Alien Ruler

Chapter 537: The secret is revealed


It is unreasonable to leave like this with the Holy Cloth of Light. The Eternal Temple cannot support it, and the creatures there will be destroyed.

But can we sustain this endless struggle? It's impossible. The Demon Emperor is a god and part of the original god. There is no way Diao Si will win in any case.

After being swallowed by the black hole in this way, Diao Si seemed to feel that his energy had dissipated all of a sudden, and he felt nothing at all. Only his spirit was left, wandering around like a dream.

"Primordial God, Demon Emperor, Elder Red Stick, Lao Zhu, I have already figured it out. You are all one. You are the only one. Everything is the original god. Why can I only understand your inner conflict now?"

In this void, Diao Si finally guessed that since there is a primitive god, isn't everything also it? The result of such interactions and relationships is completely an objective materialist existence, and all his experiences revolve around this subjective idealism.

It can also be understood that everything is the arrangement of the original god, and everything he comes into contact with in his mind is an illusion, or there is no need to judge whether it is true or false at all, he only needs to know that it is the arrangement of the original god.

"I was brought here in the first place. On the surface, it was the magic of the magic elder. In fact, it was your arrangement. You wanted to bring me here because you can't solve the problem of living beings..."

When Diao Si said this, there were finally some fragments of things in this darkness, and they were quickly put together, just like when he entered the magical world, and it was like the message conveyed to him by the Eternal Temple.

"Even that was simply an illusion. There was no time travel between ten years ago and ten years later. It was just that you deliberately created an illusion to make me think about such a crisis, and then asked me to find a way to solve it... "

"At first, I doubted the familiar feeling. Lao Zhu, a spiritual being who can think and knows everything, is a loophole. These are the traps you want to convey to me, including the pros and cons, right?"

Diao Si didn't know whether he was thinking or speaking. Anyway, the original god could know what he wanted to express, and it was also listening to what he conveyed.

"Maybe what happened at the beginning has already happened, and in order for me to find a solution, you deliberately gave me a few more years to let me watch the development process again... "

"No matter what, after so many years of understanding the world, I have figured it out now, and I have an answer to hand back to you... Of course, it is up to you to consider whether you want to accept it or not. That's all I can do. "

"In fact, they can coexist, and they are still interdependent. In addition to destruction, the other way to control threats in the living world is through civilization. Of course, this may require a painful process."

"...Then, you can do whatever you like with me. Anyway, I've had enough. This game is over."

After Diao Si said this, he slowly relaxed himself and let himself drift there. It felt really good not to feel anything.

"I can do whatever I want with you? Really? Don't you want to see your women again and feel the stimulation of that biological reaction?"

It is an old bead. Of course, it can also be understood as other spiritual objects. In short, it is the tool of the original god, and it is just a tool for it to communicate with Diao Si.

"Of course I have. Although I know that they are just some biological reactions and that we are all just simple structures, what if I think too seriously? It is rare to be confused."

Diao Si responded, he finally saw the familiar image of Lao Zhu again. To be honest, he and Lao Zhu had quite a relationship. Now he realized that this old guy was controlled by the primitive god, and behind him was actually the primitive god.

"Well, so we brought you to this world, and we asked a lot of people to do it, just for the experience in your mind. We hope to get something from you..."

"Do we have any experience to talk about? Are you kidding me? Our place is full of pollution... You mean the experience of failure? Well, any experience is experience. It seems that your starting point is still correct."

"As you know, we have suddenly gained energy here, and there is a lot of it, but if we only use destruction to kill the living world, we will only be able to stagnate forever, without any development..."

It was only when Lao Zhu said this that Diao Si realized that the original god had no intention of destroying the world of living creatures at all. What it had in mind was quite far-term, and what it needed was progress and development.

"So you asked me to come here to bring advanced technology, advanced management, and civilized things? I hope that technology can replace the endless desires of living beings... "

"That's probably what it means. We believe you will discover more things in the future. So are you interested in staying and continuing to be the ruler of the world of creatures in this world?"

Diao Si really hesitated about this question. He didn't think about what kind of answer the original god would accept from him, he simply thought about his own wishes.

"Can I stay temporarily? I will have to find someone to replace me then... because my experience may only take a little time to develop. Rule without metabolism will not last long and make progress."

"I agree, then you have to clean up this mess for us." After this voice, the image of Lao Zhu disappeared, and Diao Si knew that the original god was leaving.

"Wait a minute, Lao Zhu... You can't stay with me. You know that in addition to love, there is also homosexuality in this world. Only with you can I open cheats at critical moments."

"Playing cheats? Didn't I already give you a golden finger? If you are too invincible, you will be very boring. You will understand after experiencing this."

"Well, I understand completely. How about leaving your contact information?" When Diao Si was still thinking about how to leave more connections, he was suddenly sent back to that bright world.

"Wind Elf..." When Diao Si used wind magic as usual, he realized that the wind elf ignored him at all. He couldn't even feel the presence of the wind elf around him at all!

"Wind Elf... Wind Elf!" This made him nervous, and the faster he fell, the faster he fell. The wind was already shaving his face.

Too bad, the Holy Light Armor on my body is also gone!

It must be Lao Zhu, no, it's the primitive god who took back all his magic. This fool wants him to give up magic and force to rule the world, so he first has to make others give up magic and force.

"Primordial God, you idiot, can't you just let me land safely and then take away my magic?... You have the guts!"

Diao Si shouted, but he kept drifting and rolling in the air. Looking at the ground that was getting closer and closer, he was so nervous that he couldn't help but shrink, protecting his head and not daring to look.

Fortunately, when he was about to hit the ground, his women rushed out to "rescue" him, first Xiaoyan pulled him in the air, then Eve and Kava's magic, and finally Reggie , Hao Qi and Lafite followed.

"Uh..." Although he continued, the pain made Diao Si unable to utter a word for a long time. The original god not only took away his magic, but even changed his abnormal physique back. What a cheat!

Then Heng Yuan came over, as well as Booker and some senior generals. A large group of them surrounded Diao Si, making it difficult for Diao Si to breathe.

"How are you doing? Just after I saw you flying into that darkness, it sent out news and all the enemies disappeared. It must be that you killed that 'Demon Emperor', right?" Heng Yuan said, The people around him were eagerly waiting for Diao Si's answer.

"Of course, I sacrificed all the magic..." Diao Si originally wanted to say how he saved the world at the expense of all magic and abilities, but after people knew that he had no magic, what else could he do? What about ruling the world

"I was the one who defeated the Demon Emperor, otherwise all of you would have died... Well, by the way, I still have a lot of important information to convey to you, first of all about the governance of the entire Nima Continent."

When Diao Si said this, Booker, Jin Zhao, and Wu Nu all came over. This mess was not an ordinary mess, but he had to find a way to solve them one by one. (To be continued)