Alien Ruler

Chapter 539: Angry ending


After Diao Si ruled the Nima Continent for several years, he finally settled down in the Elf Forest next to Green Hidden City as he had promised to the women. On this day, several candidates for the new Eternal Empire secretly gathered in the Elf Forest in the southwest of the continent.

"Alas, I can't even control these women now, so how can I have the time to control you... But I still have to tell you something: First of all, no matter which of you becomes the emperor in the future, you must first Some reforms will give people hope..." Diao Si said to the candidates who were saluting.

"Why is this? Isn't the emperor's current policy very good?" One of the candidates, Zuo Rui, couldn't figure it out and asked.

"Because only by letting people know the existence of hope and giving them something to look forward to can your country be stable for a long time. Do you understand?"

To be honest, Diao Si really didn't want to take care of the affairs of the Eternal Empire anymore, but because he had promised Lao Zhu, he would have to continue to take care of these annoying things if he didn't want to.

"Emperor, I have another important question..." The person who spoke was another candidate Ding Lei. Ding Lei has been following Diao Si in the past few years and has quite a lot of ideas in management.

That's right, these so-called candidates are actually Diao Si's former confidants. In fact, this can't be blamed on Diao Si. He really can't trust others. The elected ones are the managers of the entire Nima Continent. Such an important role is always You can't mess around.

"What's the important question? Tell me." Diao Si was a little impatient, because he agreed to leave for a while, and Ou Ya was waiting for him.

"Zuo Rui... Zuo Rui is a businessman, and he is also a man. If he is chosen as a candidate, will it arouse people's doubts?" Ding Lei said while looking at Zuo Rui, as if saying this. It's quite stressful.

Diao Si knew this because Zuo Rui basically controlled the direction of public opinion. Of course Ding Lei wanted to get rid of this powerful enemy first, but now Diao Si allowed them to compete fairly.

"How could it be? It is necessary for men to run for election so that fairness can be better reflected. Have you forgotten our system? If you want to win this election, you still have to find a way on your own. Also, no matter who is elected in the future , you all have to come to my place for a few days of simple training, you know?”

After Diao Si said this, without waiting for their response, he turned around and climbed the tree ladder to leave. In fact, he is not very at ease with these people, but he can't always do it by himself. It's time to let go.

"Dad, you seem to have timed out. Look at Daddy Kang quickly. I'm going to play!" It was Ouya. When she saw Diao Si coming back, she casually threw the child in her hand to the ground.

"Dear, you should know that I am completely incompetent at raising children, and this child was a big witch in his previous life. He always wanted me to die..." Diao Si begged sadly.

Yes, this child was Ou Yun's spirit that he sealed at that time, but since it lost its magic, it turned into a seed-like thing. In the end, Diao Si made Ou Ya pregnant with it, and then gave birth to his only child in the world.

"What's wrong? Aren't you the one who always takes care of him? You are very smart. You named your child Daddy Kang. I don't care. I just let him overwhelm you!"

After Ou Ya finished speaking impatiently, she turned around and floated away. Diao Si rushed over and couldn't catch up. Because she had conceived the essence of Diao Si, now Ou Ya has obtained his ability and become a god-level mage. However, Diao Si himself still has not recovered any ability, so how can he pursue it

"Dad..." Dad Kang was born with a devilish personality. Diao Si didn't know how much effort it took to make him reluctantly behave. But as he grew up, he realized that he was born with extremely powerful abilities. , it’s really cheating.

"It's daddy! Don't call him daddy again!" Diao Si stared at this guy who couldn't be beaten to death. He felt so unhappy. If he had known better, he should have shot this guy to Heng Zhiri!

Then there was the sound of Xiaoyan flapping her wings. Hearing her voice, Diao Si was happy, so he kicked Kang's father away, and then went up to him: "Xiaoyan, I think you are thinking very hard. I will do it now." think… "

Seeing Diao Si acting like this, Xiao Yan had already guessed something, and immediately criticized Diao Si and said, "Where did you leave Dad Kang again? How could you do this to him? He is still a child after all."

Xiaoyan likes children very much. If she doesn't become a Kao if she is pregnant with a child, it would be ideal for her to be the mother of Kang's father.

"By the way, you should go over there immediately. Your four beautiful warriors are fighting again. Now Kava and Eve are trying to persuade them. They may not be able to last long, so go over there quickly."

"Why are you nervous? They won't feel comfortable if they haven't been beaten for a day, and Hengyuan can't be beaten to death. It's so far and she has to walk there. Maybe the beating will be finished by the time I get there."

Hearing Xiaoyan's words, Diao Si had a headache at first, but when he saw Xiaoyan hugging Dad Kang so happily, he changed his mind. If he left, he could at least leave this cheater behind, and maybe he could let the four A big warrior tortured him severely.

So Diao Si complained while walking towards the place where Heng Yuan, Lei Ji, Hao Qi and Lafite often fought.

In fact, this so-called fight was fought by Hengyuan alone against the other three. They had no hatred at all. They were just used to finding trivial things to compete with each other, because martial arts was banned in the outside world, so naturally it was not allowed. What a competition.

"Hello..." Just as Diao Si was walking under the big tree, he suddenly heard another mysterious voice. Could it be that Lao Zhu is here, but the voice doesn't sound like it, and this old guy has been here several times in the past few years, always looking for Diao Si when he has something to do.

If not Lao Zhu, who would it be? The first thing Diao Si thought of was worry, because now he no longer had any magic, and the women were too far away from him now, and they couldn't hear him calling for help.

"It's great to find you. I am the administrator of the Ciao Galaxy..." After hearing this voice, Diao Si relaxed a little, but he couldn't find the guy who spoke, so he had to stay where he was and wait for the other person to show up.

"Ci'ao? That's a very characterful name. You came to me not just to give me something, right?" Diao Si responded, starting to think about what to do better if something dangerous happened. of escape.

"Oh, don't worry. I don't want to hurt you when I come here to find you, but I really want to send you to a dangerous place. There is a serious crisis in my galaxy, and I really need a capable person. People came to rescue..."

Listening to the voice saying this, Diao Si realized what it was about. It turned out to be another guy like a primitive god, but this time it explained the problem directly without letting him get to know him first.

"Brother, you have to know that I am doing well here now, and I really don't want to do these troublesome things. ... Is there anything about your place that attracts me? Or are you not going to give me a chance to choose at all? "

Diao Si quickly figured out that since this guy could come to Lao Zhu's territory to find him, he must have communicated with Lao Zhu first, and if it really wanted to take him away, how could he refuse with his ability

"You really have to think about it. It's not just a planet, it's a large galaxy with advanced technological civilizations, several survivable worlds and beauties from dozens of races..."

"Really? Advanced technological civilization? Do you still need a backward earthling like me?... Beauties from dozens of races, this sounds quite attractive."

Diao Si responded, slowly having a little reverie, but his reverie was quickly interrupted when he thought of his women. How could he be willing to leave these women behind

"I will give you a chance to choose. This is my promise to the original god here. If you are really unwilling to save our galaxy, then I will have to go to your original planet to find another candidate."

Hearing what the voice said, Diao Si hesitated a little, because now he had become a slave or even a tool of those women here, especially to that guy Kang Daddy. He really wanted to run away and put this guy away. The devil just stays here to trick Lao Zhu.

Of course, it's not that he really agreed to leave. He has many things to consider. First of all, this is not a simple task. In fact, it is not an easy choice for him to leave these women...

"Wait, let me see... I think we should think about it first." (To be continued)

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