Alien Ruler

Chapter 68: Treasure hunt


"My treasures, where are you all? Can you come out and meet me?" After spending a period of time with no results, Diao Si thought of Lao Zhu's words again, those treasures have souls, So he said helplessly.

"It's useless for you to call like this. They're hiding so deep, how can they sense you? And you're not their master, so they don't even need to pay attention to you even if they sense you."

When Diao Si heard the sound, he thought the treasures were responding to him, but then he realized it was Lao Zhu, so he asked him again: "Lao Zhu, you already know their specific locations. Without further ado, help me get them right away." Find them all."

Lao Zhu sighed after hearing this, and then responded: "Insatiable, find them all, can you take them all away? Can you use all those treasures? Why do your heads get hot when you hear treasures, and you don't understand anything?" Are you going to take them all away?”

"Old Zhu, there are good people who love treasures. You don't have to be jealous. No matter what kind of treasures I will have in the future, I will never abandon you." Diao Si said with a smirk.

How could Lao Zhu not understand him? They had been together for so long. He knew that Diao Si was anxious to get this thing done, so he told him: "Since the previous owner of these treasures promised to give them to you, you can Become their new owner, but you can only take away one treasure."

"Are these rules too harsh?... Tell me what is the most valuable thing, such as a gem." Diao Si listened and continued to ask. He understood that the number of treasures is not important, what is important is It's quality.

"Is it valuable? All you have in your head is money. How vulgar! There are many kinds of treasures here, but not many are suitable for you. You should be more realistic." Lao Zhu continued, pointing to a location on the wall. .

It turns out that the entrance is not on the ground but on the wall. Diao Si knocked all over the floor just now. Why didn't Lao Zhu show up earlier? Diao Si immediately walked to the wall, knocked and knocked, and finally took off a piece of the outer decoration, revealing a special door.

"You must remember that you are a magic user, and what you pursue should be spiritual things. Find some treasures that can help you perform magic better, such as the wise man's staff here..."

Lao Zhu continued talking, Diao Si had already opened the door, and then slowly walked down there. The staff mentioned by Lao Zhu seemed to be quite good, but Diao Si didn't even have a weapon now, so he had to equip it. By myself.

"Where is that wise man's staff? I'll take it away first, and come back later to get other things." Diao Si became happier the more he thought about it, but it was dark there, and he had to rely on the light from Lao Zhu's body to illuminate it. See the road.

"Do you think that coming back is the second time? You can only take away everything here. After you choose the treasure you want most, the other treasures will not go with you." Lao Zhu corrected loudly. Diao Si said.

"Okay, I understand. I want that staff, okay? Please tell me where it is. I really want it." Diao Si became more and more anxious and wanted to see the treasure.

"But I don't suggest you take it away, because it is a weapon, and a weapon must be held in your hand to fully exert its power. If you hold it, you will be caught by the soldiers here and burned to death. And that staff is just a basic magic weapon."

Lao Zhu's words really frightened Diao Si. What he said made sense. The rulers here hated magic users. If Diao Si had a staff, he would definitely be dealt with.

"Are there any other high-end treasures? I have always agreed with your suggestions, Lao Zhu, so don't hold back and tell me quickly." Diao Si calmed down a little and waited for Lao Zhu's instructions.

"The treasures you carry with you are very particular. If you carry different types of treasures together, they will affect each other. For example, if you bring an elemental type and a dark magic type, their original effects will be greatly weakened..."

Lao Zhu continued to tremble about the knowledge about wearing treasures, but Diao Si felt bored and interrupted him again: "Old Zhu, I understand, I trust you very much, just pick the best one for me. Don’t want to spend the night here.”

"There is a wind elf's loyalty there, a near-intermediate treasure, which was sacrificed by a powerful wind mage in ancient times. But he obviously didn't understand the goods, so he just threw it into the pile of ancient coins."

"The loyalty of the wind spirit? How powerful is it? Will it make my tornado more powerful?" Diao Si asked as he followed Lao Zhu's spirit body.

But Lao Zhu only told him: "No, it will only make it easier for you to communicate with the wind elves and better use wind magic. It will not increase your magic power."

This didn't sound like there was any special benefit, which greatly reduced Diao Si's enthusiasm. However, since it was Lao Zhu's suggestion, Diao Si had no choice but to accept it. After rummaging for a while, he finally found the treasure box containing the ancient coins.

"Great Spirit of All Spirits, it was you who found me. How can I help you?" It was a voice. Diao Si could already hear it and saw the soul of the same treasure, but he didn't As strong as an old pearl, it only glows dimly.

"You're lucky. I could have taken away any treasure... What's this 'Spirit of All Spirits' about? Why do you call me that?" Diao Si said, but he couldn't figure it out.

"He didn't say this to you." Lao Zhu said this to Diao Si, and then said to the wind elf Zhi Zhi: "Zhi Zhi, it was not me who found you, it was him, the magician Diao Si, he is me My master will also be your master from now on.”

"What?" The wind elf Zhongzhi looked at Diao Si and asked Lao Zhu in confusion: "He is just a low-level magic user. How can he be your master? What's going on?"

"What do you mean, old guy? I'm your master anyway, so you're looking down on me like this?" Diao Si responded, feeling a little unhappy.

After hearing this, Lao Zhu smiled and said to him: "I will explain this to you later. You should get familiar with him now."

The loyalty of the wind elf turned to look at Diao Si, but still looked unconvinced, and said directly to Diao Si: "You have no wisdom, no reputation, and you are still a man. How can I follow someone like you... "

"Damn it, what do you mean, you old ghost? Is it hard for you to follow me? You're just a rusty pendant, what's the big deal..." Diao Si really became more and more unhappy as he listened. Lao Zhu I have never ridiculed him so much.

"Rusty pendant? You don't even understand me at all, you are just an idiot..." That guy really didn't give Diao Si any face, which made Diao Si increasingly dissatisfied.

"Old Zhu, you see he actually said this to me, can I change the treasure immediately and leave it here to continue to rust?" Diao Si said to Lao Zhu angrily.

Lao Zhu became serious after hearing this: "No, you can see that you can successfully communicate with him from the beginning. This is your fate, isn't it great? He just speaks too directly, you just need to be more open-minded."

"But this guy doesn't think of me as his master yet." Diao Si held back his breath and said, wanting the wind elf's loyalty to surrender to him, so he continued: "You have to say something to me, right? My... Baby."

In this way, the loyalty of the wind elf calmed down and he said to Diao Si: "Since you found me, I will follow you until you die and rot into the soil..."

Listening to what he said, Diao Si was a little unhappy. This guy seemed to be cursing him. Then Lao Zhu over there took over and said: "There is always a running-in period at the beginning, and you really don't have a good temper. Well, aren't you in a hurry? Let's get out of here together."

Diao Si also knew that he didn't have much time, so he said to Feng Zhongcheng in the tone of a servant: "From now on, you will be called Feng Zhongcheng. You must remember that when I am not looking for you, don't show up on your own..."

It was already late at night when he returned to his residence. Lafite would come to fight with him the next day, but Diao Si had no time to hide.

Well, Diao Si accepted his fate and was ready to return to the battlefield with Lafite. Still in line with what he said in the gaming world before, he is nothing without the battlefield, and only the battlefield is his destination. (To be continued)