Alien Ruler

Chapter 69: Ambiguous situation


"Master... Master..."

Unexpectedly, Feng Zhongcheng was quite annoying. He disturbed Diao Si in his dream, so Diao Si asked him unhappily: "What's wrong? Didn't I tell you? If you have nothing to do, please don't bother me, okay?"

"In this way, you have to hang me around your neck to play my role. I just knew that you were communicating with the wind elf. I think I can help you do this better."

When Feng Zhongcheng said this, Diao Si became even more unhappy, and said: "You have just been unearthed and are so dirty. I will clean you up tomorrow and take you with you. You are still dreaming now. You go to bed first... No, you can do whatever you want." What to do."

However, Feng Zhongcheng was not so obedient. He quickly told Diao Si: "Master, originally I didn't want to bother you, but your method is wrong. I must correct you..."

"Can you tell me when I wake up?... Okay, if you have anything to correct, please correct me." Diao Sisi heard Lao Zhu's reminder, suppressed his anger again, and said this.

"It's like this. Spiritual beings like us cannot be washed casually. We must use pure things when washing. Incorrect washing may damage our spiritual energy..." Feng Zhongcheng kept talking tremblingly. , Diao Si really gets more and more annoyed the more he listens to it.

"Okay, can I just wear it without washing it?" Facing Feng Zhongcheng like this, Diao Si became more and more aware of Lao Zhu's kindness. Only then did the guy sink, and Diao Si continued to float there with the wind elf.

"Get up, Xiao Diao, get up quickly..."

Before he had enough sleep, Diao Si was woken up by Fat Sister. He thought he was going to work, but it turned out that Lafite's entourage was here. Fortunately, Lafite also asked him to prepare first and did not want to set off immediately.

In fact, Diao Si had nothing to prepare for. He had no relatives or friends here, and the only one he knew well was Fatty Sister. Only then did Diao Si remember that Fat Sister was Lafite's aunt, but she probably didn't know about this either, so it was better not to tell her.

Only then did he realize that Feng Zhongcheng was still in his hand, looked at the dirt-like things on it, and hung it on his neck helplessly. However, the moment he hung it up, Diao Si felt that the surroundings seemed a little different, and the wind spirit became very clear.

This thing was indeed a treasure. When Diao Si became happy, he took it to look at it again, only to realize that the dirt on it suddenly seemed to be reduced, and the whole thing became much brighter.

"Teacher Diao, the Seventh Princess is waiting. Let's hurry over." Lafite's entourage said so, and Diao Si had no choice but to follow behind. She had said before that she would give him some time to prepare, but why did she act like a rusher again? .

However, when he got outside, Diao Si was even more dissatisfied because what the attendant prepared for him was a wooden cart carrying grain. This should be what Lafite meant. She wanted to use this wooden cart to transport food to secretly take Diao Si away, so as to avoid other people's gossip.

Diao Si reluctantly got in. There were still some food residues piled inside, and the smell was quite unpleasant. Not only that, the attendant then told Diao Si that he had to stay there for several hours and could not come out until the troops left the imperial city.

Soon after, the troops set off, and Diao Si's car also started to move. After walking like this for a long time, the troops stopped to rest. Then the cover of the wooden car was opened, and the attendant pulled Diao Si's car. Got out.

"How is it? It's good to stay in there, right?" It was Lafite's voice. She had arranged it well. Maybe the people in the imperial city didn't know that Diao Si had been taken away.

But when he turned around and saw Lafite's familiar golden suit, Diao Si was stunned again. Lafite looked like the commander-in-chief of the imperial army who had been under Ruifeng City.

"Seeing Her Royal Highness the Princess's golden battle suit, I remembered the days when we met at war. I haven't been on the battlefield for a long time." Diao Si sighed and said, remembering the previous scenes in Ruifeng City, as well as Kava.

"Still thinking about your Ruifeng City, right? Our group will also pass there. It has been reduced to the city of the Glorious Empire." When Lafite said this, Diao Sizhen couldn't believe it.

"What? Ruifeng City fell so quickly? Do you know the news about Kawa?" Diao Si realized the problem after asking, and immediately added: "A city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack was actually attacked. Come on, the Glorious Empire is too powerful."

"No, it was not captured. It was Ruifeng City that voluntarily gave up its resistance and allowed the troops of the Guangyao Empire to pass through its territory. Our Guangnan Empire's defenders attacked and all of them were killed..."

After Lafite said this, Diao Si understood that the original troops in Ruifeng City did not betray the Guangnan Empire, but they did not resist the Guangyao Empire. This was a wise approach for the time being, but they didn't know whether it would be the Guangyao Empire or the Guangnan Empire that would win this battle in the future. , they will all settle accounts with them.

"Then your Highness the Princess wants to capture Ruifeng City first and then fight against the invaders of the Glorious Empire?" Diao Si asked Lafite as he had already thought of something.

Lafite nodded after hearing this and said, "Yes, I hope you can help persuade them to surrender, so that we can stay there and prevent the invading army from advancing."

"No, this won't work." Diao Si said this, which made Lafite a little unhappy, but he did not stop and continued to persuade Lafite: "Right now, Ruifeng City is taking a wait-and-see attitude. If we attack the city, we will It’s like forcing them to the side of the Glorious Empire, which is too dangerous.”

"Really? Then can we avoid Ruifeng City and ignore it? The food we brought is only enough for a few days." Lafite said this. It seems that she has already planned to go to Ruifeng City after capturing Ruifeng City. A garrison was stationed there.

"We don't have to worry. The attitude of Ruifeng City affects our success or failure. Do you know who is leading Ruifeng City now? If it is still the same as before, I am confident that I can convince them, but this must first bring glory to the people." The imperial invaders were driven away.”

After Diao Si finished speaking, he asked Lafite again about the situation of their army this time, because from what he saw, it seemed that he did not have many troops. Lafite actually didn't like Diao Si asking such questions, as if he wanted to show off as a leader in front of her.

After inquiring like this, Diao Si found out that the number of troops they sent this time was only 50,000 soldiers and two throwing machines. This was much smaller than the number of troops that attacked Ruifeng City before. It seemed to be quite difficult to fight.

However, Lafite told him that their main force of more than 100,000 troops had been led by her sister Lacy yesterday along the straight road to meet the Guangyao Empire, because the highway of the Guangyao Empire was closer to the imperial city of the Guangnan Empire.

Lafite's team was arranged here to block the troops transferred from the Empire of Light and prevent their armies from converging, so as to disperse the strength of the invading army, ensure the completion of Lassi's mission, and jointly stop the invasion of the Empire of Light. .

According to what Lafite said, the reason why they sent troops this time was entirely to serve Lacy's troops. Now Diao Si also understood that what Lafite said yesterday about the Queen doting on her was not her business. It seemed that Lacy was the Queen's protector. .

"Do you know the situation of the invading army now?" Diao Si continued to ask nervously, only to realize that it was not only Lafite, but also the strange looks from the generals behind her.

"I'm just curious, nothing else. Your Highness, you don't need to pay attention to me... No, you don't need to pay attention to me at all." Diao Si has already understood that this is not the army of Ruifeng City before him, but the army of Guangnan Empire. They I simply look down on a loser like him.

"You don't have to worry so much. I know you have some talent in this area. If you think of anything in the future, you can bring it up and I will seriously consider it." Lafite said this, which made Diao Si relax a little.

Then Da Fei told Diao Si that she didn't know much about the enemy's situation. The defenders of Ruifeng City had previously reported to the Imperial City that tens of thousands of invading troops were gathering in the north of Ruifeng City. Another news is that the Guangnan Empire has heard that the Guangyao Empire will transfer 100,000 soldiers from the Guangyao Empire to attack them to support the attack on the Guangnan Empire.

However, these could not be determined yet. Diao Si was just worried after hearing this, and suggested that Lafite send the birdman troops to inquire about the enemy's situation first.

In fact, Lafite felt that it would be ineffective to send birdmen to inquire so soon after leaving the imperial city now, because the situation might be completely different by then. However, she still accepted Diao Si's proposal and first sent a small team of elite birdmen to the direction of Ruifeng City to learn about the enemy's situation. (To be continued)