Alien Ruler

Chapter 61: Career growth


"Fat sister, I want to ask for one thing. When I help this auntie later, can you blindfold me or knock me out directly..." Diao Si seemed to have walked to the cliff, then turned to face Fat Sister said.

Before the fat lady could understand what he meant, the old woman rushed over and pushed him against the wall, then slapped his butt hard. Not only does this old woman have such a dignified appearance, but she also has the temperament of the seventh princess. Now she is really doomed.

"What do you mean, brother? Why are you so mean-mouthed? Do you mean I don't have a man when I'm several decades old? Have I ever been such a failure? Damn, you don't want to live anymore?" The old woman kept cursing, It seemed as if Diao Si was her father-killing enemy.

Then the fat sister over there persuaded her and said: "Sister Shan, that kid is new here and doesn't know anything. Don't blame him. Maybe he just wants to tell you a joke."

"Fat sister, you judge. If a loser insults you like this, can you not be angry?..." The old woman continued to curse, and it took a while to calm down.

"Xiao Diao, Sister Shan's eldest daughter is almost thirty years old. Do you still think she is looking for your service? How is this possible? She is here to look after her younger daughter. Don't you think about it, what if she grows up? It’s too embarrassing for someone of her age who doesn’t have a man to come here.”

Listening to what the fat lady said, Diao Sicai suddenly regained his energy. It turned out that it was just a false alarm, and the pain from the two slaps on his butt just stopped immediately. It turned out that the old woman wanted to help her little daughter look at him, which was completely different. Although her daughter was probably an ugly girl too, at least her body was still tender.

"I'm sorry, auntie, I'm really sorry. It was my fault. I promise that I will never make this mistake again. You can bring your daughter over right away. I guarantee that your... daughter will be satisfied." Diao Si kept saying. After apologizing, the old woman left while nagging.

She had just left when the fat lady over there laughed so much that she almost rolled off her chair. Diao Si couldn't help but laugh. He was so stupid just now and almost scared himself to death.

After a while, someone came over again, but this time it was not the previous Sister Shan, but another very young woman. Although she didn't look very beautiful, she was passable. Diao Si didn't expect too much anymore. It was all work anyway, so he had to have a correct attitude.

"Fat Aunt, is this the new teacher?" the young woman said. The fat sister nodded, and then she walked in front of Diao Si and looked at him.

Diao Si also looked at her. This woman was not bad. Although her figure was not very good, her skin was white and rosy, and she was very tender. Watching him get hard again, he said to the woman, "Okay, let's get started."

The woman was a little nervous, looked at the fat sister again, then walked to the special bed and lay down, and then looked at Diao Si. The little girl felt like she was about to be tortured, and her interest in Diao Si was greatly reduced, but why did she care so much about work

"Like this, you lie down a little over here and spread your legs..." Diao Si directed, and noticed the fat lady looking sideways on the chair. How embarrassing was this.

"Fat Sister, can you turn your head to the other side? What should I do if you stare at me like this..." Diao Si said this, and Fat Sister turned her head a little unhappy.

"Take off your pants..." Diao Si said to the little girl again. Because she was too passive, she lay still and waited.

"Isn't this your job? You have to teach me. Just now you asked me to spread my legs, but you didn't ask me to take off my pants..." The little girl was not happy anymore and complained.

Diao Si was not happy either. These women only regarded him as a tool and did not regard him as a human being at all. Well, disobedient, right? Anyway, you are so humble, so I will let you suffer the pain of having your virginity broken!

Diao Si took off her pants in one fell swoop, then held her legs down and moved on, so that the little girl gritted her teeth and endured. But as Diao Si increased his intensity, she soon couldn't stand it anymore and had to block it with her hands...

Unexpectedly, it would be so unpleasant. The girl didn't even look at Diao Si, and not long after, she climbed out of the bed, put on her pants with an unhappy look on her face, and left with a glare at Diao Si. Diao Si didn't know why it happened like this this time, or whether it was a problem with this profession. It was destined to end on bad terms.

"Oh, you seem to have some experience. How could you make a girl like this? You really need to get some professional training." The fat lady over there said this, Diao Si He immediately put on his pants again.

"Vocational training?" What other training method is there? I was scared when I saw the fat lady’s weird figure. Did she mean to practice with her? No, it's too strong.

"Did you see everything just now?" Diao Si asked again, because he felt that the fat sister seemed to know that they were unhappy just now.

After hearing this, the fat sister shook her head and said, "Sister, do you still need to read it? How many years have you been doing this? Just by listening to it, I know what you just did. You are so good. I have never seen anyone like this." ”

"My food?" Diao Sizhen was a little unconvinced, but he seemed a little embarrassed to tell the fat lady this.

"You have to know that you are a loser. In addition to losing someone's virginity, you also have to pay attention to education. You want people to enjoy this pleasure and understand what orgasm is..." The fat sister continued, and only then did Diao Si know what she was referring to. .

"I know this, but that little girl just now..." Diao thought about what he said, and realized that there was nothing wrong with the little girl. They didn't know her at all. No wonder she had such an attitude.

"Okay, let me teach you something first." Fat Sister said, taking out a booklet from the drawer of the chair and throwing it to Diao Si.

"You have to know that women are different from men. They usually don't want to do it as quickly as you do. There is a process. You have to find a way to stimulate them first..."

As Fat Sister said, Diao Si flipped through the booklet again and found that he actually knew a little bit about these things, so he said: "I have already been 'trained' on this. It is all in AV. I think I know it." What to do.”

"AV? Is this the brochure you have?" The fat lady asked, confused.

Diao Si shook his head after hearing this and said, "It's almost as effective as your pamphlet, but it's a video, which is much more vivid than this pamphlet."

"Well, show it to me next time you have the chance. As an expert in this field, I am always willing to accept good methods." Fatty said this, Diao Si was a little embarrassed because it was too far away.

Then the mountain lady came again, bringing a little girl with her. I really didn't expect that her face could give birth to such a beautiful little daughter. Or should I say, the women in this world are much more beautiful than those on earth, maybe because there is no pollution here.

This time Diao Si was much smarter. Although the girl was also intimidated at first, after a while of his efforts, she became more proactive.

The fat sister's education was very reasonable. Not only did the girl leave with satisfaction, Diao Si also had a great time doing it. This job really can't be based on feelings, it takes time. Diao Si fell in love with this profession more and more.

In this way, Diao Si took over the work of several girls that afternoon. They all praised Diao Si's professionalism. Even the fat sister also admired Diao Si very much.

Originally, the fat lady planned to take a rest at night, but because a few more girls came over to beg, she agreed to let Diao Si stay alone and work overtime, and went back first.

At dawn the next day, Diao Si opened the door because he was tired and had slept for several hours. He found that there were twenty or thirty girls waiting in a long line for him. It seemed that his professionalism in this industry had been widely spread. .

This is work. Looking at those cute little girls, how could Diao Si bear to let them go back. You have to be passionate about your work. In the service industry, attitude is very important, and of course quality is also very important.

In this way, after constant attempts and improvements, Diao Si's professional level became higher and higher. He even discovered that different types of women have different situations in all aspects, and they need to provide different services to different customers.

Thinking back to being locked up in that dungeon for so long before being released, even though these things were complicated, they were all mistakes. Diao Si found room for development here, and even had a career of his own. (To be continued)