Alien Ruler

Chapter 534: The demon army reappears


Booker's army quickly gathered at the foot of the Eternal Temple. When they stopped to rest, the generals took off their clothes and enjoyed the long-lost sunshine.

I believe that they have been marching for a long time and have experienced such a threat to their survival. If they are driven back now, they will really think of fighting for their lives.

Just like Mida and his friends before, the army that crossed the Sabei Desert to reach the Green Hidden City must be a little more ferocious. People who have not experienced it will never understand.

Because he could not leave the Eternal Temple casually, Diao Si just floated to the top of the Eternal Temple and waited for them. He had to convince them that the Eternal Temple could no longer withstand any war.

"Emperor Booker, welcome back. I was just going to find you and discuss with you some terrible things that are going to happen next that you don't believe..."

Hearing what Diao Si said, Booker led Wu Mei and other senior generals to greet him, but she did not have a good expression or attitude, as if she had just lost the battle: "If it weren't for the harassment by the undead power, I would I won’t come back here to meet you…”

Booker suddenly said this, and Diao Si remembered something, and immediately grabbed her words and asked: "The power of the undead? You are referring to the dark forces, right? They have already taken action in the Henglong Empire?"

Hearing Diao Si's question, Booker looked at him in disbelief and then responded: "Have you ever been in contact with them?... I don't know what the hell they are. There are no truly unkillable guys." Know how to deal with them!"

Based on Booker's words, Diao Si is even more certain that she is referring to dark forces. If they have appeared in the Henglong Empire, I believe that the southern states and the Hengxi Empire will take action.

Thinking of Diao Si like this, he then thought of Ou Yun. Maybe the witch has already been wreaking havoc somewhere and is looking for him. It will find it here soon, and then Diao Si can find a way to find out what happened to Ou Ya. whereabouts.

He must make some preparations. If Ouyun uses Ouya to blackmail him again, how should he respond? Ou Yun's destructive magic is also very powerful, and the women who are not careful will be in danger.

"What are you thinking about? Now you either let us enter the city or kill us all..." Booker's words interrupted Diao Si's thoughts, and he came back to his senses and looked at Booker's army.

"Of course I let you enter the city. Now we are strategic partners and all humans are on a united front. Only by putting aside our past hatred and coming together can we defeat our common enemy... "

Since Booker has no hostility towards the Hengxi Empire, this would be the best. Diao Si immediately offered a lot of rationale. At the same time, he also made it clear to Hengyuan and her generals that at this important time, humans cannot continue to act on their own. Kill each other.

Although the two countries already had a tacit understanding, but suddenly they came together like this and filled the entire Eternal Temple. There were still many conflicts and problems. However, with the guidance of Diao Si, there was only one time left. The problem.

However, the dark forces did not give them much time to unite and prepare. Just when they began to set up defenses on the walls of the Eternal Temple, a large number of soldiers and civilians suddenly poured in from around the Eternal Temple.

What is this all about? Judging from the way those people were rushing over, they were not anxious to keep warm at all, but their lives were threatened and they were all running for their lives.

What I saw were some summoned undead-like monsters. They killed people on sight without mercy. This undead army looks similar to what Diao Si saw when he first arrived in this world. They should be the so-called demon army.

Without waiting for Diao Si or anyone's order, the archers at the foot of the mountain first threw empty arrows at the enemies behind them. But this effect really doesn't work. Those undead are really invincible. Even though they have arrows stuck in their heads, they rush over without slowing down at all.

The people fleeing in front had already climbed up the mountain, so the archers guarding the mountainside and foot retreated unconsciously. The main reason is that their arrows seem to have no effect on these terrible enemies, and their hearts are now filled with fear.

"Wind Elf!" Floated in front of the Eternal Temple, Diao Si immediately used his electric shock magic and struck at the undead pouring up from the foot of the mountain.

The undead in front were knocked down a bit, but the effect was completely beyond Diao Si's surprise. Some undead seemed not to be afraid of his electric shock magic at all. They were stunned after being blasted and then continued to run over.

Because of his understanding and mastery of magic, Diao Si reacted quickly. Human warriors have a certain resistance to earth magic, sea tribes have a certain resistance to water magic, and the demon army has a certain resistance to wind magic.

"Uh ah..." Unable to stop the undead army, the archer team was gradually killed by the undead that caught up. This scene frightened the soldiers guarding the Eternal Temple even more, so it was scary because they didn't know how to deal with such an enemy.

Diao Si floated to the mountainside alone, and then used a series of explosive magic on the undead rushing in front. The place immediately seemed to be bombarded by artillery shells. The enemies were shattered in the blast place, leaving only a puff of black smoke.

"Wind Elf!" Facing the countless enemies swarming over, Diao Si rolled up a tornado, and then used this powerful tornado to sweep across the incoming enemies.

Perhaps this can only cure the symptoms, but Diao Si needs to restore some confidence to the soldiers guarding the Temple of Eternity, letting them know that although this demon army is terrifying, it is not invincible, and they need a certain amount of energy to support it.

"For the Eternal Temple, for our honor, kill..." After the undead legions gradually invaded the Eternal Temple, the generals inside began to roar and take action, and the undead in front were quickly chopped into pieces and trampled. draw.

The sudden shock wave of destruction knocked down several warriors who had attacked outside the Eternal Temple. Diao Si immediately turned his head, and it turned out to be Ou Yun. I believe he brought this undead army here as well. Is his purpose this time probably still the Eternal Temple

To capture the thief, capture the king first, it’s even better when Ou Yun comes! Diao Si immediately floated over and attacked it directly, but it laughed sharply and turned into a puff of black smoke and dispersed.

After being easily defeated by Diao Si last time, Ou Yun already knew how powerful he was, and used his black smoke magic to hide.

"Ou Yun, how is Ou Ya? Where is she now!" Diao Si asked Ou Yun loudly while chasing after Ou Yun who escaped to the dark side. In addition to really trying to find out about Ou Ya, this would also distract Ou Yun.

"Wahahaha... I have given that girl to the Demon Emperor. If I calculated correctly, the Demon Emperor should have made her into a Demon Warrior like me. Even if you don't have to look for her, she will come. Looking for you!”

Unexpectedly, after hearing such news, it was Diao Si himself who was affected and distracted. This Ou Yun is really poisonous. If he killed Ou Ya, Diao Si could turn his grief and anger into strength, but turning Ou Ya into a person like him It is really difficult for Diao Si to accept such an enemy.

It was the magic of the dark space that trapped Diao Si again. Originally, Diao Si could easily escape and fight back, but this time his idea was different. Ouyun is a different enemy. Even if you kill it, it may come back to life soon. You cannot deal with it the same way you deal with living enemies.

Just like sealing a spiritual creature, Diao Si could already think of something. He had to try to seal Ou Yun. This was also for the sake of Ou Ya, whom he might face next. He couldn't kill her.

But what magic is used to seal it? Wind, water, and earth magic should not have this ability. They can only be concentrated energy magic. This is the highest state of light magic.

When Diao Si broke through the dark space and was about to take action, Ou Yun quickly slipped away. However, Diao Si did not pursue her because of this. He stayed there and continued to deal with the demonic troops that were swarming over, secretly waiting for his move. Chance.

Ou Yun was indeed fooled. While Diao Si was dealing with the undead, it used a destructive shock wave from behind. At the same time, Diao Si's convergence magic blasted over, creating a bright space in the same way. Ouyun was trapped. (To be continued)