Alien Ruler

Chapter 84: A plan to disturb the enemy


"Did you say something to the Latin Emperor? You won't surrender to her, right?" Lafite asked. Although this was just a joke, Diao Si knew that Lafite had really considered this. After all, she thought it was too strange to be so close to the Latin Queen.

"I'm just looking for the best excuse to spy on the enemy." After Diao Si responded, Lafite and the generals laughed. Maybe they thought Diao Si's move was very clever.

"Then what should we do next? The enemy will soon reach our thorny places." Lafite asked Diao Si anxiously. She knew better that the Latin Queen's army could not be defeated by an army like theirs.

Diao Si glanced at her and the generals, and then responded: "We can hold back the Latin Queen's army, but the whole army will be destroyed here... won't you regret it?"

"No regrets. Since we chose the path of warriors, we have not been afraid of death. We fight for honor and die for honor. We will be remembered forever!" After hearing Diao Si's words, the generals raised their weapons and shouted. Woke up.

At this time, Diao Si only looked at Lafite. He knew that Lafite must be duty-bound, but he really didn't want Lafite to die here, because her death would be devastating to her, but for the basic purpose of this war, It makes no sense.

The nonsense these generals said about being immortal is even more nonsense. It would be fine if the Guangnan Empire unified the Empire of Light in the future. Their deaths might be used by the rulers to educate future warriors, but what will be unified is the Glorious Empire or the Glorious Empire. If so, they might still be infamy for eternity.

"Okay, let's get ready for action." When he saw Lafite about to open his mouth, Diao Si spoke first. He had already guessed what Lafite would say and didn't want to listen to her anymore.

According to the original plan, they were to install the remaining throwing machine at the end of the woods. When the Latin Queen's invading army passed by and was held back by their small pits, they would immediately fire on them. This would inevitably Will lure them here.

It's a pity that those exploding shells were all used up when the Ruifeng City was deployed. Otherwise, they should still be able to kill a lot of enemies, because their team density is very high. However, the main purpose of this is to lure the enemy into the woods, and the lethality is not important.

If the enemy can be led into the woods, the mechanisms in the woods can easily kill more than a few thousand of their soldiers. Coupled with the power of the archers, the Latin Queen will definitely lose a lot.

As long as the Latin Queen's large army is held back, they will not be able to leave the territory of Ruifeng City before dark. In this way, they will have to station their camps in the villages along the road. Then Diao Si can sneak attack them at night. .

He only hoped that this would cause chaos to the Latin Queen and satisfy Lafite, thus convincing her not to confront the enemy head-on. Diao Si would be considered successful.

Here, the Latin Queen's army arrived at Ruifeng City, but what was very surprising was that they did not enter the city to rest at all. They even built a simple camp near Ruifeng City to rest without going in.

This was not only worried about an ambush in the city, but also for the speed of the march. This made Diao Si worried. The Latin Queen was so focused on marching that she might not be willing to spend time to annihilate the enemies in the woods.

Those birdmen had already flown around the woods, undoubtedly coming to inquire about the situation in the woods, so Diao Si allowed them to hide. Unexpectedly, those birdmen actually flew in, so Diao Si had to order them to be slaughtered.

The purpose of the Latin Queen letting the birdman fly in was also very obvious, which was to force Diao Si to take action, so that she could figure out what was going on in the woods based on the birdman's situation.

However, the Latin Queen clearly knew that Diao Si and the others were hiding in the woods, so she did not send any troops to attack them. She only marched along the road towards the imperial city of Guangnan Empire.

Fortunately, Diao Si was also prepared, so he immediately ordered those people to install throwing machines and prepare to attack their troops in the area where they passed through the pits.

The Latin Queen's birdmen had already set their sights on this forest. Such a large throwing machine was easy to spot, so Diao Si spent some time and put branches and leaves on the throwing machine so that the birdmen on it could It's not easy to find.

After preparing like this over and over again, the vanguard of the Latin Queen finally arrived. Diao Si had observed before that the vanguard was mainly composed of scattered troops. The Latin Queen arranged for them to be in front to let them explore the way.

The pit thorn is somewhat effective for small troops, but for such a large army, the effect is not obvious. However, because soldiers continued to be injured, the army actually stopped and inspected the road.

At this time, the general began to remind Diao Si whether to fire cannons at those people. Diao Si shook his head, because it was useless to hit these soldiers. Even so, they could kill tens of thousands, and the impact on the Latin Queen's army would be minimal.

What he was eyeing was the logistics transportation team, those large machines, and grain trucks. Only when those things were hit, the Latin Queen had to send troops to them.

"Latin Queen... this is an opportunity, let's fire right away!" Unexpectedly, after seeing the Latin Queen's cart, Lafite was about to give the order. Wasn't she too naive to think of knocking the Latin Queen down like this

But when Diao Si ordered them not to fire cannons, it was already too late. The first stone had already hit the Latin Queen's cart.

The accuracy of this shot was enough. It hit the Latin Queen's cart directly, shocking the monsters pulling the cart. However, such stones could not damage the Latin Queen's cart.

Such a throwing attack can only have one chance. It is a pity that it failed to attack the Latin Queen's transport team, but there is no use regretting it. Diao Si had known that Lafite would not be easy to control.

At this point, we can only continue fighting according to the original deployment. Diao Si did not have much hope for this battle. His goal was just to hope that as few people as possible would die here.

The first thing that was attracted was the flying birds in the sky. They were hovering over the throwing machine and did not fly down. This was to let the Latin Queen know the specific location of the throwing machine.

Unexpectedly, the Latin Queen over there was very calm. She only ordered the vanguard to separate a team of thousands of people and attack the throwing machine.

In this way, Diao Si immediately ordered the dismantling of the throwing machine and the preparation of the archers in front. He had made an agreement with the generals of the archery soldiers before that they would only place a section of arrows there. Once the enemy passed the designated position, they would immediately retreat into the woods.

Seeing this group of enemies, Diao Si felt uncomfortable. They were basically the remaining troops that had been withdrawn from Ruifeng City before. Maybe the Latin Queen didn't want to feed them.

But since they are here, we can only deal with them, just to satisfy Lafite's need to kill enemies. The Latin Queen will not waste much troops and time just to hide some enemy troops in the woods.

The enemy was getting closer and closer, and the throwing machine was still being dismantled. The birdman above flew over the ambushing archers again, and then displayed some colorful flags of various colors. This may be some signal to tell the Latin Queen where There are a certain number of archers.

This Latin Queen is indeed experienced. She must not be underestimated. Diao Si must watch Lafite even more closely, otherwise it will be very dangerous if she becomes impulsive.

But the Latin Queen did not give any orders and continued to let her cart pass by, as if she did not care about the enemies in the woods or the vanguard troops who were attacking.

After the throwing machine was broken into several large pieces, it was taken away by the specialized soldiers. Diao Si and the generals immediately retreated into the woods, leaving only the birdmen hiding in the trees.

"Fire arrows..." Thousands of archers from Lafite's army were throwing empty arrows. The approaching enemy troops began to suffer casualties, but such empty arrows obviously could not stop their progress.

Then the archers immediately withdrew into the woods, and the Latin Queen's vanguard also pursued them. They must have been very surprised after entering, because Diao Si did not arrange any soldiers to confront them head-on. There were only traps waiting for them in the woods. (To be continued)