Alien Ruler

Chapter 76: The situation is serious


"This was your previous residence?" Lafite's voice suddenly sounded, and Diao Si woke up from his memories.

"No, this is... this is Miss Kawa's residence." Diao Si responded and turned his head, Lafite was walking in while taking off his armor.

"Then I understand, she fell in love with you here? Tell me, how is the child?" Lafite said this, Diao Si was in trouble again, women in this world are very jealous, especially Lafite Such a pretty princess.

"No, it's just a child. I just serve her like a job..." Diao Si replied.

After hearing this, Lafite continued walking towards Kava's bed, and then lay down directly there, with her armor thrown all over the floor. Diao Si already knew what she wanted, but now he wanted to know about Kawa's situation. After all, the creatures in Ruifeng City were not here anymore, and Kawa's life or death could be said to be uncertain.

"By the way, Your Highness Princess, do you know how Miss Kawa is doing now? She has been staying in Ruifeng City?" Diao Si asked, and Lafite was indeed unhappy.

"What's wrong, you still care about her so much?" Lafite asked.

Diao Si shook his head quickly and said, "No, but when I came here today, I suddenly thought of her and wanted to know her situation."

"Okay, I can tell you, but it depends on your performance." Lafite said this and continued to take off the armor on his feet.

Diao Si then walked over, gently stroked her legs, and said, "Your Highness, Princess, must be very tired now. I will give you a massage first. You can relax a little..."

Diao Si hadn't done that for a while, and now he was in Kawa's former position, recalling the previous moments with Kawa. This time he will treat the little devil very gently, just like the last time he treated Kava...

"Seventh Princess, we found hundreds of people locked up in the cell." Suddenly a general came to report, and Lafite got angry and scolded the general. She was not as good-tempered as Kawa.

The general immediately obeyed the order and left. By this time, Lafite's interest had greatly diminished, and Diao Si pinned her down on the bed until he finished venting his energy.

"Your Miss Kawa was actually taken away with you when we captured Ruifeng City. We were worried that her staying here would unsettle the people, so we took her away. She should still be imprisoned now. In the imperial city..."

After Lafite told Diao Si the information about Kawa, Diao Si calmed down and thanked her again. Then Lafite packed her clothes and armor and left.

After Lafite left, Diao Si was still lying on Kawa's bed, looking at the sky that was the same as in his memory. At that time, this was how he held Kawa, looked at the sky, and communicated with the wind elf.

When Diao Si finished his rest and returned to the front of the city hall, which had been demolished, he saw a large group of pig-like monsters surrounded. This should be the Baisheng mentioned by the general before. After hearing this name for so long, Diao Si now realized that Baisheng was the pig monster.

Because he has been in this world for a long time, Diao Si already knows something about this pig monster. I also understand why their name is Bai Sheng. This name is very appropriate.

First of all, it is because they have strong fertility, which has led to some places to restrict their reproduction. The methods here are also quite cruel, but there is no way, they are the lowest level of creatures.

The second thing is that they can eat anything, they are not afraid of dirt or poison, and they are said to be the second most edible ones after the rat monsters. Rat monsters are famous for eating shit. In fact, they eat nothing but shit. Advanced rat monsters also specialize in specific anuses. In this regard, they are not as good as Bai Sheng.

Thirdly, Baisheng is not only easy to breed, raise, and tame, but its flesh and blood can also be eaten. Therefore, some Baisheng are kept in many places. They can be used to do the hardest and most tiring work in peacetime, and can also be used to eat during wartime. Like plowing cattle on earth.

But these creatures will never become extinct because they only need a little bit of the conditions to reproduce again. The main reason why they are left to be slaughtered is actually their selfish and easily teachable nature, which is in line with the laws of nature.

A normal society is like a biological chain. Only the creatures at the bottom can support the pyramid of dominance. Unfortunately, they do not understand the cyclical nature of the biological chain. They do not know that the creatures at the bottom are also the nemesis of the top!

At this time of food shortage, suddenly catching hundreds of hundreds of people is undoubtedly a supplement, but in the face of more than 40,000 mouths, these hundreds of hundreds of people can only support two or three meals.

If the food brought by Lafite and the food in Ruifeng City can last for a month, that is, seven days, I believe this crisis can be overcome, but the premise is not to eat a hundred creatures and let them breed here.

Because they are viviparous, it only takes three days from pregnancy to birth, and it only takes a month for a baby to grow to adulthood, of which it only takes four days for them to grow large enough to be eaten.

This was actually very cruel. Although Diao Si also ate pork on earth, those pigs couldn't speak. How could he feel better when he saw those hundreds of lives being surrounded like this and being slaughtered

But what surprised him the most was that when those creatures watched their companions being taken away and slaughtered, they actually cheered and shouted: "Kill it! Kill it!" They didn't even think of killing all their companions. , it will be their turn.

Poor things must be hateful, so Diao Si didn't care and left the slaughterhouse. Now Lafite's soldiers are very happy because they have meat to eat. This is the first meal of meat since they went out for more than a day. Lafite is celebrating for them.

Diao Si went to Lafite again and suggested that she go to Ruifeng City to find some food before the troops transferred from the Empire of Light showed up. Unexpectedly, Lafite had already sent people out of the city, and she paid more attention to the food situation.

After a period of time, the elite birdmen who went for reconnaissance came back. They confirmed that the troops disguised as invading troops to the north were indeed creatures from the original Ruifeng City, but they seemed to want to settle there and did not want to left.

It's no wonder that after enduring two wars in a place like Ruifeng City, they don't want to come back. Now Diao Si doesn't want them to come back, because they can still find some food if they stay there. If they return to Ruifeng City, the food supply will be even tighter, and Lafite might even order them to be killed because of the food supply.

Another news is that the Light Empire's army of about 100,000 soldiers has almost reached the border north of Ruifeng City, but they camped and stopped there, as if waiting for something.

This news certainly gave Lafite a headache. How could they hold on to an army of about 100,000 soldiers? In fact, when she set out, she knew that Queen Lalan just wanted her troops to block the invading army so that the imperial city could have enough time, and she wanted to sacrifice Lafite.

This may be because the Queen wants to raise Laxi at this time, or it may be because Lafite's previous 80,000-strong army was defeated in Ruifeng City, making the Queen completely disappointed in her.

Therefore, the Lashi team that set off first to fight against the invading army was the real main force. They laid an ambush on the main road to attack the invading army, and at the same time they led directly to the Imperial City of Guangnan Empire. If she had any problems, she could retreat back, unlike Lafite who was isolated and helpless. look like.

But the most confusing thing is that the 100,000 troops transferred from the Empire of Light are actually waiting there without attacking. What is their purpose? Is it because I didn’t bring enough food? Or is there a deeper plan

Now the entire Guangnan Empire only has 400,000 troops. In addition to some garrisons guarding the borders of the Glorious Empire and other places, there are still 200,000 troops in the imperial city. This is not because Queen Lalan does not want to keep all the troops there, but that is the case. It will be very crowded inside, and 200,000 yuan is already close to the limit.

It turns out that the Guangnan Empire claims to have an army of 500,000. Due to some losses in previous battles such as the attack on Ruifeng City, there are only 400,000 left. But when the Guangyao Empire began to wage war against the Guangyao Empire, it claimed to have an army of 800,000, and now it is estimated to be more than 600,000.

Therefore, it is really difficult to say how many troops they will send to launch an aggressive war against the Guangnan Empire this time. If the previous invading generals who guarded Ruifeng City said it, the Latin Queen would personally lead troops to attack the Guangnan Empire. (To be continued)