Alien Ruler

Chapter 82: Go on mission in person


Just when Diao Si was about to arrange for Lafite and the generals to rearrange their mechanisms in the woods, he found that the generals were surrounding the purple light warrior who had just resisted their protection of the soldiers and escaped.

She had been subdued, and it looked like she had been seriously injured. It was her sacrifice that allowed the invading troops to escape from the woods, otherwise Diao Si could have continued to drag the invading troops to slowly kill them all.

Diao Si walked over and asked Lafite not to kill the enemy general yet, and then said to the general: "You are a hero, I respect you!"

The general's helmet had fallen off and his face was still covered in blood. He looked like a middle-aged woman, staring at Diao Si. Maybe in her opinion, this was abnormal. People here, including Lafite, actually obeyed Diao Si's orders.

"But I respect you and can't let you go, because we are in a hostile relationship now. If you are put back like this, you will kill my soldiers in the future..." Diao Si said this, which made Lafite and the others frown. .

"It's very simple. If you can surrender to us and serve the Guangnan Empire, we will not do anything to you, and we will give you the same identity..."

When Diao Sicai said this, the general next to him interrupted him: "If you surrender as a general, you will lose all your status. This is a rule left long ago."

Diao Si was not happy when he heard this. He said this because he wanted to retain such a talent. What hope could this guy have after hearing such words from this general.

When he was about to criticize the general, the purple light warrior of the Glory Empire loudly said to him: "Kill if you want. The soldiers of the Glory Empire fight for honor and are never greedy for life. You Guangnan The empire will soon be conquered by our Glorious Empire, and the Empire of Light will be reunited under the majesty of the Latin Emperor... "

Before she could finish speaking, Lafite took her life in one fell swoop. As the seventh princess of the Guangnan Empire, how could she stand the general's words against the Guangnan Empire? The female warriors here were more grumpy than the men.

Forget it, Diao Si also knew that such a woman was not easy to control, and he never thought about convincing this purple light warrior to surrender. He was already very afraid of this sense of honor.

Next, Diao Si asked all the generals and soldiers to take a rest, and divided the work among Lafite and others during the rest, preparing to build several temporary positions in the woods to prepare for the subsequent confrontation with the Latin Queen's army.

Seeing how Diao Si killed more than 100,000 people in the Guangyao Empire with such low losses, now not only Lafite, but also the generals have absolutely surrendered to him. Such a glorious war history is probably unprecedented in the entire Nima Continent. .

But while they were still resting, the birdman on the treetop came to report that the remaining troops of the Guangyao Empire near Ruifeng City had retreated to the north in the direction of the Guangyao Empire.

Diao Si had already expected this, but the remaining troops retreated later than he thought, probably because they found some remaining food in the ruins of Ruifeng City.

After the rest, Diao Si's jungle plan was launched. With tens of thousands of people working together, it wouldn't take long to build a city. Diao Si was very confident. He carefully studied the various conditions of the forest and found some flexible ones. Wood, this kind of wood is best used to build mechanisms.

In addition to being able to effectively kill the enemy, Diao Si also focuses on injuring people, such as burying the pit thorn. The pit thorn is to dig a pit just big enough to hide the person's feet and insert a few thorns around the pit. This is specially designed for those soldiers' shoes. It is not the hard soles but the calves that are pierced.

Such a small trap does not consume much manpower and material resources, but it can effectively injure the target. Don't underestimate such stab wounds. The combat effectiveness of a soldier with reduced mobility is obviously weakened, especially in terms of marching speed. A large number of wounded soldiers will give the Latin Queen a headache.

Such thorn pits are not installed in the woods, but on the road where the Latin Queens attack the imperial city of Guangnan Empire. Of course, what Diao Si hoped most was that none of these things would come in handy, and that the Latin Queen would listen to his advice and retreat, but when preparing, he had to assume that the Latin Queen would not listen to his advice.

Just as the work began, several elite birdmen sent earlier flew back. Diao Si miraculously guessed the whereabouts of the Latin Queen again, but her speed was faster than Diao Si imagined and she was already within reach of Ruifeng City. Far.

The Latin Queen came this time to completely capture the Guangnan Empire. Those birdmen had not even seen such a huge team. They estimated that there were more than 200,000 people, and there were many large war machines and some ferocious beasts inside.

Those beasts are not the various monsters that lived in the territory of Ruifeng City before, or their origins are similar, but such beasts are specially used for war, specially trained, and their attack power is comparable to that of a powerful warrior.

When attacking the Empire of Light, Queen Latin did not personally lead the troops, but now she not only led the troops personally, but also brought such a large team with her, which shows how determined she is against the Guangnan Empire.

Diao Si had learned before that a normal army would only bring a hundred thousand soldiers at most, because many people would eat a lot, be difficult to manage, and would also affect the marching speed. But the Latin Queen now leads such a large number of troops and can march at such a speed. She is really well prepared.

From these cunning thoughts, we can see the determination of the Latin Queen. He has become less and less confident in persuading the Latin Queen to retreat, so he has to deploy this forest position to shake the Latin Queen's determination!

However, what Diao Si and the generals didn't understand was that there was no news from the Imperial City of Guangnan Empire so far. Even the Birdmen didn't send anyone over, and even the one Lafite sent back to inform them didn't fly back.

As for the enemy army captured by Diao Si, no one knows what is happening to them now. Whether they have arrived at the Imperial City of Guangnan Empire honestly, or whether they have escaped separately, or whether they have betrayed them again, there is no way of knowing.

Doesn’t Queen Lalan know that Lafite’s army only has 50,000 soldiers? Doesn’t she know that Lafite and the others are almost running out of food even if they bring them? What on earth was she thinking about? She was probably only focused on defending the imperial city and had forgotten about Lafite and her troops.

It seems that we can't expect any support from the Imperial City. If Diao Si intercepts the Latin Queen's invading army here now, there is almost no chance of victory. But should we hide in the woods or run away? Lafite and the generals would not agree.

There was no other choice. After thinking for a while, Diao Si told Lafite to continue deploying those agencies and other facilities. He wanted to leave for a while and get to know the Latin Queen personally.

Lafite and the generals were obviously uneasy after hearing Diao Si's words, because they pinned everything on Diao Si. He left at this time and was going to contact the Latin Queen. What would they do with the rest

"What are you going to tell her? Can't someone else go? I just would rather I go than you go there in person." Lafite was silent for a moment and said to Diao Si.

Diao Si shook his head after hearing this and said to her: "No, this is too important. I must go there in person. Don't worry, how could the emperor of the glorious empire do anything to a messenger like me."

Without further ado, continuing to let Lafite and the others think would only make it harder for them to feel at ease. After Diao Si asked for a three-legged monster, he planted the yellow flag representing the messenger and set off towards the north of Ruifeng City.

The Latin Queen's team will arrive there soon, and Diao Si will ride the three-legged monster much faster. It is best for him to meet the Latin Queen before she arrives in Ruifeng City.

Diao Si was actually a little scared when such a person came face to face with the Latin Queen, because he really didn't understand the Latin Queen. He only knew that she must be a ruler who knew how to use troops and had good management skills.

Diao Si also prepared for the worst. It would be best if he could convince the Latin Queen. If he couldn't convince him, he wouldn't be able to stay there for a long time, because they were all enemies after all. When the two armies were fighting, they were afraid of the turbulent public sentiment. .

What Diao Si was most worried about was how he would escape if the Latin Queen was a pervert and attacked him. Rely on this three-legged monster? You might even have to use some magic right away to deal with it.

This business is risky, but if it succeeds, it can even end the war. For such a big benefit, Diao Si will not hesitate to take risks. (To be continued)