Alien Ruler

Chapter 77: The meaning of the Latin Queen


The army of the Glorious Empire has not yet set foot on the territory of Ruifeng City, which also gave Lafite some time to prepare. She continued to send troops to various villages to search for food, and continued to build the living facilities of Ruifeng City, hoping to restore the place. normal order.

In fact, there is not much meaning in doing so, because the invading army of the Glorious Empire has at least one hundred thousand troops, and it is difficult for Lafite to stop it, unless she is really not afraid of sacrifice and is willing to stay there to buy time for the imperial city.

However, the birdmen who then conducted reconnaissance brought back even more terrifying news. The tens of thousands of invading troops who were originally planning to attack the Guangnan Empire on the direct road between the Guangyao Empire and the Guangnan Empire suddenly moved here. The invading army camp.

Now the purpose of the invading army's waiting was obvious. They wanted to gather into a stronger force and then attack the Imperial City of Guangnan Empire from the direction of Ruifeng City.

It turns out that after gathering like this, their troops will be stronger, and by not taking a direct road, they can avoid the ambush of the Guangnan Empire's Lashi troops, making all the preparations made by the Guangnan Empire in vain.

After getting the news, Lafite immediately asked an elite birdman to report to the imperial city. This was because of her inner sense of honor. When the enemy's army of more than 100,000 troops was pressing on the border, she still focused on reporting to the imperial city, without even thinking about how she would deal with the more than 40,000 troops.

The original army of 100,000 people had almost no chance of winning, and now it has suddenly increased to more than 100,000 people. How can we fight? Even if Lafite can accumulate more food, it will be left to the enemy. She has no chance of winning this way.

According to the birdman's report, the opponent also has many huge war machines. Ruifeng City will soon be moved to the level, and there is no benefit in staying here.

So to Diao Si's surprise, Lafite asked him to play that game again, because she had won consecutive battles through this game before, and the important thing was that her troop losses were very small, and she exchanged thousands of troops for the enemy's. Tens of thousands of people.

"Let's play the previous game again, but this time I know it's much bigger. You can go back and think about it first..." Lafite said to Diao Si.

After hearing this, Diao Si shook his head at her and immediately replied: "Your Royal Highness, we cannot defend this time. This game cannot be played. I suggest that we just return to the imperial city."

Lafite paused after listening, and then suddenly yelled at Diao Si: "No, how can you withdraw before the war starts? How can you save my face? I already lost the last attack on Ruifeng City, this time I can never lose again!"

Diao Si listened but was not frightened by her reaction, and responded to her with a louder voice: "Look at the opponent's military strength, and then take a clear look at our foundation. I don't want to see you die here!"

"I am a golden warrior. I would rather die in battle than run away with my head down. I want to buy the last time for the Guangnan Empire and block the invading army as much as possible!" Lafite also yelled at Diao Si. Hold on, don't give in at all.

She had already made this preparation, and Diao Si knew he couldn't convince her, but he really couldn't let Lafite die here like this, not even the soldiers. He had to find a way, but how to face an enemy with three times the strength? Woolen cloth

"I'll give you some time. Then you have to play this game. Even if we can't defeat them, you have to give me a way to hold them back as much as possible!"

After being silent for a while, Lafite said to Diao Si that her direction was clear. As a golden warrior of the Guangnan Empire, she was proud to die in battle. Although he knew she was stupid, Diao Si had no way to convince her.

"It doesn't take long. I can play this game with you right away, but the method of playing is different. There are too many uncertain factors in this battle. If you really let me play, you will hand over your complete military power to me." Diao Si's answer made Lafite unable to speak.

"You want to control the entire army? Can't you control it through me?" Lafite said hesitantly. Of course she knew Diao Si's strategic ability, but she was a little worried about putting the entire army in his hands.

"I can't go through you, because I want to control the entire army, including you, and you must obey me absolutely, otherwise this battle will be difficult to fight. If you doubt my ability or intentions, you can think about it first , but if you agree, you must bow to me."

Diao Si knew that this was difficult for Lafite, because she had always been a arrogant princess, and she might have only been defeated by Diao Si for so long. How could she accept being obedient to a man

"Wait a minute, if I hand over all the military power to you, can you guarantee the defeat of these enemies or hold them back for a few months?" Lafite saw Diao Si looking like he was about to leave and asked him immediately. .

Diao Si shook his head after hearing this and said: "No, I can't guarantee this, because I know that the Latin Queen must have set off from the imperial city of the Glorious Empire with a large army. They attacked with more than 100,000 troops. Ruifeng The city is just a stronghold.”

"You mean that after they occupy Ruifeng City, they will wait for the Latin Queen's large army and then attack the imperial city together?" Lafite was stunned again after finishing speaking, because she felt that Diao Si's analysis made sense.

"Yes, if you want to win this battle successfully, you must consider the overall situation. Things are not as simple as you think. If the Latin Queen cannot capture the imperial city immediately, we must take precautions all the time. The glorious empire that stands still..."

"What? The Glorious Empire..." Lafite was even more lost in thought as she listened. Of course, what Diao Si thought of was not something she could have thought of so easily. If the Glorious Empire and the Guangnan Empire were in a stalemate, the Glorious Empire would be the last resort. Favorable timing.

"Okay, maybe you don't have to go that far. You should think about it first, but it can't take too long, otherwise I won't have time to implement my plan." After Diao Si said this, he turned and left.

He believed that Lafite still had to obey him because she had no idea now, and Lafite was most familiar with his talent in this area.

Now he wants to take a walk around Ruifeng City to make full preparations for his plan. This is not a simple plan. He must rely on this plan to severely damage the invaders of the Glorious Empire, and then he can rely on this bargaining chip to talk to the Latin Queen. Use the threat of the Glorious Empire to convince her to retreat.

This is the most ideal countermeasure. As long as the Latin Queen is not a war madman, she should understand the consequences of such a war. Even if she has the ambition to unify the Empire of Light, she must first allow the three countries of Guangyao, Guangnan and Guanghui to stand side by side for a while, because She actually has no obvious advantages now.

Therefore, the next battle is very important. It will not only determine the fate of Lafite, but also the fate of the three empires. It will even affect the surrounding empires and the entire Nima continent. If one place is out of balance, it will bring down the entire A large chain reaction.

But Lafite's character has always been a hidden worry. Diao Si is afraid that if she bows to him temporarily, she will still stand up to stop him, because she is like a character like Ka Zhu in Ruifeng City at that time. Diao Si is now His ability is not enough to compete with her.

After a period of time, when Diao Si had visited all the important places in Ruifeng City, the general sent by Lafite finally found him. The time spent this time was also within Diao Si's plan. Lafite was very aggressive because Diao Si had left a message before that his plan must be carried out immediately.

Back in front of Lafite, her first words were like pleading. She said: "I have decided to make you the supreme commander of the entire army, but I want to command them together with you. I promise I will never Intervene in your plans..."

Hearing what she said, Diao Si immediately turned around to leave, only then did Lafite stop him. In fact, Diao Si knew that she had already agreed, but she just wanted to negotiate some conditions.

"Okay, you can do it. I will listen to you, okay? As long as you can let me win this battle, I can bow to you and obey your orders..." Lafite ran to Diao Si and said.

After hearing this, Diao Si said to her: "Okay, now gather all the soldiers, including the prisoners. I want you to declare my status as commander in front of everyone, and tell everyone that you must also obey absolutely." My order." (To be continued)