Alien Ruler

Chapter 535: The immortal enemy Zhencha


"Uh-huh... Hahaha..." After being trapped, Ouyun was like before, screaming and laughing without knowing what she was thinking.

Diao Si continued to use his magic to narrow the scope of the bright space. In order to seal Ou Yun, he first had to master the polymerization magic and then refine it into something like a small treasure.

"Boom..." There was another dark blast of magic, and Diao Si was almost knocked unconscious by the blast. This can't be Ou Yun, because it doesn't have such powerful magical attack power, and it is now sealed.

Only then did Diao Si notice that a guy wearing a black robe came out of the darkness. She... turned out to be the elder of the black staff in the magic world who was responsible for dark destruction magic.

Due to the sudden action of the elder Black Staff, Diao Si's magic attempt to seal Ou Yun was terminated, and Ou Yun immediately turned into a puff of black smoke and left.

The Black Staff elder actually sided with the Demon Emperor. It was obvious that Diao Si had another powerful enemy. She was the god who mastered dark magic. Diao Si didn't know how powerful she was because they hadn't tried it yet. Hands-on.

No wonder Diao Si was not there when she first arrived in this world. It turned out that she was a magic elder who sided with the Demon Emperor, but from now on it seems that it is a little earlier than the time when she first arrived. This should be because of Diao Si The blockade of the Eternal Temple was lifted ahead of schedule.

However, when the black guy emerged from the darkness, Diao Si realized that her appearance was a little different from what he had encountered in the magical world before. Her face had no expression at all, it was just pitch black.

Just when Diao Si was preparing to meet the opponent's dark magic, she did not attack Diao Si immediately, but suddenly made a black-light sphere like the sun in the air.

This sphere was not an offensive dark magic, and its illumination had no effect on Diao Si. However, as soon as the land was illuminated, many powerful warriors who had died here stood up.

Not only the undead warriors, but also dragons and other powerful monsters who died in battle, more and more things are coming out, but the most powerful ones are of course the undead warriors, many of them are warrior-level warriors dressed in strange shapes. warrior.

Those powerful undead warriors looked at their surroundings as if they had woken up, and then rushed towards the mountain of the Eternal Temple with their weapons raised. They seemed to be flying moths to the flame, but this was not chasing the light, but facing The hatred of light will extinguish the light!

"Wind Elf!" Diao Si once again used powerful tornado magic, but it only rolled up a part of the undead warriors. They were all very powerful, and Diao Si's large-scale magic had almost no effect on them.

How to fight? Seeing so many undead warriors, Diao Si had no idea at all. A series of blasting magic could only put them into a defensive state. Although they were undead warriors, their offensive and defensive capabilities were not reduced at all.

The arrows from the Eternal Temple kept coming, and finally an undead black warrior was shot in the neck, but this failed to kill him. He was still pulling out the arrows while walking.

It's too scary. Such powerful warriors are constantly coming out, and they are still unbeatable. They are more powerful than when they were alive. How can the soldiers of the Eternal Temple resist them

Except for some undead warriors who began to attack the first wall of the Eternal Temple, Diao Si had no choice but to give up the confrontation with the Black Rod Elder and retreated into the lobby of the Eternal Temple.

"Bright Holy Clothes, tell me how to resist such an enemy. Come on, human power can't resist them!" In a panic, Diao Si said weakly, hoping to get some enlightenment.

Is the world of creatures really incapable of stopping the Demon Emperor? Seeing the overwhelming attack of these undead warriors, Diao Si even regretted a little. He should have left with his women.

"They can be killed where the Eternal Sun shines, because they need to be supported by the power of darkness, and what the dark forces fear most is the light of the Eternal Sun..."

In this way, Diao Si remembered the way the undead who had just invaded the Eternal Temple were crushed by those soldiers. He immediately floated to the top of the Eternal Temple, and then used his refraction magic to gather the light of the Eternal Sun at once. To the powerful undead warriors rushing over.

After being exposed to such a strong light, the movements of the undead warriors immediately slowed down, and fire slowly appeared on their bodies. Then, after being attacked by the defending humans, they quickly burned up and turned into black smoke and disappeared. .

Sure enough, it worked, and Diao Si continued to refract the light of the Eternal Sun, illuminating all the surrounding undead warriors, and then focused it directly on the elder of the black staff.

But I didn't expect that guy could actually create a black barrier like a mirror, which directly reflected the light to the surroundings, and the barrier was getting closer and closer to covering Diao Si.

Diao Si couldn't lose to her, because the Eternal Temple was not only crowded with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians, but also the women he wanted to protect. Even though he couldn't deal with such a powerful demon army, he still had to fight tooth and nail.

"Ah ah... Holy Clothes of Light, let the light of the Eternal Sun shine on the earth!" Diao Si roared, and the haze in the sky suddenly dissipated a lot, and the entire Eternal Temple suddenly lit up. , and then under his concentrated focus attack, the Black Staff elder also turned into black smoke and fled.

After seeing such strong sunshine, the soldiers of the Eternal Temple also saw hope. Their morale was immediately boosted, and they swarmed out of the city wall and soon killed the undead warriors who were seriously injured. One was killed.

But they could only attack the edge of light and darkness. Those undead spirits in places where the light could not shine could not be killed, so Diao Si loudly ordered them to retreat.

Supporting the light to shine so far requires Diao Si to consume a certain amount of energy. Although the entire set of Holy Light Armor has given him an unprecedented amount of energy, this is a protracted battle with no end in sight. .

Most of the soldiers began to retreat after seeing the gradually shrinking light range, but a few powerful warriors were still entangled with the demon army, including Heng Yuan.

Diao Si asked someone to tell her to retreat immediately, and then she discovered that she was fighting an undead warrior who was becoming stronger. The generals said that it was her mother-empress who had died in battle.

Perhaps for this reason, the Elder Black Staff over there is also using her magic to support Heng Yuan's Queen Mother, so that she will not be affected by the light refracted by Diao Si.

She wanted to use Hengyuan's queen mother to control Hengyuan, but unfortunately Hengyuan was a persistent person. When she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to give up.

While they continued to fight, there were still living people fleeing towards the Eternal Temple, and there were also the undead demon army chasing after them. The scene was so chaotic that it was difficult for Diao Si to cope with it, and he had no time to focus on Heng Yuan. .

However, this was not over yet. Just when Diao Si was reluctantly coping, the sky in the direction of the Henglong Empire suddenly became dense with dark clouds. This was no ordinary wind magic. The depths of the dark clouds were pitch black.

The dark clouds gradually approached the Eternal Temple, and everywhere they went was like a black hole. It swallowed up all the light, and even the light of the Eternal Sun could not illuminate it. Apart from the endless There is nothing but darkness.

"Wind Elf..." Diao Si naturally wanted to dispel such darkness, but no matter how he blew it, the Wind Elf would never return. Everything was swallowed up. No matter how powerful the magic was, it would be like that in front of it. of insignificance.

Is it a dragon? Black flying dragon? Just when Diao Si was thinking of ways to deal with the dark clouds covering him, more and more winged monsters appeared under the dark clouds.

This black dragon should not be a creature from the world of living beings. It might be a special summoner of monsters, but the number of them was really terrifying. They soon covered the sky of the Eternal Temple.

Their purpose was to block the light of the Eternal Sun, and Diao Si certainly couldn't let them succeed, so he tried his best to use the polymerization magic. What he has to do now is to let the light of the Eternal Sun shine continuously, otherwise human power will not be able to resist it.

It was not easy for the light of Eternal Sun to shine on the Eternal Temple again, but the black hole suddenly blasted a large-scale powerful destructive shock wave towards the Eternal Temple. The energy and attack power were too great. , it is simply destroying the world, how can Diao Si stop it! (To be continued)