, he was besieged by these three fighters from the Nima Continent. If Diao Si had not adapted to the siege of Booker and Jin Zhao before, he would not have been able to escape now.

As for Booker, Jin Zhao and Wu Nu, this is the unity of one offense, one defense and one range. If Wu Nu was not affected by his age, this would be an invincible combination.

But now it is quite difficult for Diao Si to hold on, because Wu Nu has just made up for the shortcomings of Booker and Jin Zhao before. The most important thing is that with their current combination, Diao Si cannot fight back at all, and even if he hides, he cannot hide for long.

"Whoosh!" The first thing to be injured was the arrow. This arrow also hit the sole of Diao Si's foot. Although it could not penetrate the agility boots, the penetration effect injured Diao Si's sole. No matter where the injury occurs, it will immediately affect Diao Si's condition, and his condition will get worse and worse.

The crazy dodge just now had caused Diao Si to consume a lot of energy. In addition, in this state, he was quickly hit by Booker's powerful skill.

Diao Si fell to the center of the hall, and then was hit by Jin Zhao's skill, which was like hitting the top of a mountain. He vomited blood and quickly became unresponsive.

Booker originally wanted to attack him, but seeing him paralyzed like a dead man, she immediately set her sights on her new enemies: Jin Zhao and Wu Nu.

This is no joke. Diao Si, the enemy in front of her, is no longer an enemy. The next threats to her occupation of the Eternal Temple and the Heart of Glory are Jin Zhao and Wu Nu.

"Wait a minute, be careful with this man. He might not be dead yet. Can we cut his body into pieces first and then take action!" That old guy Wu Nu was still thoughtful. Diao Si's body is different from that of a normal person. He hasn't died yet. Die.

"Agree!" Jin Zhao responded, blasting Diao Si into the air with a blast. She didn't attack Diao Si directly because she was afraid that Booker would take the opportunity to attack her. This way, it would be much easier to blast Diao Si up.

"Yes, kill this man first!" Booker responded, and then suddenly unleashed her skills, so that the three fighters used their powerful skills to attack Diao Si.

But then a miracle happened. After they got close to Diao Si, they were frozen together. Not only their bodies, but also Wu Nu's arrows were frozen in the air.

This is simply unbelievable. Whose power is this? What kind of magical power can do this? Could it be the power of Diao Si, who had been beaten to a bloody pulp

Just when the three fighters were shocked, they felt the entire Eternal Temple shaking violently, and then Diao Si's body suddenly emitted a strong light.

This light is not just a simple light, it also carries powerful attack power. This blazing energy even makes them feel nothing for a while, making the entire Eternal Temple shrouded in light.

That's right, the light just now came from the light of glory, and after the light of glory just emitted the star-like light, it was condensed into a necklace and hung on Diao Si's neck. The entire set of holy attire of light has been completed. .

The light was still shining on Diao Si's body, like a bright light shining from the Eternal Temple to the surroundings, making the Eternal Temple like the sun that could not be looked directly at. But the surroundings became darker, because at the same time, the blockade on the Demon Emperor was also lifted.

"Yeah..." While Diao Si was still thinking about how he would respond after the blockade was lifted and how to find a way to rescue Ouya, Booker over there refused to admit defeat and attacked again.

But after she jumped up like this, she was immediately frozen in the air. Diao Si did not do anything to her further, but she just couldn't move, and it was not easy to even use her skills.

"Give up, you can't defeat me now, you'd better be prepared to meet the Demon Emperor. The dark forces are about to invade the world of light..." Diao Si said, and continued to walk with the shining holy dress of light. That observation deck.

The scene of the demon army's invasion reappeared, the earth was still shaking, and dark gathering points were appearing one after another. The dark elves that poured in controlled the previously dead souls, and began to fight on the mountain where countless people had died over the years. Appeared around.

Is this what it was like when Diao Si first came to this world? Only then did Diao Si come back to his senses. It turned out that it was just a hallucination, but it was too real. This seemed to be a signal. (To be continued)