Alien Ruler

Chapter 83: Latin Queen


Things are really unpredictable. Unexpectedly, when Diao Sicai passed by Ruifeng City, he encountered a group of soldiers who suddenly appeared. This really startled him, and when he got closer, he realized that they were the elite soldiers who he had arranged to hide in the caves of Ruifeng City and set fire to.

They were fine, but the generals of the invading army were too bad. These elite soldiers had done this to them, but they hadn't noticed yet. This is also Diao Si's success, this move is amazing.

However, they were almost starving, and they came out of the hole because of hunger. Diao Si had forgotten about them, so he immediately told them to go to the woods to meet Lafite.

The invading army that defeated Queen Ding should still be some distance away from Diao Si, but those birdmen had already set their sights on him, but perhaps because they saw the flag planted behind him, they didn't do anything to Diao Si.

After running like this for who knows how long, the three-legged monster was exhausted. Diao Si rested with it for a while and ate some dry food before continuing on his way. This kind of messenger is probably unprecedented here, and Diao Si's behavior has repeatedly broken the records here.

Finally, we saw the army of the Glorious Empire. Perhaps because there were too many people, their army was divided into several parts, and these parts did not march head to tail. Although this does not seem to be integrated enough, it can increase the speed of marching.

After Diao Si arrived, a dedicated soldier of unknown rank led him through the first unit and came to a special unit. This troop is small in number, but in front of it is a large chariot representing the king, which is dragged by a giant monster.

Needless to say, the king on the car was the Latin Queen. Diao Si could already see her dark armor and her unique appearance with heavy makeup.

They were still marching, not slowing down at all because of Diao Si. After those people reported, the Latin Queen also invited Diao Si to her big car, so Diao Si threw his three-legged monster first. Follow along there.

In this way, Diao Si noticed that the Latin Queen was facing a group of cavalry who were also fully armored. These cavalry looked very powerful. They were riding a monster with a sharp horn like a Stegosaurus dinosaur. There was also a monster on its back. The boned shield can protect the warriors above.

Diao Si has never seen such troops in the Guangnan Empire. It seems that the Guangyao Empire has an advantage in terms of military types. Ruifeng City also has the shadow of training monsters to assist in battle. It is estimated that hundreds of years ago it was really a territory of the Guangyao Empire. .

"Are you the envoy of Lord Lalan of Guangnan County? I have never seen anyone come this far, or do you simply want to come and seek refuge with us, in which case we welcome you..."

As the Latin Queen said, she only glanced at Diao Si, and her expression fluctuated a little, probably because she discovered that Diao Si was a man. She should have been paying attention to this messenger before, but she did not expect that it would be a man.

"Your Majesty, I have only one purpose here, which is to advise you to retreat, because it will not be easy for you to win this battle. You only have more than 200,000 soldiers now, but there are 300,000 troops preparing in the imperial city of Guangnan Empire. …”

"Do you think war only depends on numbers? I'm not afraid to tell you, now I can capture your Guangnan Imperial City even with only 100,000 soldiers!" Queen Latin said loudly to Diao Si.

Diao Si did not flinch after hearing this, and continued: "Yes, war does not depend on numbers, but does your Majesty know? Just last night, your one hundred thousand troops were burned alive in Ruifeng City... "

"That was just an accident we accidentally caused!" The Latin Queen interrupted angrily. This may be what the generals reported to her, but how could she not know whether it was an accident or not? If the truth is told, it will really affect the morale of the glorious empire army.

"Well, this is all an accident. Then I would like to ask one more question: Even if you, the queen, captured the imperial city of the Guangnan Empire and killed the 300,000 defenders of the imperial city, do you think you can really do it? How can you withstand the coming glorious empire without any loss?"

"What do you mean? The Glorious Empire will not join the war. We have a treaty..."

"Treaty? Hahaha..." Diao Si smiled, looked at the astonished Latin Queen, and said, "Then after His Majesty captures the Guangnan Empire, are you really not going to take action against the Glorious Empire?"

These words made the Latin Queen deep in thought, but she quickly spoke again: "At least the Glorious Empire will not send troops in a short time, and we will soon capture the Imperial City of Guangnan County. By then, with the combined strength of the three places, the Glorious Empire can Can you stop it?"

"Your Majesty is indeed highly intelligent, but have you ever thought that these continuous wars have already made the people here war-weary and withdrawn from the world, the ecology has been destroyed, and production has suffered serious losses..."

"That's enough. Stop trying to threaten me with your rhetoric here. Since I'm here today, I must capture the Imperial City of Guangnan County!"

"I knew I couldn't convince your majesty, but for the future of the entire Empire of Light, I still have to give it a try. I also hope that your majesty will understand what I said." After Diao Si finished speaking, he turned to leave the Latin Queen. big car.

"Wait..." The Latin Queen's words made Diao Si extremely uneasy, but he still managed to stay calm. In theory, the Latin Queen did not need to affect her image for a person with no fame or status like him.

"What's your name?" said the Latin Queen, and Diao Si turned to her and said, "My name is Diao Si, Your Majesty."

"Tell me, La Lan, I am determined to get the imperial city of Guangnan County this time. If she wants to retain some direct descendants, she should surrender as soon as possible. I don't want to watch her 300,000-strong army bleed into a river. "

"I think your Majesty has made a mistake. The one you are facing now is not Emperor Lalan, but her seventh daughter, Princess Lafite. I will convey your Majesty's intention to her..."

After Diao Si finished speaking, he jumped off the big car, then rode on his three-legged monster and ran towards Ruifeng City. Taking advantage of this opportunity to arrive at the Latin Queen's army, Diao Si happened to get to know her troops, which was much better than the bird caller coming to conduct reconnaissance.

It took him a long time to gradually leave the Latin Queen's army. Because of this period of reconnaissance, Diao Si had a full understanding of the Latin Queen's army.

This army is really powerful, especially those special elite troops. Such an army cannot be trained in a year and a half. The Latin Queen has spent many years of hard work in order to unify the Empire of Light.

Relatively speaking, the 300,000 troops in the Imperial City of Guangnan Empire are simply a large group of soldiers who make up the numbers. Except for those powerful warriors, the ordinary soldiers among them are basically used as human shields when being beaten.

The Latin Queen's army had just ended its war with the Empire of Light and was very experienced. Compared with the Guangnan Empire, which had lost tens of thousands of soldiers in its previous attack on Ruifeng City, it also had a clear advantage.

Therefore, it is indeed not difficult for the Latin Queen to capture the Imperial City of Guangnan Empire. Even if she lost 100,000 soldiers yesterday, it would not affect her pace at all, nor would it have any impact on the morale of her army.

If Lafite wanted to drag the Latin Queen's army here, no matter how many traps they set up in the woods, they would not be able to stop their attack.

Diao Si didn't want Lafite to die here, but thinking about the Latin Queen's special troops, he had no way to win. So what if we can weaken the Latin Queen's tens of thousands more troops? This can't stop her progress at all, the result is still the same, there is no need to sacrifice like this in vain.

Keeping thinking like this, Diao Si forgot to let the three-legged monster take a rest. It finally couldn't bear it and fell down. When he picked it up, Diao Si realized that he had almost returned to the woods.

The Latin Queen's scouts must have seen him approaching the woods, but it didn't matter. Anyway, as long as they were careful about their actions, they would be noticed sooner or later.

Back at the woods, Lafite was still waiting at the entrance. She didn't dare to leave the woods because this was what Diao Si had requested. Now she was anxious to know what Diao Si said to her when he greeted the Latin Queen like this. (To be continued)