Alien Ruler

Chapter 57: Imprisoned for twenty years


When he was in the cell in Ruifeng City, Diao Si worked hard to think of a way to leave. Unexpectedly, he was put into a cell with a worse environment this time, and he was locked up here alone, with no way to leave.

"You have to know that I have the mission of saving the Nima Continent. How can you watch me being imprisoned here? Lao Zhu... you have to find a way. This is also your mission!" Diao Si was silent for a while, and then Suddenly he roared at Lao Zhu.

After hearing this, Lao Zhu was stunned for a while before responding to him: "Of course, there is no way to leave, and just like the previous prison in Ruifeng City, you have to study magic carefully, or after many years you will master the powerful With magic, you can think of a way to leave.”

"How many years from now? Can you tell me responsibly, how many years will it take?" Diao Si asked Lao Zhu seriously with a slight hope of survival.

Lao Zhu was stunned for a while, and then slowly replied: "How can I guarantee this? It depends on your efforts. The most important thing is your talent. With your talent, if you are willing to work hard, you will be able to do it three times a year." Ten years, maybe.”

After hearing this answer, Diao Si collapsed on the spot. Although a year here is shorter than a year on earth, in fact it is not much shorter. Seven days here is a month, and seven months is a year, but the problem is that one day is almost equal to seven days on the earth.

"Boy, it's useless for you to complain. If Lafite doesn't remember you and lets you continue to stay here to learn magic, that's better. If she remembers you, you will have no hope." Lao Zhu He sighed again and said no more.

Diao Si lay on the cold ground, recalling all his experiences in this world, and thinking about his previous days on earth. I really don't understand why he was so dissatisfied before. The earth was already very safe. Why did he always long for a legendary experience at that time

This world is a place where heaven and hell coexist, and the gap is too big for people to adapt easily. However, after being sad for a while, Diao Si gradually understood that it was precisely because of the great contrast that he could be stimulated to work hard. There is nothing to be afraid of. He has fought many more adversity wars in the game. He has always liked challenges.

"..." Diao Si sang songs again, which were all popular songs with changed lyrics. As he sang, he relived his old college days. It's a pity that at that time, I only cared about having fun and didn't think about making money, and I didn't pick up girls well. Those school beauties were originally black fungus for rich and handsome people. It was so naive.

There was originally a chance when he was about to graduate. When he and a junior sister were preparing to develop, one of Ya's roommates posted an article "Inventory of Nasty Things in University" online, uniting their boys' dormitories. The "Non-Chicken Beacon Contest" that was held was exposed on the Internet, and his title of "the pride of the country" was spread, which directly caused the junior sister to scare away.

Although these memories have a bitter taste, they are extremely precious. Now that he will be trapped here for several years or even a lifetime, these memories have even become an important part of Diao Si's life.

"Please, can I be quiet for a moment?" A voice rang out. At first, Diao Si thought it was Lao Zhu, but then he realized that it sounded different. It was the voice of a real person.

Haven't those guards left? Diao Si could even hear their footsteps and the sound of the door closing. What was this sound about

Thinking about the environment here, Lao Zhu's previous introduction, and the resentful spirits of the soldiers he had come into contact with in Ruifeng City before, Diao Si's hair stood on end. Maybe he accidentally provoked some resentful spirits here.

"I'm going to shut up right now. Isn't it strange that this brother is so strange? He didn't offend unintentionally and he didn't offend unintentionally..." Diao Si said a lot of apologies in a row, for fear that this resentful spirit would come to trouble him.

"Okay, okay, don't be so shivering. It's actually good to have a companion, although I'm used to being quiet." The voice said again, and Diao Si became even more scared. This companion was too scary. But he didn't dare to refuse, so he just covered his mouth and said nothing.

I don’t know how many people were imprisoned here until they died here. They may have been imprisoned for decades. How much resentment there must be. What if the resentful spirit blamed Diao Si for everything and took it out on him? It's really fucked up.

"Hey, the little brother who spoke just now, why didn't you speak? Let's talk. I haven't spoken to anyone in twenty years. When I started talking, I realized that I was a little speechless... "

Haven’t spoken to each other in twenty years? As expected, he is quite vicious. He is really unlucky now. Why do he have the talent to communicate with spiritual beings? It was really exciting to provoke a vicious spirit after just singing a few lines of song.

"Do you not understand what I'm saying now? No way. More than ten years ago, I realized that I couldn't speak very well, so I started practicing for a long time. It's only in the past year and a half that I haven't spoken again. practise… "

Listening to the guy's words, Diao Si realized something was wrong again. This guy didn't look like a vicious spirit. First of all, there was no resentment in his words, and secondly, he sounded like he was far away from Diao Si, because the space here was narrow and quiet. Pass it over.

"Brother, have you been imprisoned here for many years? How old are you now?" Diao Si asked the other person's age as if inquiring. If this man was a normal person, he would probably be only a few decades old now. It would be different if he was a ghost.

"More than forty years old, I don't remember exactly. I have been imprisoned here for twenty years." The man answered, and Diao Si felt relieved. It turned out that he was another unlucky guy. When he was imprisoned, Just over 20 years old, this seems to be the predecessor of Diao Si.

"How can you know how long it has been since you were locked up in such a dark place?" Diao Si looked at the only spots of light coming out of it and raised his own question.

"Haha, what is this? I used to be a warrior and strategist. I know the time very well. I have been calculating when it will be extremely hot and cold every year. In the future, you will also know these very well, because in addition to this You will find that you have nothing else to do..."

Listening to the guy's response, Diao Si felt even more hopeless. He might as well communicate with the wind elf immediately and learn magic. He didn't want to stay here for twenty years.

"By the way, what's your boy's name?" The guy was still shivering, and you couldn't blame him. He hadn't said a word to anyone in twenty years, and today he suddenly had a companion. Of course he wanted to talk to him. , and learn about the outside world by the way.

"Diao Si, where are you, brother?" Diao Si responded simply. He didn't want to reveal too much information about himself yet. He wanted to at least get to know who this man was so that he wouldn't suffer any disadvantage.

"Mingzi." The guy replied, and Diao Si thought he was asking a rhetorical question, because in the language of this world, this guy's name has the same pronunciation as "name".

"Name? Yes, I just asked for your name." Diao Si continued to ask.

"My name is Mingzi. My name used to be well-known in the Guangnan Empire, but now not many people may remember it..." Mingzi sighed, and then told Diao Si his glorious history in detail, It turns out that this guy is not simple at all.

He was the first male Golden Light Warrior and the first man to boldly promote the men's rights movement. He was a sensation at the time and was favored by many women, including the two princesses of the Guangnan Empire at that time.

Unfortunately, it was precisely because of this that he did not accept the love of Princess Lalan for the sake of Princess Larry. In the end, he was charged with patriarchal crimes and was imprisoned in the lowest level of the dungeon, where he will never be released.

At the earliest, Princess Lalan had come to him while pregnant with his child, and found that he was still completely devoted to Princess Larry, and in the end she never showed up again. Ming has been locked up here like this, twenty years have passed, until now.

Listening to his sad experience, Diao Si got an extremely important piece of information. Ming Zi mentioned that Princess Lalan later became the queen, and is now the Queen of the Guangnan Empire.

Of course, there were many men around the Queen, just like the Emperor Diao Si's harem of three thousand, but the important thing was that when Ming Zi said that Princess Lalan finally came to see him, she said she was pregnant with his child.

In other words, the current Guangnan Empire may have a prince or princess who is Mingzi's child. If he has a chance to find this princess...

In fact, there is no chance, because it is difficult to even meet the guards here. It is really difficult to leave here. Diao Si despairs when he thinks of a little hope. (To be continued)