Alien Ruler

Chapter 8: Escape from battle


The arrow that Diao Si missed actually killed the commander of the imperial army wearing silver armor. Because of this achievement and the death of the captain of the archery team, Diao Si was promoted from a recruit to the captain of the archery team. s position.

But such a promotion did not bring anything to be happy about for Diao Si. Now he just wants to leave the team because it is too dangerous to hang out here and nothing is more important than life.

After beating away the ambush imperial army, Yingmei began to plan how to attack the imperial army. In fact, there is only one reason for this, that is, the very powerful commander wearing silver armor is dead. This is a favorable opportunity to attack.

Diao Si didn't want this, because any war meant there was a risk of dying, so of course it was best not to fight. But what can he do now? Yingmei is a war fanatic and she doesn't care about the life and death of her subordinates.

However, the situation suddenly changed. Just as Yingmei was leading them to march in the direction of the Imperial Army, an eagle-eyed birdman suddenly flew over and reported to her that the camp was attacked by the Imperial Army.

It turns out that the silver armor guy still has such a move. Diao Si can understand the viciousness of this move. Now Yingmei's troops are a certain distance from Ruifeng City. It is difficult for reinforcements to reach here, especially if they burn the food in the camp. After that, she had to retreat.

Fortunately, the silver armor guy has been killed, otherwise Yingmei would really be trapped and die here. This was a strategic plan of hers. Originally, Ying Mei's entire army was going to be destroyed here today.

After learning the news, Yingmei hesitated, gave up the attack, and immediately led the army back to the camp. She was right to give up the attack, but she was not calm enough to rush back like this, and her march was a bit chaotic.

Diao Si knew that since the imperial army had attacked their camp, they might also have set up an ambush there. Yingmei would be at a disadvantage if she rushed back like this, but he did not dare to give any suggestions and could only unconsciously put his archery team aside. Behind the main force.

However, this ambush was not as sinister as that of the silver-armored guy before. The imperial army's troops were guarding in front of the camp. The number of this army was as large as that of the large army led by Yingmei.

Although the numbers were equal and Yingmei's combat effectiveness was also very strong, Diao Si knew that there was no chance of winning this battle. His experience in this area came from the game and the analysis of the battle.

Because now the enemy has many archers and they are guarding the trenches and towers in the camp, while Yingmei's archers have been reduced by more than half. Moreover, the enemy is now waiting for work. Yingmei's troops have already experienced a battle and a long journey, and there are still many wounded soldiers who cannot fight.

If Yingmei gave up the attack, there was still hope for this battle, but now they had no food, lost their camp, and had to attack. If they attacked in this way, they would win, but they would have to pay a huge price.

What worries Diao Si the most is that even if they win this battle, how will they continue to deal with the next battle? After they are frustrated, the Imperial Army will definitely seize the opportunity to attack them.

Therefore, they can't fight now. Their only option now is to abandon the camp and go back to Ruifeng City directly. Even though they will starve and even though they will be chased, they can no longer resist.

But how could Yingmei think of this? She only looked at the surrounding terrain and the enemy's situation, and then ordered her troops to attack the camp, so that the tall monster soldiers rushed forward to make arrow rakes.

Although Diao Si knew that this battle was hopeless, he still had to order the archers to shoot arrows at the enemy's position. However, he controlled his troops at the back, and even if they were out of range, they couldn't get too close.

He knew that after Yingmei's troops approached, the enemy's melee troops would also come forward, because they had to protect the archers. After the melee between the two parties, it was not easy for the archers to attack and they could only wait for the opportunity so that he could let his archery team attack the targets on the arrow towers.

After facing the enemy with a big sword, Yingmei stopped directing her men. This gave Diao Si a little freedom. He was waiting for the opportunity, preparing to suddenly attack the archers on the arrow towers.

Yingmei was really powerful. She quickly reached the front of the camp's defense facilities by herself, and several tall monsters were knocked down by her in just a few moves. But in this way, she became an arrow rake for the archers, making it difficult to escape.

When the opportunity came, those long-eared guys were already impatient, so Diao Si signaled them to attack the archers above the camp. If this succeeds, it will be easy for Yingmei's troops to invade the camp.

However, the situation suddenly changed again, and reinforcements from the Imperial Army arrived, which may be the subordinates of the guy in silver armor from before. This makes it even more difficult for Yingmei's troops to win, and now she has no way out.

what to do? Diao Si gave up the idea of attacking and turned around to let his troops resist the attack of the imperial reinforcements. In fact, he was ready to retreat, but he didn't know if he had the authority to issue this order.

"Fight and retreat at the same time!" Diao Si looked at the archers who were standing in front of them shooting like a fool, and loudly instructed them.

"Back off, back off immediately!" After seeing an archer being hit by an approaching enemy, Diao Si became even more nervous. He even stopped attacking himself and only gave orders.

After the archer troops retreated, the imperial troops who were originally going to pursue them were met by the melee troops of Yingmei who had just arrived, and they started fighting.

He couldn't hold on like this for long. Diao Si knew that his decision was very important now, but he didn't dare to say retreat. He only motioned for his troops to concentrate on a higher ground.

After Diao Si took up his position, he did not signal the troops to attack, because this would immediately provoke a counterattack from the enemy, and their strength was too weak.

He only looked at Yingmei from a distance, who was still fighting tenaciously with an arrow stuck in her body. Now he hoped that she would fall down and be unable to get up, so that he would not have to worry about retreating.

However, the situation continued to change, and it was not Diao Si's turn to think about it, because gradually the supporting imperial troops discovered Diao Si's archer troops and began to attack.

Run away, this is the best chance, because the two armies are still fighting and there is no time to care about them. If one of them is defeated, it will be difficult for Diao Siwei to leave this battlefield.

No matter how much he does, escape first and then settle the matter. If you don't escape, you will die here. Diao Si then ordered to retreat and escape. Unexpectedly, the guys with long ears were still in a daze after hearing this. After Diao Si's severe reprimand, they put away their weapons and ran away with him.

You can't stop after you've started. Even if you go back to save Yingmei now, Diao Si can't avoid this crime. And with his current military strength, how can he save Yingmei? It's better to run away, at least you won't die so quickly.

There were still imperial troops chasing after him. Diao Si just yelled at his men and didn't dare to look back. Because he was not familiar with the road conditions here, he didn't run very fast.

As he ran farther and farther, there seemed to be no news of the enemy, but there were fewer and fewer long-eared guys running around. They might have been caught up and killed. Although Diao Si was exhausted, he didn't dare to relax at all.

Because he was tired and hungry, Diao Si stumbled and finally fell down. His feet hurt, but the enemy might be following behind him. Diao Si immediately rolled and hid under a tree stump.

As expected, there were many soldiers following behind him. Diao Si was extremely nervous now and even covered his mouth and nose with his hands because his breathing was too strong now.

However, the ones who caught up were not the enemy, and when his archer subordinates were gathered like this, there were quite a lot of them. It seemed that not many of them had been killed.

Diao Sicai shivered and climbed up holding on to the tree trunk. He observed the surrounding environment and wanted to tell the archers that he was going to dismiss them on the spot and let them go back to their original places.

However, when an older guy with long ears saw him standing up, he came over and said to him: "Captain, what should we do now? Do we want to fight back? You should know that if you escape, you will be beheaded..."

Hearing what it said, Diao Si immediately gave up the idea of disbanding them, because after he gave the order, he might be caught by these monsters immediately.

But if you go back to save Yingmei, isn't that going to death? It was really difficult to ride a tiger now, Diao Si had to find a way, even if he deceived these monsters, he couldn't die. (To be continued)