Alien Ruler

Chapter 71: Quiet city


Near noon, Lafite's troops had arrived at the junction of Ruifeng City's territories, and they simply camped there to rest. This time, without waiting for Diao Si's suggestion, Lafite sent out elite birdmen to once again inquire about the situation in Ruifeng City.

The terrain of Ruifeng City was quite familiar to Diao Si. Last time, it was because he gave up the long battle with Lafite that he restored the ecosystem here. Everything here should still be grateful to him.

However, after a war, there are still changes here, especially those villages near Ruifeng City that were looted and burned. But Diao Si's giving up only brought about a short-term peace. With the invasion of the Glorious Empire, how could the Ruifeng City in the middle escape the bad luck

Such a war that traumatized the earth was only for the Latin Queen's ambition to unify the Empire of Light. From this point of view, she was really guilty of a heinous crime. In fact, as a product of desire, which ruler is not the most sinful

After a good sleep, the group set off again. They continued walking like this for a while, and when they came to the first river, they stopped to rest again. This is necessary, because we are not far from Ruifeng City now, and we may encounter enemies at any time. It will be a big loss if we don't get enough rest.

However, Diao Si discovered that the water in that river had surged because of the heavy rainstorm before, and it was only now beginning to flow here. Rivers in this world are basically filled with rainwater, so the rise and fall of the river is most affected by the weather. .

So there is another safety hazard, that is, the river water is almost rising to the bridge, so their troops must pass slowly in batches. If you encounter the enemy in this way, it will be more dangerous, so before crossing the river, you should first observe the enemy's situation.

The elite birdmen flew back, but the news was still the same. Ruifeng City was quiet, and the invading troops who had withdrawn outside the border were still waiting, without any movement.

Lafite also felt that something was unusual this time. How could the invading army abandon the city and flee like this, and then wait near the border? But Lafite couldn't find a reasonable explanation, and she even wanted to take the opportunity to occupy Ruifeng City so that she could hold it there.

After the large army passed the bridge, Diao Si already had a plan to deal with the invading army, but he did not put it forward because the conditions were not yet mature.

Next, the distance they could walk was shortened, because the hot afternoon sun was terrible. At this time, the large army had experienced nearly a hundred hours of marching, and was already very tired.

It took them a while before they arrived at the second river. This time Diao Sizhen suggested that Lafite should not cross the river first, because the river was relatively wide, and with the current water flow, it would be difficult for them to cross the river after they crossed it. It will be difficult to retreat.

But Lafite was not optimistic about Diao Si's opinion. She only wanted to win Ruifeng City and was not willing to wait even a minute. She only speeded up the birdman's reconnaissance frequency, and soon ordered to cross the river, and built a simple camp on the other side of the river.

However, the information that the birdmen came back from the reconnaissance was even more unbelievable to Diao Si. Ruifeng City was completely unprepared for defense. They even opened the city gate, as if they had no idea that Lafite's team was coming.

Now Lafite didn't dare to get closer. In addition to continuing to let the birdmen conduct reconnaissance, she also made preparations for the army to occupy Ruifeng City, talking about plans that she didn't know if they would have a chance to be carried out.

The large army set up camp there. Diao Si didn't want to mention anything at first, but the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became. If this was some kind of conspiracy, their current situation would be very dangerous.

So Diao Si took the initiative to go find Lafite and asked to go back to Ruifeng City alone to observe. He wanted to be a spy so that he could learn about the situation in Ruifeng City first.

But Lafite disagreed. She believed that the birdmen's reconnaissance capabilities were already very strong, and there was no need for them to send any more spies. The most important thing was that she didn't want to stay there and wait for news. She wanted to attack Ruifeng City immediately.

Seeing Lafite in such a hurry, Diao Si couldn't feel at ease anymore. If the invading army spotted Lafite's weakness in wanting a city and deliberately set a trap, Lafite would be defeated miserably this time.

"Well, Your Highness Princess, I was born in Ruifeng City anyway. Why don't you let me go as a messenger first? This is also a friendly gesture of our Guangnan Empire." Diao Si asked Lafite.

"I know you miss your Ruifeng City very much, but now we have very important things to do. The envoy was sent when the troops came to the city, and I am not sure whether you are qualified for the responsibilities of this envoy..." Lafite responded impatiently. With.

Diao Si saw the meaning of her words and retorted: "No, Your Highness Princess, as the commander-in-chief of the former Ruifeng City, the defenders there are all my subordinates. Isn't it appropriate for me to go back like this?"

After Diao Si's hard work, he finally convinced Lafite, but Lafite arranged for him to go out as an envoy when their army was about to enter the city. This seems a bit late, but it's better than not going at all.

When they were about to approach Ruifeng City, the rewards from the elite birdmen were still the same. Even the door of Ruifeng City was not opened. They birdmen were not sent out even once. They were just there quietly, as if they were waiting for Lafite's team. .

Lafite was not that stupid. She was also afraid of an ambush, so she built a simple camp and let the team take a good rest there. Diao Si took advantage of this opportunity and asked to be sent as an envoy.

In this way, Lafite finally agreed, and then ordered the responsible generals to prepare a three-legged monster and the yellow flag representing the messenger for him.

After obtaining this, Diao Si set off towards Ruifeng City. However, the three-legged monster was not easy to ride. He almost fell off while running up the hillside. However, after running like this for a while, he already knew some skills.

After a while, we finally arrived in front of Ruifeng City. He observed very carefully. There didn't seem to be any traps there. The surrounding terrain was still the same as before, and it didn't look like it had been tampered with.

There are only a few guards on the city wall, and there are not many archers ambushing them. The city gate is really open, but there is something a little abnormal. There are no creatures entering and exiting the city gate like in the past.

Diao Si originally wanted to catch a creature entering and leaving the city to inquire about the situation, but it seemed that he no longer had this opportunity. This may be because of the war, those creatures are staying in cities or villages, and there are probably no monsters left in the nearby burned villages.

As they continued to approach Ruifeng City, the guards should have noticed Diao Si. They also raised the yellow flag, and then a purple light warrior came to the city gate to greet Diao Si.

Strangely, Diao Si has never seen this purple light warrior, and there are no long-eared archers even among the guards. There was something unusual here. Diao Si also looked at a Silver Light Warrior behind him. He had never seen it either, so it stands to reason that he would at least have some impression of it.

"Mr. Messenger, it's great to see you. The reinforcements from the Imperial City have finally arrived? The soldiers of the Guangyao Empire have already withdrawn when they heard that you were coming..." The purple light warrior immediately said to Diao Si.

Perhaps she was a little surprised when she discovered that Diao Si was a man. She paused and said, "We have been waiting for a long time. You should go into the city and have a rest."

Diao Si had already thought of something, so he responded to the purple light warrior and said, "Are you the original general of Ruifeng City? Why can't we see the general we arranged here before?"

The general showed a sad expression after hearing this and said to Diao Si: "I am the original general of Ruifeng City. All the soldiers in the imperial city have been sacrificed. It is because of their sacrifice that Ruifeng City was saved."

"Then City Lord Ka Zhu and General Ying Mei will lead them?" Diao Si continued to test, staring into the eyes of the purple light warrior.

After hearing this, the purple light warrior sighed again and replied: "They also died gloriously. I'm sorry that we couldn't save them."

Diao Si was already sure of something, so he said: "Okay, but we have to wait until tomorrow morning before entering the city, because Her Royal Highness the Princess is still worried about the situation of the retreating invading army over there, so you should prepare well first."

Hearing Diao Si's answer, the purple light warrior was stunned, but he still smiled and said: "Okay, welcome to your highness the princess, we will make good preparations."

Diao Si rode the three-legged monster away again, but his heart was very heavy. Not only did he have to think about how to deal with the current situation, he also had to think about how to persuade Lafite. (To be continued)