Alien Ruler

Chapter 531: Doubts and reflections


Like an hallucination, the image of the invasion of dark forces suddenly disappeared, and Diao Si came back to his senses.

The ground was still shaken by aftershocks, but it had calmed down relatively. While the surrounding Henglong Empire troops were still looking at the shining Diao Si in a daze, Hengyuan's troops poured out from behind.

Heng Yuan appeared. She nervously looked at the situation in the Eternal Temple, then noticed Diao Si whose equipment would glow, and then rushed over immediately.

"Diao Si, where is the Heart of Glory? Have you already obtained it?" Seeing the disappointment on Booker and the others' faces, Hengyuan asked Diao Si, but she didn't feel any joy either.

Diao Si glanced at her and responded: "Yes, but at the same time I have lifted the blockade on the Demon Emperor. They have sneaked over and we must be ready to fight immediately."

Hengyuan was stunned for a moment by Diao Si's words, and then she reacted and said: "What the devil, you have occupied the Everlasting Temple on behalf of the Hengxi Empire, and we have won..."

"No, that's not the case. I don't know how to explain it now. I have to go find Ou Yun first. I have to save people..." Diao Si said as he drifted towards the dark gathering point on the mountain in his hallucination.

"Ou Yun... I have already lifted the blockade, please release Ou Ya!" Diao Si said nervously, but he had no way to start because he didn't know how to contact Ou Yun, so he could only sense the dark power. .

No, there is no dark power here yet. Is it all an illusion? Diao Si raised his head again and looked at the direction of the dark Hengzhi Sun in the sky. He had no idea except being anxious.

It was very confusing, not only because there was no news about Ou Yun and Ou Ya, but also because there seemed to be a very important content in the information previously obtained from the Eternal Temple, which Diao Si could not figure out.

"Diao Si, where are you going? You haven't solved the problem here yet!" Heng Yuan watched Diao Si leave with the light of glory, and saw the dead expressions of Booker and the others. Know how to clean up this mess.

After hearing this, Diao Si turned around and said: "The matter has been resolved. The legend of the Eternal Temple is a lie. Nothing will happen if we occupy it. We should go wherever we should. The demonic army is about to invade. Then That’s our real enemy.”

After saying that, Diao Si continued to walk between the generals of the two countries. The generals slowly became excited, and the words they discussed about Diao Si also changed from small to large.

"He is the one who occupied the Eternal Temple... He took the Heart of Glory away... He will become the emperor of the entire continent... "

But Diao Si didn't care about this. What he was thinking about now was Ouya and the situation that the Eternal Temple message foreshadowed that he still couldn't figure out. He began to doubt all of this and everything.

Following the thoughts in his mind, Diao Si naturally floated up and passed by quickly, as if he didn't consume much magic. This was the most ideal use of natural power.

How is Ouya doing? Recalling the scene where Ou Yun took her away, Diao Si already thought of something. He must return to that dark gathering point. With his current ability, he should be able to pull Ou Ya back.

But before returning to the imperial city, it was useless for Diao to think more, or he should first think about the great changes that had just been brought to the entire north by occupying the Eternal Temple.

Unknowingly, Diao Si noticed that the sky was getting darker again. This was mainly because the Blazing Sun had set and the Heng Sun was still in the eclipse.

It was also because of this that Diao Si raised his head and saw the position of the dark Hengzhi Sun. The thing blocking the Hengzhi Sun there was definitely not a small planet or satellite. It should be a large planet close to the Hengzhi Sun, or even the Hengzhi Sun. Something went wrong on that day.

The temperature is still falling. If something happens to Hengzhi Sun, there will be no special serious problems on this planet, because Hengzhi Sun is not its star in the first place, and its official star should be Blazing Sun.

But then the temperature here will continue to drop until it becomes a world as cold as the North and South Poles on the earth. In this way, the largest population living here in the north will have to move south to the location of the Empire of Blazing Flame and the Empire of Light.

The question that Diao Si noticed was why the Sun of Eternity disappeared exactly when he occupied the Temple of Eternity? There must be some connection here, it can't be such a coincidence.

Could it also be related to the Demon Emperor? Letting the Sun of Eternity disappear will naturally cause great damage to the living world, especially the northern living world, but does the Demon Emperor have such ability

Without a spaceship, a satellite, or even an astronomical telescope, it would be difficult for Diao Si to know what was going on here, and even if he knew what it was, he probably wouldn't have any way to deal with it.

In any case, since the sunshine of the Eternal Sun can no longer shine on the land in the north, and the temperature has continued to drop, we must be prepared to deal with this situation, because now in the north, let alone the facilities to avoid the cold, even thicker clothes are not enough No.

It gets dark very quickly. There is no daylight in the north, especially in the Arctic Circle near the Eternal Temple. Therefore, this dark night may last more than half a day, which means it can reach or even exceed a hundred. Hour.

The whole world is different when there is no sunshine for such a long time. The focus is on the subsequent cooling. The first thing Diao Si has to do is to find a way to heat these people and create light.

Nowadays, major cities already have basic electricity supply, and mature lighting technology is already available in the Empire of Light and the Empire of Blazing Flame. However, before realizing lighting, Diao Si still needs to determine the reason for the disappearance of the Eternal Sun.

"The Sun of Eternity has not disappeared. This is just a temporary situation. As long as you can bring us back to the Eternal Temple, all this will be over soon..." Suddenly hearing a new voice, Diao Si noticed that it was Glory. Zhiguang, because he was worried about Ou Ya and he hadn't had time to talk to this new partner yet.

"I will go back, but I must save my people first. ... Do you know what is blocking the Sun of Hengzhi? Why does it suddenly disappear? Does this have anything to do with you?" Diao Si thought of something. , asked again.

The Light of Glory responded: "Did you know? The Sun of Eternity is far, far away from here, and the energy it emits will take a long time to reach here. If there is even the slightest change in the process, its energy will not be able to reach here. Here…”

The explanation of the Light of Glory is quite reasonable. The relationship between Eternal Sun and this world is not in the same star system. This relationship is inherently unstable, but why does it change at this time? Why was it able to maintain such stability before? Diao Si still has a lot of questions.

"There is only so much you can understand. What you should do is to get us back to the Eternal Temple as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will become more and more serious..."

The light of glory continued to explain, and Diao Si thought of some of his previous doubts, so he interrupted and asked: "Who are you? What is your relationship with Lao Zhu and the Demon Emperor?"

Hearing Diao Si ask this, Glory Light fell silent for a moment. Diao Si didn't understand why he suddenly asked such a question, but the unclear information from the Eternal Temple really made him more and more doubtful about all of this.

The scene that was once full of light has now turned into darkness. Fortunately, Diao Si can still grasp the direction of the Hengxi Empire's imperial city, and has powerful magic to support him.

The temperature continued to drop and the wind picked up. People could only hide inside the buildings and light fires, giving those cities a rare scene of thousands of lights.

But there is no warmth here. Apart from the cold feeling, what Diao Si can sense is the power of the dark elves representing death. They are secretly invading this world that has always been in the light.

Well, this moment will come sooner or later. Diao Si just wants to end all this as soon as possible, save his beloved Ou Ya, and then take his women away from this place of right and wrong.

At this moment, Diao Si couldn't understand the relationship between the dark power and the light world, and couldn't even determine the Demon Emperor's intentions. But all this should be revealed soon. No matter who the Demon Emperor is or what his purpose is, it is time for all this to end. (To be continued)