Alien Ruler

Chapter 79: Night march


In order not to make the Guangyao Empire's invading army suspicious, Diao Si led the tens of thousands of people, dragged the throwing machines and equipment, and retreated towards the Guangnan Empire's imperial city. He would rather walk more than ten hours in vain. We also want the invading army to fall into this trap.

There is another worry about Lafite's troops, who are afraid that her cleverness will expose her. However, Diao Si believes that she will be obedient and hide it this time, because he has emphasized the importance to her, and all other plans must be in place. After that, it depends on the situation of the invading army.

It was getting dark, and Diao Si did not send any more birdmen, because he knew that the birdmen of the invading army were scouting for them to leave. No matter how much he wanted to know whether the enemy had entered the city, he could not send out birdmen.

In this way, until it was confirmed that the enemy's scouts had not come again, Diao Si sent out his birdmen. At the same time, they were not allowed to approach Ruifeng City. He only wanted to take a look to see if the invading army had entered the city.

Diao Si was relieved after receiving the news from Birdman. The invading troops had entered the city, but not all of them had entered the city yet. It can be inferred from this that they were quite careful and did not enter an empty city immediately, otherwise the entire army would have been settled inside.

In addition, according to the birdmen's reports, the invading army also sent several small teams to station themselves at higher ground outside Ruifeng City. This should be to prevent them from attacking at night.

All these can show that the commander of this invading army is a man with rich experience, because Diao Si's team has already evacuated so far. It will take several hours to reach Ruifeng City, and it will be almost dawn by then.

It was completely dark, but because this was the dark moon, the night was bright enough for a slow march. Diao Si's team had been camping in a place to rest since it got dark, because the invading army could not catch up anyway. Now they got up together and started to rush to the woods of Lafite.

Maybe these generals are used to Lafite's leadership, so they are not like the generals of Ruifeng City who come around to ask about any big or small issues. They will handle the small things that can be handled, which makes them spend dozens of hours together. , Diao Si has not yet remembered the names of those silver light warriors.

Diao Si has been calculating in his mind the action time of the elite soldiers hiding underground in Ruifeng City. When it is dark, the invading troops have nothing to do, so they can only hide in the building to rest, so that their The casualties will be very heavy.

"Immediately send a few elite birdmen to fly into the direction of Ruifeng City. I want to know the situation there!" Diao Si suddenly ordered, making the general responsible for the reconnaissance stunned.

But she didn't dare to question anything, she just couldn't figure it out in her heart, because the bird people's vision was not good at night, and they couldn't see anything like this. She did not expect that when these birdmen flew close to Ruifeng City, the soldiers hidden there had already begun to take action.

Unless the enemy discovers it, they will act early. To be on the safe side, Diao Si once gave them an order to set fire to them immediately if they were discovered.

After the birdman flew away, Diao Si stared blankly in the direction of Ruifeng City. He knew that the result would not come so soon, but it would affect the success or failure of the entire battle. He really wanted to pray to the wind elves and the underworld moon. , I hope this plan can succeed.

When Diao Si's troops were approaching the woods, the elite birdmen flew back. They said they saw the fire in Ruifeng City and heard the sound of explosions, but they did not know the casualties inside.

After hearing this, Diao Si immediately asked them if they had seen the army outside the city, but they only replied that they could not see clearly, but there was indeed a fire inside Ruifeng City, and they could still vaguely hear the screams of people.

As professional scouts, especially these elite birdmen, they have been trained not to talk nonsense unless they have witnessed it with their own eyes, so Diao Si does not expect to ask for too much information.

As Diao Si continued on his way, he imagined what would happen if his mechanisms were activated. First, the cannonballs at the city gate would explode, and then the stones piled on top would block it, making it impossible for the city gate to be opened. The invasion inside the city would The army cannot escape.

This is very important, because according to the design of Ruifeng City, it has no way to escape except the city gate, unless it jumps directly from the city wall. This is convenient for defense, but if something happens inside, the people inside will have no way to escape if the city gate is blocked.

Then various mechanisms, explosions, etc. would be activated one after another. Those tall buildings collapsed, and the hidden fires were burned. Then the fire spread, and countless invading troops screamed in the hell-like Ruifeng City. …

When approaching the dark forest, Diao Si realized that he had neglected to figure out how to meet up with Lafite's team, which might make them mistakenly think they were enemies.

However, it was Lafite who appeared first after getting closer. She must have been impatient to wait, so she had been waiting at the edge of the woods early. Coupled with her familiarity with her troops, she quickly recognized Diao Si.

"How is it? Did your secret plan succeed? Have you beaten away the invaders of the Glorious Empire?" Lafite asked these questions immediately after meeting.

Diao Si responded after hearing this: "I'm not sure about this, but if half of the mechanisms I arranged can be activated smoothly, the invaders will complain incessantly. If all of them can be activated, then the entire Ruifeng City will be a furnace, and they will There is nowhere to escape, even the entire army is destroyed.”

In order not to waste time with Lafite, Diao Si then asked her to lead a group of soldiers to get some branches in the woods, and then go to the road where they passed to sweep away the traces of their march.

Lafite was not so obedient this time, because she knew that such a job could be completed by just arranging any general, and there was no need for her to do it herself.

"What happens next? If the enemy doesn't do what you want, or only suffers slight losses, how will you deal with them with more than 40,000 soldiers and a few days of food?" Lafite couldn't help but ask again. .

Diao Si responded: "The next step is to eat in the camp, and then sleep." After saying that, he walked directly past Lafite and followed the large army.

In fact, Diao Si didn't mean to fool Lafite like this. In fact, he really didn't have any ideas now, because at least he had to wait until dawn to understand the situation in Ruifeng City before he could come up with corresponding countermeasures.

"How dare you treat me like this..." Lafite couldn't bear it anymore, but after she said this, she was afraid that Diao Si would say she regretted it, so she added: "Okay, I don't care about the battlefield, but You must stay with me now, I'm... hungry."

Diao Si naturally understood what Lafite meant, and okay, if this could satisfy the little devil, Diao Si wouldn't mind paying for it, so he was dragged by Lafite to the nearby bushes.

"You little man, tell me what's on your mind, or I will make you as soft as mud!"

"Damn, brother, I'm not afraid, I'm just afraid that you can't bear it and beg me for mercy first!"

"So cruel? Okay, let me try this speed. I guarantee you will spray everything out in no time..."

"You underestimate me. No matter how fast you go, you will remain standing until dawn..."

After doing it for a while, when they both fell down and gasped for air, Lafite suddenly stared at Feng Zhongcheng on Diao Si's neck, and became curious, because she had never seen Diao Si with such a look before the expedition. hanging ornaments.

This frightened Diao Si again. He was afraid that Lafite would know that this was an artifact and thus his identity as a magic user. But he had the urge to tell Lafite, so that he could rely on magic to defeat the enemy. But after Lafite finds out, will he do anything to him immediately

In fact, the enemy is currently facing them, and what they should do now is to retreat from the enemy. What's wrong with this magic user? As long as the enemy can be defeated, it doesn't matter what method he uses.

However, after hesitating, Diao Si still didn't take the risk. At least he didn't have to use magic yet. He had better look at the situation first, especially the current situation in Ruifeng City.

It was getting daylight, and Lafite tidied up her clothes and armor before leaving. She was never as difficult or sloppy as Kava, probably because she was a golden warrior, and warriors were very disciplined.

Without waiting for Diao Si's order, Lafite had already sent out the birdmen, because reconnaissance at dawn was a common practice on the battlefield. Now she was much more anxious than Diao Si, and she couldn't wait to rush to Ruifeng City immediately to investigate. (To be continued)