Alien Ruler

Chapter 75: Enter the rat hole


Time continued to pass, and Lafite soon sent birdmen to conduct reconnaissance over Ruifeng City. However, the focus of this reconnaissance was not on the situation of the defenders there, but on the two buried rat holes. Now she was afraid that the enemies inside would I suddenly went to check these two caves.

After some time, the morning fog became thicker again, so Lafite's feint attack began. They kept firing hidden arrows around Ruifeng City, provoking many counterattacks on the city wall.

On the other hand, the underground excavation operation went very smoothly. They quickly connected to the previous rat hole, penetrated into the wall of Ruifeng City, and began to dig around the hole in the direction of Ruifeng Mausoleum. The excavated mud , used to block the entrance to the city originally dug by the invading army.

Unfortunately, trouble struck at this time. A large boulder blocked the way of the excavation team, and they had to dig around, which would take longer than budgeted to complete.

After the thick fog gradually dissipated, the invading troops on the city wall also saw through that Lafite was completely feinting and wanted to send the troops back to rest.

In this way, Lafite gathered his team in front of the city gate again, and the throwing machine began to attack the city gate. However, it is almost impossible to break the city gate with such stones, but the generals inside the city will have to become nervous.

Lafite's team kept gathering like this without taking action, and they couldn't deceive the generals in Ruifeng City for long. Then they had to go back to the camp to rest, hoping to make the generals in Ruifeng City think that after their rest, A general attack will be launched.

At this time, the passage was finally opened, and Lafite arranged for the soldiers who were hiding in the camp to rest into the cave, so their rest time in the camp was extended indefinitely, making the archers on the city wall tired from standing. No movement at all.

Maybe the generals in Ruifeng City also realized that there was a problem, but they hadn't thought that the problem lay in the rat hole that had been buried on both sides.

It wasn't until Lafite led a large number of troops to secretly invade Ruifeng Ling, and then gradually assassinated them, that the invading army discovered them. But it was too late by this time, most of Lafite's soldiers had already entered through the rat holes.

The archers and generals on the city wall still couldn't figure out why so many enemies suddenly appeared in their city. They just stayed there, not thinking about leaving the city wall to resist the invasion.

In this way, Lafite only eliminated the enemy troops inside the city, and ignored the enemy troops on the city wall and those who were forced onto the city wall. Because there was no food and water on the city wall, they had no advantage at all.

"The invading army of the Glorious Empire, you'd better surrender, otherwise there are only two ways to go, either come down and die, or starve to death on top..." Diao Si walked to the front of the city gate and faced the invading generals on the city wall. Yelled loudly.

Although the voice was not loud, and although he was not the commander-in-chief this time, he did not want all the soldiers on the city wall to die in battle. They had no way to escape anyway, and he just wanted to persuade them to surrender, which he had not yet received from Lafite. Allowed.

But the generals on the city wall didn't even look at him. They didn't take Diao Si seriously at all, and they had no idea that it was actually such a man who got them to where they were now.

However, Diao Si couldn't help but. First of all, he didn't dare to get too close, and then Lafite's soldiers wouldn't listen to him at all. They stayed outside the shooting range of the archers on the city wall, paying special attention to those leading to the city wall. The stairs above.

"Lafite of the Guangnan Empire, don't think that getting Ruifeng City means you have won. We are here just to buy some time. Let us tell you that our Latin Emperor will personally lead his troops to invade the south. We will definitely unify the Empire of Light..."

The generals of the Glorious Empire above said this, and the generals behind her were still shouting. Don't they know the current situation? Is this what they call a sense of honor

After hearing this, Lafite responded: "Since ancient times, your Guangyao Empire has repeatedly violated its promises and invaded the territory of our Guangnan Empire many times. Your Guangyao Empire is evil and you are destined to fail!"

"Hahaha, we broke our promise? Didn't your Guangnan Empire invade us when it was powerful? Ruifeng City was still our territory hundreds of years ago. It was because of your emperor's ambition at that time that these cities became independent... "

"Then what did you do to the Empire of Light today? Tell you? Even if your Latin Emperor personally leads the troops, I won't be afraid. As long as I'm here, you can't even think of crossing Ruifeng City!"

After they argued for a while, the emotions of both sides became excited. Then the general on the city wall gave an order, and the invading troops on the city wall shouted and attacked.

Lafite jumped up in the air and rushed towards the purple light warrior with whom she had been arguing. The purple light warrior showed no sign of weakness and immediately used her skills to attack.

There were shouts, weapons, and screams, and the scene was very chaotic. The light of weapons and armor, the light of the blazing sun, and the splash of blood stimulated everyone's desire to kill, out of control, completely out of control.

It wasn't until several of the main generals of the invading army were killed one by one that the remaining soldiers returned to the city wall. They had absolutely no way out, and all of them had gray faces, like pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

If there were still leaders commanding and shouting at them, they might have cheered up and continued to fight for survival, but now those generals were gone, they were like headless snakes, a piece of loose sand.

"Your Highness, that's enough. Let's keep them. We still need manpower to deal with things in Ruifeng City. We still need them to understand the plans of the Glorious Empire..."

Diao Si said as he ran towards Lafite. At this time, Lafite slowly took off her helmet and looked at the thousands of invading soldiers on the city wall. They are indeed no longer a threat, and what Diao Si said makes sense. Ruifeng City will need a lot of manpower to deal with it next.

"Soldiers on the wall, listen, I, Emperor Lalan of the Guangnan Empire, am not a cruel and bloody ruler. As long as you surrender to the Guangnan Empire and swear allegiance, you will become one of us..."

As Lafite said this, the soldiers on the city wall were still hesitant. Maybe in their view, the Guangnan Empire was unable to fight against the Guangyao Empire. They had already conquered the Guangyao Empire and would soon conquer the Guangnan Empire.

Diao Si could see their worries, so he shouted to them: "Surrender, otherwise you will die. There is nothing more precious than life. Only by surviving can you have a way out and a future..."

After listening to Diao Si's words, Lafite turned her head and stared at him. She didn't say anything, but Diao Si knew what she meant. It was not the turn of a person with Diao Si's status to speak here.

"I don't have much patience. I will give you a number of tens. If anyone has not put down his weapon after ten times, I will attack him and take his life! Ten... nine... eight..."

Lafite said firmly, some of the invading troops on the city wall began to put down their weapons, and more and more of them put down their weapons. When Lafite counted to one, most of them put down their weapons.

In the end they surrendered, which was a good thing. Although there were only a few thousand soldiers left, it was better than all of them dying. This war is a matter for the rulers. The sense of honor is basically a tool used to make these soldiers die. Why should they be allowed to die

There were still many things to deal with next, but it was not Diao Si's turn to say anything. When those people were busy with their own affairs, he said hello to Lafite, and then went to the original Kawa's house alone. Walk to the residence.

Kava's house with a transparent ceiling is still there, and its appearance has not changed much, but it is quiet and empty of anything.

There are many beautiful memories of Diao Si here. Kawa was a very pure girl, but unfortunately she has disappeared. He only hoped that she would live well, and Diao Si did not dare to think about being able to continue being with her.

Ruifeng City was recaptured, and Lafite also lost thousands of troops. This battle was not very successful. Then she sent out birdmen, the purpose of which was to find out about the reinforcements from the Glorious Empire, as well as the Ruifeng City creatures who had been driven north to pretend to be the invading army.

Although they captured Ruifeng City, there was actually not much food here, especially the ruined city, so obtaining it did not necessarily bring much advantage. (To be continued)