Alien Ruler

Chapter 74: The wind increased its range


Under the attack of Lafite's powerful skills, the defeated invading army did not even know how to swim and was forced to jump into the river. It was not until they saw that the invading army crossing the river had been almost wiped out that the invading army on the other side of the river sent out bows and arrows. He threw empty arrows at Lafite's team here.

The number of their archers is still over 10,000. Seeing their neat appearance, Diao Si couldn't rest assured. As long as these archers guarded the city wall, Lafite's team would not be able to capture Ruifeng City at a low cost. possible.

So while both sides were throwing empty arrows for a while, and then retreating to face each other outside the shooting range, Diao Si ran over and told Lafite, suggesting that she take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the invading archers.

Of course Lafite wanted to get rid of the enemy's archers, but now that both sides were outside the opponent's shooting range and where arrows could not reach, what else could be done? In this way, Diao Si reminded her that strong winds would blow soon, and their range would be greatly increased by then.

If he hadn't seen Diao Si predict a storm before, Lafite wouldn't have believed what he said. Anyway, there was no problem in concentrating the archers, so even though he was dubious about Diao Si's words, Lafite still deployed the archers.

"Wind spirit, obey my will and let our arrows fly farther!" After Diao Si cast his magic, a strong wind blew there.

Faced with such a sudden strong wind, the enemies on the opposite side still raised their heads and looked around stupidly. This time, without waiting for Diao Si's suggestion, Lafite took the opportunity and ordered to release arrows. As expected, those arrows were shot farther by the strong wind. .

At the beginning, the archers over there had to fire arrows against the wind to fight back. It wasn't until people kept falling and their generals gave orders loudly that they began to retreat. Then Lafite continued to order her archers to push forward and pursued them all the way to the river. They stopped next to the corpses of the invading troops.

Diao Si's energy quickly ran out and the wind stopped. The invading army on the other side had suffered thousands of casualties, and the soldiers who had been injured by arrows groaned loudly. Their morale was even lower after this battle.

Now Diao Si was even more enjoying the benefits that magic brought to him. Lao Zhu was right, a powerful magic user was no worse than a powerful warrior. Summoning strong winds like this now changes the range of the enemy and ourselves. How can the enemy have the power to fight back

Of course, the same method cannot be used too many times, otherwise Lafite and the others will know his identity as a magic user, and they won't know what they will do to him then.

While watching the invading army being defeated like this, Lafite still wanted to repair the bridge immediately and pursue the victory. At Diao Si's suggestion, they turned to using the two throwing machines to attack, forcing the invading troops to retreat to Ruifeng City.

"It seems that my decision to bring you here was very correct. Now tell me, how did you do it? Why did the wind suddenly blow in such a morning?" Lafite's question made Diao Si uneasy again.

"You didn't realize it. I saw an arrow cloud in the sky just now. This is a sign of strong winds..." Diao Si explained, but Lafite's eyes were still full of doubts.

"Arrow cloud? The sky has only become brighter now. There doesn't seem to be the cloud you mentioned, right?" Lafite continued to ask and began to look at Diao Si again.

Diao Si looked up and responded: "It's gone now, so the wind has stopped. I will tell Her Royal Highness the next time I find it. ... Now that the imperial army has withdrawn into the city, what are we going to do next?" How to do it?"

After Diao Si changed his mind like this, Lafite was really attracted to him again. After all, it was this battle that she cared about the most.

"Of course I will follow your suggestion and continue to bomb them. They are more anxious than us, and we still have more shells. Let them continue to suffer."

Then Lafite sent out the birdmen and asked the large army to eat something and take a rest. They would wait until the bridge was repaired before setting off. Now that the invading army's strength is slightly inferior to theirs, Lafite is very confident about capturing Ruifeng City.

After the first sun gradually rose, Lafite's troops arrived in front of Ruifeng City and set up camp on the hillside where they faced Diao Si last time.

The terrain here was very familiar to Diao Si, but it was the holes dug by the two rat monsters that made him uneasy. Unexpectedly, Lafite quickly sent out an elite troop and crawled into one of the rat holes.

Although she just wanted to inquire about the situation inside, how could the hole dug by the invading army serve them? There must be something wrong with getting in, they can't be that stupid.

Sure enough, the elite force quickly retreated, and more than half of the more than a hundred elite soldiers had been injured, and the leading silver warrior was also injured.

Just when Lafite was about to order the place to be buried in anger, Diao Sicai suggested to her that he tell her the special methods used by people on earth to deal with rats in their holes.

So Lafite then gave some men to Diao Si, lit fireworks in front of the two big holes, and then fanned the fire hard, using the smoke to choke the invading troops hiding in the holes.

You must know that usually people who die in fires are choked to death by smoke. In this way, the people hiding in the cave cannot bear the pain of lack of oxygen, until the birdman sees the invading troops in Ruifeng City. Diao Si looked embarrassed and took the initiative to flood the cave, so Diao Si and the others stopped.

The invading army then had an even harder time. Under the attack of Lafite's throwing machine, the sound of buildings collapsing kept coming from inside. According to the birdman's report, the inside was already in ruins. However, the invading troops inside were still hiding inside and unwilling to fight. They probably wanted to close the city gate to support them.

Not only are reinforcements coming from the Empire of Light, but the food for Lafite's army is also getting less and less, so the situation is not that optimistic yet. After the round of shelling was over and the troops lay down to rest, Lafite asked Diao Si to play the same game he had played before.

It turns out that games are something that everyone likes to play, regardless of country or even different worlds. It's just that the methods Diao Si can think of now rely on magic to win, and he is hesitating whether to let Lafite know his identity.

"You are the siege party this time. They are hiding in the city and cannot come out. What method do you have to break the city? If you use a throwing machine to open the city gate, you will have to endure their archers for a while when you attack. The arrows caused great casualties..."

Lafite had already given her dilemma, and Diao Sicai decided to give up his idea of magical siege, because it would likely cause unrest in Lafite's troops and even cause chaos, with potentially serious consequences.

"I will continue to use the throwing machine to bombard the inside, but I will keep the cannonballs and replace them with ordinary large rocks. After a while, when the fog gets thicker in the morning, I will follow the example of Her Royal Highness when she attacked Ruifeng City. , creating a tense atmosphere for the archers on the city wall... "

"But how long can you sustain it if you continue to consume like this? I'm afraid you won't have enough food, and reinforcements from the Glorious Empire will arrive again, and you will be caught in the middle and will be finished."

"No, I don't want to fight them. I created a tense atmosphere for them just to attract their main force to the city wall. My real purpose is those two rat holes."

"Rat hole? Didn't they already bury the entrance?"

"So what if it's buried? The rat holes were originally dug. I don't want to go out at their original entrance. As long as we pass the city wall, we have succeeded. And I know where the emptiest and most empty place is in Ruifeng City. Easy to hack."

"But this will take a lot of time..."

"So we have to take action now. We have to send people to bury the two holes first to hide them from others, and then dig a passage to connect to the original rat holes on the side of our camp tent..."

Listening to Diao Si's analysis, Lafite was once again fascinated. She admired Diao Si's strategy more and more and respected him more and more.

Without any objection, after sealing the two cave entrances, Lafite and Diao Si returned to the tent to determine the excavation route on the map, and then sent a purple light warrior to take charge of this important project. Then she Let the two throwing machines continue to throw stones into Ruifeng City.

Of course, the destructive power of these rocks is not as good as those of exploding artillery shells, but Diao Si wanted to make the invading army in Ruifeng City mistakenly think that they did not dare to attack the city and only wanted to force the people out of the city. (To be continued)