Alien Ruler

Chapter 80: Big tree spirit


It was getting brighter, but Diao Si didn't allow anyone to leave the woods until the birdman came back. If there are still a large number of enemies, he will continue to hide here, and even the birdmen will not be sent out, because this will attract the enemies.

In fact, Diao Si is not anxious to know the situation. Although he has many ideas now, he can't think too deeply. How can he deploy actions if he doesn't know the enemy's situation.

After having a meal and resting, the birdmen who were sent out finally flew back, but one of them was injured. Seeing them injured, Diao Si's heart had already gone cold, because this proved that there were still birds there. There are many enemies.

According to the birdman's report, tens of thousands of invading troops were stationed outside Ruifeng City, but they seemed to have few logistical tools and food, and some people were rummaging through the ruins of Ruifeng City.

First, Diao Si asked them to make sure that there were no invading birdmen chasing them. Then he raised his own question: How could there be tens of thousands of soldiers left? Hasn't Ruifeng City been burned to the core? How did they escape

But the birdmen couldn't answer him directly. After Diao Si kept asking, they found out that the wall on one side of Ruifeng City had collapsed. It might be that when the fire burned, the generals of the invading army used those war machines or skills to destroy the of the city wall.

There was still something missing. This plan could not be considered a success. Diao Si gritted his teeth and meditated on the next way to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, after Lafite determined that the invading army had lost hundreds of thousands and only tens of thousands were left, he became extremely excited and led the generals to shout and wave their weapons. Diao Si couldn't be happy at all, because even if they succeeded in attacking back now, they would suffer heavy losses, and their current situation was useless.

If you don't take the opportunity to eliminate them, the Latin Queen's large army is expected to arrive soon. This will not only allow this army to regenerate and strengthen the Latin Queen's army, but the most important thing is that it will not be easy for Diao Si to persuade the Latin Queen to retreat.

"Everyone listens to the order and takes action immediately to collect all the fallen leaves and branches to the east of the forest. Seventh Princess, take your original 10,000 soldiers and sharpen as many sticks as possible for me..."

Diao Si shouted anxiously, and Lafite slowly calmed down. She still didn't understand why Diao Si was so anxious, and the generals were still stunned to react.

Of course, Diao Si would not say that he wanted to persuade the Latin Queen to retreat. Now he wanted to destroy the remaining invading troops before the Latin Queen's troops arrived, so this deployment could not be delayed.

"What do you want to do? You want... you want to lure them here?" Lafite is also quite smart, and she came up with a cunning plan so quickly.

"Yes, they have no food now and are in a hurry. If they know that we are hiding here, they will definitely attack us, because they know that we must have food. As long as they can annihilate us, they can get our food..."

As Diao Si explained, he drew a map of the woods on the ground. When Lafite was still thinking about the situation he mentioned, he loudly scolded the generals: "What are you still waiting for here? You just heard Don’t you obey my order?”

After hearing Diao Si's scolding, the generals looked at Lafite before leaving to arrange their soldiers. Although Lafite had announced at the rally that Diao Si was the supreme commander, doing so still could not change her status. She was still the one whom these people obeyed the most.

After watching the generals in action, Diao Si ignored Lafite and ran to the east of the woods. He had to find the best location, and then ask the soldiers to spread flammable things such as fallen leaves and dry branches there. When the invading army invaded, they would have a better time.

However, when he was still thinking about finding his position, an old voice suddenly sounded. This was not a normal voice, but a kind of inductive communication. At first Diao Si thought it was Lao Zhu, but he quickly denied it because he was already very familiar with Lao Zhu.

"Young magic user, are you going to set a fire here?" The voice continued to sound, and Diao Si heard it clearly. He immediately turned his head and vaguely saw some glowing figures. No, it's those big trees, the elves of the big trees, their souls.

"Yes, we have to deal with those hateful invaders..." Diao Si responded while thinking about why the big tree elf was looking for him.

"Can you please not set a fire here? Our children and grandchildren are all here. If you set a fire, we will suffer a great disaster..." the big tree begged.

It turned out that this was the case, Diao Si understood, but without the help of this forest, there would definitely be a lot of losses to deal with the tens of thousands of invading troops.

"Forest elves, I know that doing this will bring disaster to you, but only by doing this can I convince them to retreat. Otherwise, our entire animal world will face a catastrophe..."

"That's your business. We and you have always been in harmony with each other. Can you not let the war in the animal world affect our elven world?"

The big tree elf continued to speak, and Diao Si's heart softened. The big tree was right. This was just their war in the animal world. Why did they sacrifice these elves to achieve their goals? The main problem is that these big trees are intelligent now, but they still come out to talk and ask for advice. How can they be able to do this

Just as he was hesitating how to deal with this situation, he discovered the direction of the invading army over there, and a few birdmen flew over sporadically. They don't seem to be here to spy on the enemy, but more like they are looking for food.

Diao Si had already thought of other ideas, so he promised the big tree: "Okay, I promise you won't set fire, but you also have to help me, such as getting some fruits or something, okay?"

"That's no problem. I will speed up the fruit production of those fruit trees. Thank you, friendly magic user. We will definitely remember this kindness." The big tree elf disappeared after saying this.

Diao Si immediately ran over to stop the generals and told them not to continue dragging the fallen leaves and dry branches. He had a new idea and asked them to throw some food scattered on the path leading to a village next to the woods.

The purpose of this is to find the birdmen of the invading army and then arrange for the team to come over. It is impossible for them to bring all the troops here, they will only send a small team, so it will be easy for Diao Si to kill them.

Of course, Lafite's actions still have to continue. Diao Si also asked some generals' troops to help her, because things like hers are used to set up mechanisms to deal with the invading troops, which will not be catastrophic to the woods. Impact.

Birds die for food. When the birdmen report the food situation to the generals of the invading army, they will definitely send people there to find food. After all, they are worried about this matter now. The most important thing is that they don't know Diao Si yet. The team is hiding here.

Because they had already watched Diao Si's team heading towards the Imperial City of Guangnan Empire, and since the food was found in the woods, they would not be suspicious. Even if they were suspicious, they would send someone over.

So Diao Si was very confident that as long as those birdmen found these foods, the invading army over there would definitely come. In order to keep abreast of the situation of the invading troops, he also asked the birdmen to hide on the top of the big tree and observe the movements of the invading troops over there from a distance.

Flying in the sky is easy to be discovered, but hiding in the trees is different. This is a good way to understand the enemy's situation.

In this way, Diao Si quickly got the news. As expected, the invading army over there sent a group of two to three thousand troops and set off towards the woods. It was obvious that they were here to find food. According to the reports from the birdmen, they didn't even seem to have all their weapons.

This was great, Diao Si wanted to kill them so they couldn't defend themselves, and he also used this method to gradually reduce the strength of the invading troops, and finally annihilate them in one fell swoop.

The idea has been made, and this probably won't be difficult. What Diao Si is worried about is where the Latin Queen's troops are now, and he is afraid that her army will have arrived before he can annihilate the remaining invading army. (To be continued)