Alien Ruler

Chapter 56: Imprisoned in a dungeon


"Could it be that the Seventh Princess's impression of me is limited to killing tens of thousands of your troops? Hasn't the Seventh Princess appreciated my strategic talents?" Diao Si asked tentatively. Now he was already the prisoner of the Seventh Princess. I just hope that I can save my life by relying on some value.

"Hahaha... It seems that your talents can't save you today. Just wait. After returning to the imperial city, I will definitely take revenge on your talents!" The seventh princess continued to smile and followed the army. Ruifeng City went in.

Diao Si was escorted by two silver-light warriors and followed the seventh princess. These silver-light warriors were very strong. Diao Si did not dare to resist at all to avoid suffering, so he followed in obediently.

"Where is that widowed girl Kazu? I want to see your city lord now, ask her to come out to see me immediately!" The seventh princess became angry again after entering the city. This beauty is not gentle at all, and her appearance is inversely proportional to her temper.

After a while, a purple light warrior from Ruifeng City ran out uneasily and said to the seventh princess: "Our city lord... the city lord of Ruifeng City... she has committed suicide."

What? Diao Si was shocked when he heard the news. He never imagined that Ka Zhu would commit suicide because of Ruifeng City's surrender.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is not surprising, because how can Kazu, the city lord, endure that harmful sense of honor and disgrace? Even if she could bear it now, she would still have to face the insults from others, especially the Guangnan Empire.

When she died like this, she gave up everything. She just pitied the young Kawa. Not only was she the only one left in the family, she also had to bear the humiliation that followed.

Everything has two sides. Diao Si saved these people, but he couldn't save the famous family in Ruifeng City. His first woman had to live in the cold eyes of others.

It's not Diao Si's turn to think too much, because now his situation is much more dangerous than Kawa's. At least the seventh princess promised not to do anything to Kawa, but she clearly told Diao Si that she would definitely take revenge on him.

Soon, the seventh princess left some soldiers to deal with the situation in Ruifeng City, and then led a group of people to escort Diao Si back to the Guangnan Empire. Diao Si was placed in a large cage used to imprison monsters and pushed back.

There was still a long time on the road, but the seventh princess didn't look at him, and the others didn't say anything to him. He just lay in the cage and only communicated with Lao Zhu and the wind elf.

This is not bad, because in the cage, he doesn't have to walk, and those people don't pay attention to him, so he won't have any interference, and he can better communicate with the surrounding spiritual creatures. Anyway, there was nothing, he didn't care at all, and he became more and more relaxed.

Because of this, time passed quickly. Unknowingly, they left the territory of Ruifeng City and entered the territory of Guangnan Empire. They also unknowingly climbed over the mountains and arrived at a plain. On the edge of the plain was a stretch of rocks. The city wall built is the imperial city of Guangnan Empire.

The city wall was not made of stones. It was originally a hill. I don't know how much manpower and material resources were spent to carve such a spectacular city wall. Looking at such a magnificent building, Diao Si realized that the seven wonders of the earth were not worth mentioning at all.

The imperial city of the Guangnan Empire should have a history of countless years. The closer Diao Si got to it, the more spiritual he could feel it. There was a special energy condensed there. There were countless battles that took place here, and Diao Si could even feel it. to the remnants of an ancient war.

In front of the city emperor was a large army. Behind the army were four monsters that were like elephants but much larger than elephants. The monsters carried a platform made of special materials. On the platform was a sun pattern painted on it. On the throne, there is a middle-aged woman wearing fancy clothes and heavy makeup.

There was no need to guess, this woman must be the Queen of Guangnan Empire, she was really majestic, but Diao Si couldn't see anything noble about her, he only saw her power and the ruler's aloof face.

"Lafite has seen the Emperor of Light..." When the seventh princess saw the queen, she immediately bent down to salute, and the generals and soldiers behind her followed suit. Such a salute ceremony was also extremely spectacular.

"Well, I heard that Fei'er finally captured Ruifeng City, and I'm here to congratulate you. You've worked hard..." The queen spoke in a loud voice, and she should be a powerful warrior. Diao Si could already hear it. .

"Hahaha, Queen Mother, I heard that the first time Fei'er sent out troops, Ruifeng City almost wiped out the entire army, and she was in a state of panic." A woman who was also wearing a golden armor under the Queen's platform also interjected. , the seventh princess naturally looked sad when she heard this.

"Meier, why are you talking about your sister like this? Ruifeng City is built on the mountain. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is not easy for Feier anymore. I will blame you if you still attack her!" The Queen said in a not-stern tone. He said in a scolding tone.

The golden light warrior named Meier smiled after hearing this and responded: "Go back to the Queen Mother, Meier has realized her mistake, and she will not say this again next time that your beloved Fei'er is not..."

"Okay, now that our Guangnan Empire has conquered Ruifeng City in the north, and then the northwest defense line will be connected, it will not be easy for the Guangyao Empire to take advantage of it." After the Queen finished speaking, she motioned for everyone to go back to the imperial city first. .

After hearing what the queen said, Diao Si learned some more information. It turned out that the Guangnan Empire conquered Ruifeng City just to guard against the attack of the Guangyao Empire. There are countless such empires on this continent, and there are countless complicated relationships between them. He still has to explore them slowly.

The imperial city of Guangnan Empire is as big as several Ruifeng cities. It doesn't have some shabby markets like Ruifeng City. It is basically a group of very standard buildings, and there are some large sun statues. Each piece is a giant work of art.

However, while Diao Si was still intoxicated by these gorgeous and spectacular scenery, he was taken to an underground cell. It was dark and humid, with dark lights and black lights. It was completely different from the world on the ground. It was in stark contrast.

He continued to burrow there for a while, descending an unknown number of steps before he was finally escorted into a dungeon. This dungeon is a formal dungeon. The entrance and exit are above, and there is only a little light from the exit. It is a completely dark world.

The higher you climb, the more painful your fall becomes. Thinking back to the heart-warming plot with Kawa, Diao Si feels really uncomfortable now. Why is he so unlucky? He was imprisoned in this dark place before he had time to see the world for a few more times. .

"Lao Zhu, Lao Zhu..." In such an environment, Diao Siwei had no choice but to chat with Lao Zhu. He wanted to know the situation here so that he could find a way to leave accordingly.

Soon, the dark dungeon was lit up, so that Diao Si could see the rocks on the four walls and the metal cover above. This is simply not a place for people to stay. That seventh princess is really too cruel. She probably wants to keep Diao Si here forever.

"Well, the environment here is nice. It's very quiet. I like it very much." Lao Zhu said this, and Diao Si really wanted to teach him a lesson.

"Of course you want to be here, old ghost. You wish I would die here, and then you would return to nature." Diao Si cursed, feeling even more uncomfortable.

After hearing this, Lao Zhu comforted him and said, "What are you worried about? You won't go hungry here. There is food on time. It is much better than the prison in Ruifeng City."

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense to me. I want to leave here now. Please think of a way for me. How can I leave?" Diao Si asked.

After hearing this, Lao Zhu sighed and said: "Leave here? Don't think about it, it's impossible. This is the lowest level of the famous dungeon in the Guangnan Empire. Everything here is dug out of the rock formations. It's impossible. There is no way out…”

"How could there be no way out? You know everything. There must be a way. Please help me."

"No, it's impossible. Not even a Golden Warrior can open such a dungeon. Moreover, there are many levels of checkpoints and blood beasts guarding them. There is no possibility of you leaving..."

"Then what will happen to me? Do I really have to stay here until I die?"

"You're right, they like to lock up those who commit the most heinous crimes here and feed them like hundreds of lives, and they don't let you die easily and let you grow old slowly..."

Hearing this, Diao Si was even more sad. He never thought he would have such a fate. If he had known, he would have been hiding in the prison of Ruifeng City. His hard work for so long was not in vain. He could never escape from this prison. ah. (To be continued)