Alien Ruler

Chapter 533: After regaining sight


At Diao Si's request, the five spiritual bodies in the Holy Light Armor appeared. Without saying anything, they separated into five points and floated around the Eternal Temple.

First there was a vibration, and then there was a violent shaking. This should be some mechanism of the Eternal Temple being touched, and then the entire top that had previously refracted sunlight to create color signals suddenly moved.

Diao Si knew that they could move, but he really didn't expect that they could move so much. It turned out that the Eternal Temple only looked ancient, but was actually a highly civilized technological product.

Without much time to think, the top of the Eternal Temple continued to change, forming a radio wave receiving machine like a large pot, facing the direction of the Eternal Sun.

Although no problems have been found yet and no changes can be sensed, Diao Si is familiar with such a device. It should send some special signals in the direction of Heng Zhiri.

Time continued to pass and the temperature continued to drop. Diao Si was still meditating. It was not until Xiaoyan came over to tell him that Lafite and the others were very weak over there that Diao Si rushed over immediately.

It's too cold. As a mage, the physique has a certain ability to relieve the cold, but when it gets really cold, the superficially strong physique of these warriors cannot. And those blazing dragons were so cold that they were almost dying. They were crowded together and could hardly open their eyes.

But there was no problem with Diao Si here. A simple burning warmed them up, and Chi Long quickly regained his vitality, but those women had to pester him to prevent him from leaving.

That's okay, since Diao Si can't do anything now, he can only worry about Ou Ya and Heng Yuan, so he might as well help them.

I don't know how long it took, but Eve noticed it first. A little light came from the lobby. Diao Si didn't believe it at first, until he sensed that the temperature there had indeed changed, and then he ran over.

Sure enough, a little light began to shine in the middle of the lobby. This was not the light of the blazing sun. It could not pass through the top of the lobby like this.

Diao Sicai suddenly floated to the top of the Eternal Temple. The halo of the Eternal Sun appeared in the middle of the sky, but the haze-like thing was still blocking it there. But judging from this halo, they are quickly dissipating.

It lit up, and after some time passed, the halos in the sky became smaller and smaller and gathered together, and the light became more and more dazzling. The light of the Eternal Sun shone on the Eternal Temple again.

Great, but it's not over yet. Diao Si soon discovered that the dark haze always remained in the sky. Now there was only light around the Eternal Temple and the mountain, and there was still a light in the distance. dark.

After the sunshine returned to the earth, the temperature quickly rose, and the Eternal Temple was once again bathed in the warm sunshine.

But this did not make Diao Si feel at ease. The crisis was still not over, because the surroundings were still in darkness, and everyone around him would definitely rush here.

Although the Eternal Temple has a certain area, it is impossible to squeeze everyone in, so there will be wars here due to crowding. If they cannot be controlled, a new round of killing for survival will begin. .

I believe that the people around here have been frightened by the cold just now. They will definitely rush over after the Eternal Temple lights up. There is nothing more threatening than survival.

First, some soldiers stationed at the defense line around the mountain who had not yet evacuated. After feeling the warm sunshine, they gathered around the foot of the mountain and stared at the Eternal Temple, which looked a little different.

Then more and more people in the distance were approaching the Eternal Temple. A large part of these people were soldiers. They should be the armies of the two countries stationed before. They have not yet evacuated.

However, Diao Si has not found many generals yet. It is estimated that those generals have withdrawn from this area and are still on their way here.

No wonder they called the Eternal Temple a sanctuary. Now Diao Si understood something about the Eternal Temple, but he still couldn't figure out the previous doubt.

The army came, an organized army of the Henglong Empire. Diao Si could already see some senior generals. After they arrived, they not only wanted to enjoy the long-lost sunshine, but also continued to climb the mountain to get closer to the Temple of Eternity.

Diao Si ignored them until they approached and discovered him. Then a red warrior general and several warriors came over first.

"We are going to enter the Eternal Temple. If anyone blocks us, we will attack them!" the leading red warrior said resolutely, and then showed Diao Si the weapon in her hand.

Diao Si glanced at them, and then responded: "Anyone can enter the Eternal Temple, but you cannot use force after entering, otherwise I will make her uncomfortable, do you understand?"

After hearing what Diao Si said, the red warrior originally wanted to say something, but after the warrior next to her told her Diao Si's identity, she said nothing more and continued up the mountain with her team.

After seeing the troops stationed, the scattered soldiers and civilians began to climb up the mountain. Diao Jiu simply settled them down and asked the troops who had entered before to maintain order here.

There was nothing at the beginning. After Diao Si punished some people, there was a period of stability. Many soldiers also acquiesced that he was the top leader here.

But conflicts soon arose. Some soldiers had conflicts with the scattered soldiers when maintaining order. In particular, the conflicts between soldiers from the two countries became increasingly complicated.

The large army of the Hengxi Empire also appeared. Diao Si found Hengyuan through refraction, so he immediately floated over to greet her. During this time, he had been worried about Hengyuan. Fortunately, nothing happened to her.

Today, Hengyuan also put on the fighter armor left by her mother. From this, we can know that she has officially entered the ranks of fighters. She is absolutely capable. She has defeated Us before, and she deserves it.

Hengyuan was very happy after seeing Diao Si. She said that when Heng Zhiri reappeared, she knew it must be Diao Si's credit. But her generals were a little at a loss, because now that Diao Si had obtained the Heart of Glory, they still didn't know what kind of identity Diao Si had.

Now that Hengyuan's army has arrived, Diao Si is confident that the Eternal Temple can be stabilized. They can completely build the Eternal Temple into a new town with basic social order.

But the troops from the Henglong Empire who arrived at the Eternal Temple first became uneasy because they had always been hostile to the Hengxi Empire. Now that the power of the Hengyuan army was far superior to them, how could they feel at ease? Woolen cloth.

In this way, Diao Si first greeted the red warrior general and established some temporary agreements between her and Hengyuan so that the armies of the two countries could stay here in peace.

Perhaps because of the disparity in strength, or perhaps because they had gone through the darkest period, the red warrior general of the Henglong Empire was willing to obey the arrangements of Diao Si and Hengyuan without saying anything.

In fact, people live in this world, in the final analysis, isn’t it for survival and a better existence? Threats to survival are an effective way to control desires.

But the good times didn't last long. Just when Diao Si was still thinking closely about how to straighten out the order of the Eternal Temple so that it could accommodate more people, Booker's team from the Henglong Empire was in that darkness. appeared in.

According to Heng Yuan, they had fought there before when Diao Si left, but the fight had to end after a period of time because of the setting sun of the Blazing Sun, and then they all left the Eternal Temple.

In this way, Booker and the others are still unwilling to let go of their hatred. Judging from the past situation, they will definitely not agree to live together with the troops of the Hengxi Empire in the Eternal Temple. The direct result of this will be war.

After experiencing various wars before, Diao Si has seen through a lot. If Booker and Hengyuan are allowed to continue fighting, this last refuge will be destroyed.

Booker and Hengyuan must be persuaded. Although they cannot shake hands and make peace, at least they should not use force again, because the Demon Emperor is coming soon, and if it wants to destroy the living world, it must first destroy the Eternal Temple. (To be continued)