Alien Ruler

Chapter 85: Powerful cavalry


After the mechanism in the woods was activated, most of the Latin Queen's vanguard were quickly wiped out, and then Lafite took action, wiping them out in a short while. Naturally, they cheered happily.

It's just that Diao Si was not happy at all, because the Latin Queen sent in a remnant of soldiers that she didn't want to keep anymore. Not only did she destroy most of the traps in the forest, but she also found out the details of the ambushes in the forest through the birdmen.

However, before there was any news about the soldiers who invaded the woods, the Latin Queen continued to march. She did not pay attention to the enemies in the woods at all. This may be to make the Diao Si troops take the initiative to show up.

"Install the throwing machine immediately, we are going to fire again!" Diao Si saw the food troops in front of the Latin Queen. This was the best opportunity to slow down the Latin Queen's troops.

But is it too late to start installing the machine now? It's impossible, we must find other ways...

Diao Si thought nervously, and then suddenly he saw the trees next to him shaking gently. It was the wind elf. Diao Si thought about it. At this critical moment, he didn't care whether Lafite would see it or not, and immediately ran towards the woods. edge position.

"Lord Commander..." The general over there also wanted to tell him that after the throwing machine is installed, all the enemy's troops may have passed through here.

Diao Si ran there and was about to cast magic when he realized that the wind elves around him were already getting ready. They were so obedient. It would be great if those warriors were also so obedient.

"Wind spirit, block their progress for me. I want you to overturn their cars and plunder their supplies..." Diao Si read loudly, and the strong wind soon appeared, carrying sand and dust and rushing towards the weapon. Transport team.

The wind was so strong that the people pushing and pulling the transport trucks could not open their eyes, but it was not enough. Diao Si continued to summon the wind elves, and the wind became stronger, and finally blew one of the transport trucks to a low-lying place. went.

Such a sudden strong wind not only stopped the transport teams, but also the generals in the woods slowed down because the situation just now was too abnormal.

It was precisely because of Diao Si's sudden attack that the Latin Queen's transport troops had to stop, thus providing time guarantee for those who installed the throwing machines.

It's a pity that Diao Si's energy was quickly exhausted. Otherwise, if he kept blowing like this, he would have given the Latin Queen a headache for a long time. Such a strong wind attack would be much more effective than a throwing machine.

"Lao Zhu, why do I always run out of energy so quickly? Can't you help me and give me more energy?" Diao Si was really unwilling, so he asked Lao Zhu.

"What else do you want? It's because of me that you can activate such magic with such a small amount of energy. Otherwise, the most you can do is summon a gust of wind..." Lao Zhu responded.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you about this. You should tell me when I can recover enough energy to launch such a magic attack again, right?" Diao Si asked again.

"Soon, also because of me, you will recover soon. As for the speed of recovery, it also depends on your mood and other conditions..." Lao Zhu started to tremble with those theoretical things again, and Diao Si couldn't listen. Went down.

While those transport vehicles are still being repaired, the throwing machines here are also being installed at an accelerated pace. When the transport vehicles were about to be completed, the shells from the throwing machines came again. With such successive attacks, they were lucky enough to smash the wheels of one of the transport vehicles, causing it to tip over again.

This must have pissed off the Latin Queen. She originally didn't want to pay attention to Diao Si's harassment, but now that it's harassing her transportation team, she can't ignore it anymore.

However, Diao Si could not have imagined that the Latin Queen would actually send out a team of elite cavalry led by herself, charging straight towards the woods. Their speed is so fast, especially with their armor, that ordinary arrows may not be able to penetrate them.

"Retreat, let the archers there retreat immediately!" Diao Si had already thought of something. Such elite cavalry were at a different level from the local archers. They would simply die if they fired arrows there.

The general over there was stunned for a moment before ordering a retreat. It was too late, because the enemy was cavalry. Although the stegosaurus-like monster did not run very fast, it was still far behind the walking archers.

No, it was too late. The archers walking behind had been chopped down by the chasing cavalry. If it weren't for the trees that affected the speed of the Stegosaurus monsters, thousands of archers wouldn't have been able to escape much.

There is no other way now. Diao Si only hopes that the archers can escape to the location of the mechanism, so that they can block their progress. When Lafite and the generals saw it, they raised their weapons and charged forward without waiting for Diao Si's order.

"Attack their mounts first, their feet are very small..." Diao Sicai said, and the cavalry not far away heard it and rushed towards him.

This frightened Diao Si, and he immediately burrowed into the bushes. However, because he was walking in the wrong direction, he was targeted by the nearby cavalry. He had no way out and had to climb a nearby tree.

Fortunately, those cavalrymen only carried long weapons, and they were unwilling to leave their mounts to climb trees, so even if the three cavalrymen surrounded Diao Si, they could only surround him.

At this time, the cavalry who had been chasing Diao Si's archers had already rushed to the trap. The Stegosaurus monsters fell down one after another after stepping on the pit thorns, forcing the cavalry to go to the ground to attack.

Those cavalry were not weak at all, and could even fight against Lafite's silver warriors alone, so except for Lafite and others who could block them, there was no way to fight the other ambushed soldiers.

Diao Si didn't dare to climb there yet. He was afraid that these cavalry would use their skills on him, so he continued to climb up the tree. Those cavalry are too powerful. If they continue to fight like this, Lafite and the others will be in danger. This is the elite team of the Latin Queen.

From here, Diao Si can see that the Latin Queen is really experienced in using troops. First, she uses the remaining soldiers to investigate, and then directly uses the strongest troops, so that she can complete the mission with low losses.

"Du..." Just when Diao Si was still climbing desperately on the tree, a long sound suddenly sounded, and then the cavalry seemed to have suddenly received an order and immediately stopped attacking and retreated out of the woods. .

This must be a signal from the Latin Queen, telling these cavalry to retreat. The reason is probably because their transport team has passed and she does not want this elite force to suffer any losses.

They really didn't suffer any losses. Of the more than a thousand troops, only a dozen people were killed and dozens of sword dragon monsters were lost. Diao Si's archers had already lost more than a thousand people.

"Stop chasing..." Seeing that Lafite and the others were still chasing after them, Diao Si shouted an order, and then they stopped and watched the cavalry retreating and leaving the woods.

"What kind of troops are these? They are so powerful. I have never seen such troops before!" An older general couldn't help but say this.

Lafite took off her helmet and looked at the retreating cavalry without saying a word. She naturally knew how powerful the opponent was. This cavalry team alone was enough to deal with her 40,000 soldiers. It was too powerful.

If they want to hold back a team as powerful as the Latin Queen, Lafite's team is very dangerous. Not only Diao thought about this, I believe Lafite must have thought about it as well.

"What should we do now? Just watch them continue to approach the imperial city?" Lafite asked Diao Si after a long time. She wanted to pursue the Latin Queen's troops immediately, but she knew that doing so would be like beating an egg against a stone.

Diao Si is also thinking of a way. Next, they can move from this forest to the woods in the border village, so that they can catch up with the Latin Queen's team, but it is useless to catch up like this, because there is no time to prepare anything, head-on confrontation They don't have to fight.

"Let's move to the village of the Mei'er tribe on the border first. We can't take action now. We can only collect as many things that can be burned as possible and wait until dark before taking action." Diao Si responded, and Lafite led her The troops went to find fuel first.

Diao Si planned to burn the Latin Queen's transport truck at night, which if successful would really put the Latin Queen in trouble. Would it be easy for the Latin Queen to give Diao Si an opportunity to take advantage of something as important as a transport vehicle, especially grain? Diao Si doesn't have much confidence yet. (To be continued)