Alien Ruler

Chapter 66: Special tombstone


This Queen Lalan is really not simple at all. In order to continue punishing Mingzi without affecting Lafite, she actually thought of erecting a monument for Mingzi. Women's hearts are the most poisonous, especially those whose love turns into hatred. It's so terrible.

Seeing Lafite looking at his father's tombstone in silence, Diao Si hesitated again. He didn't know whether he should tell Lafite the truth about this matter secretly, but if this matter was exposed, it would be really troublesome.

It should be said that if he wanted to take revenge on Lafite, he should tell her all this, so that Lafite would naturally want to find out the whole truth, thereby offending Lalan, and it would not end well in the end.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Diao Si already fell in love with this little devil. How could he bear to see Lafite suffer misfortune.

But he really wanted Mingzi to know this news. After all, they had known each other for so long, and they were still friends. Mingzi must be very happy to know this news, even though he still couldn't leave there.

"Do you know? This is my father's tomb. Although the Queen Mother always prevents me from mentioning him, I know that he is an extraordinary man, a golden warrior man. He was once known to the entire Guangnan Empire. He …”

Unexpectedly, Lafite also talked about the glorious history of Mingzi. Maybe in her opinion, this is something to be proud of, but these ideas are really familiar enough to be recited, and Lafite's version is not complete enough.

"Your father is so awesome, he is simply a man's idol. He should be a handsome man, because his daughter is as beautiful as an angel..." Diao Si said habitually, and Lafite laughed.

"Actually, you're not bad. Now almost everyone in the imperial city knows you, especially the young girls who have sought your services..." Lafite's words were not sarcastic, Diao Si's transformation really impressed her. Surprised.

"How can these be compared? Your father is famous for honor, and I am famous for shame. There is a huge difference." Diao Si responded with a wry smile.

They continued to talk for a while, listening to Lafite talk about the past that Diao Si had long been tired of hearing, and Diao Si felt as uncomfortable as eating something he vomited. But it was rare that Lafite liked it, so he had to endure this torture until he saw Lafite so satisfied.

Then there was silence again. After a while, Lafite sighed and said to Diao Si: "I will lead troops to the northern front early tomorrow morning to block the invasion of the Glorious Empire."

After hearing this, Diao Si understood why Lafite suddenly came here today. It turned out that she was leaving. I really didn't expect that when she was about to leave, the person she thought of would be Diao Si. It seemed that Diao Si's status in her heart was quite high, which was a bit hard for Diao Si to accept.

"How's it going? You just want me to leave, right? If I'm not here, you don't have to put in so much thought and prepare so many things every day..." Lafite said this, keeping a close eye on Diao Si.

Diao Si knew this little devil. She said this, but she was expecting something else in her heart. And she was quite pitiful, so lonely and helpless. There was no one in the entire imperial city to whom she could confide her concerns, so she could only talk to Tombstone.

"No, Your Highness Princess, how can I let you go? I know you can't stay for me, so please take me away..." Diao Si continued to blow intoxicatedly, and then suddenly realized that Raphina Serious eyes.

"Okay, then I will fulfill your wish and take you with me to fight against the invaders of the Glorious Empire!" When Lafite said this, Diao Si's heart froze. He really didn't want to be taken away by Lafite. , the consequences of this are unpredictable.

"No..." After Diao Si uttered this word, he immediately realized what Lafite was thinking after hearing it, so he added: "Of course it is a good thing to be able to fight the invaders with Her Royal Highness, but I am afraid that I will affect you, the Seventh Princess. reputation and bring bad luck to the army."

Lafite hesitated for a moment before continuing: "I have decided that I will take you with me tomorrow. I don't know who else to take with me except you."

Of course Diao Si had the urge to faint after hearing her words, but he still forced a smile and said: "That's great, that's great. You can be with the Seventh Princess. You won't be afraid even if you go up mountains of swords and seas of fire, but I'm here." What should I do with my job?”

"You don't need to worry about that. Let's get ready first. We will leave early tomorrow morning." Lafite only responded to this sentence, and then turned to leave. Diao Si's eyes really widened at this moment, and he immediately chased after him. Holding her.

"Your Highness Princess, have you really thought about it clearly? I'm afraid this will have a great impact on your battle..." Diao Si kept saying, but Lafite couldn't move at all. Since she had made her decision before, It seems that Diao Si has no ability to change unless...

Diao Si thought of something. Unless he told her about Mingzi's situation and then implicated her in the whirlpool between Lalan and Mingzi, she would be trapped here and the dispatch of troops might be cancelled.

"Your Highness Princess..." But when he was about to say it, Diao Si hesitated again, because if he did this, it would really hurt Lafite. Is this necessary

"How's it going?" Lafite over there stopped, waiting for Diao Si's unfinished words. Diao Sizhen didn't know what to do. He didn't want to harm Lafite, but he also didn't want to be taken back to that bloody battlefield by Lafite. He felt that it was good to learn magic quietly now.

"No, before leaving, I wonder if you can let me fulfill a wish..." Diao Si said while thinking, he was still hesitant.

"Come and take a look." Lafite responded, then turned to look at Diao Si.

"When I was imprisoned in the dungeon, I met someone who had also been imprisoned there for many years. I thought..." Diao Si could not tell Lafite about Mingzi's situation, so he just stood there in a dilemma.

"I want to go back and say goodbye to him before setting off. I don't know if the princess can be satisfied. I don't have any friends here, so I just want to chat with him..." Diao Si said and looked at Lafite again. expression.

Lafite just nodded and responded: "I can understand how you feel. Okay, come with me and I will let them help you fulfill your wish."

Lafite didn't think about the situation of the man in the dungeon at all. He really thought that Diao Si was telling the truth. He just wanted to see his old friends. But it's not her fault. How could she have thought so far ahead

So Lafite sent one of her followers to take Diao Si to the dungeon. After the attendant left, Diao Si followed the guards to Mingzi's location at the bottom of the dungeon.

"Let me guess, are you going to let me out? Or some unlucky guy has been caught again?" Mingzi's voice sounded, and his hearing was indeed different. He had already heard the footsteps.

"Who else is unlucky? Since the eldest brother and the younger brother came to see you, maybe no one in the world will think of you except me." Diao Si responded to him as he approached.

"What? Is it you, Xiao Diao? I can't believe that you were captured again after being released for only a short time. Alas..." Ming Zi said, looking very regretful.

Diao Si smiled after hearing this, and then responded: "I was not captured, just to say goodbye to an old friend."

"What..." Mingzi obviously couldn't accept it. He was stunned for a while, and then continued to ask Diao Si: "Brother Diao, are you kidding me? I can understand that you were not imprisoned back here, but I can't imagine how you could be here." Come here when you’re not locked in.”

Ming Zi is quite sober, because the management here is very strict. Except for people from the royal family, it is estimated that no one can come in casually.

"Okay, I will tell you everything you want to know, but before that, I want you to tell me whether the two expressionless guards around me will tell you if they hear some secrets about you. Where is your old lover?"

Diao Si Mingzi quickly understood what he meant. He laughed twice and then told Diao Si: "Don't worry, the guards here have been dealt with. They are all mute and can't speak. You can rest assured." explain."

In fact, being unable to speak does not mean that there is no danger, but it is estimated that the guards here knew something about the situation and did not have the chance to take the words outside. Diao Si breathed a sigh of relief and began to tell Mingzi about Lafite's situation. (To be continued)