Alien Ruler

Chapter 86: Failed sneak attack


While Lafite's troops were secretly moving, the Latin Queen's troops stopped to rest at the village in front. In this way, the Latin Queen's bird scouts kept hovering over the woods where Lafite's troops were, but Diao Si and the others did not stay still because of this, and continued to move secretly.

Because there was no rest, Lafite's troops quickly caught up with the Latin Queen's troops, but they only dared to hide in the woods and secretly collect things that could be burned.

Then the Latin Queen's troops set off again, and they seemed to ignore Lafite's troops. Even the birdman didn't fly toward the woods anymore.

As Diao Si expected, when the Latin Queen passed the Mer tribe village on the border, it started to get dark, so the Latin Queen stationed her large army and sent those birdmen flying all over the sky.

This undoubtedly made Diao Si's reconnaissance more difficult. He spent a lot of effort to get the possible location of the Latin Queen's transport vehicle through those birdmen.

What surprised Diao Si was that the location of the transport vehicle was not far from the woods, giving them a chance to make a move. This even made Diao Si feel unusual, and he had to wonder if the Latin Queen was deliberately trying to lure them into this trap.

But even if he knew there was danger, Diao Si must seize this opportunity, because except this time, there will be no such opportunity. After dawn the next day, the Latin Queen's troops will directly cross the border and attack the imperial city of Guangnan Empire. .

Diao Si gathered Lafite and the generals, drew a map there, and analyzed the attack and arson plan. Also, how to retreat in case the enemy is ambushed is even more important to Diao Si.

The biggest problem is that there is no kerosene, so even if they can throw flammable materials onto those transport vehicles and start a fire, the fire will still be easily extinguished. But at this time, what kind of kerosene can be found

Diao thought about it and then thought of summoning the wind. This way, the fire would be much stronger, which could make up for the lack of kerosene, so he first sent birdmen to throw those light dry flocs and flammable materials on the transport truck. object, and then prepare to light the rocket arrow.

Of course, Diao Si hoped to burn down all or part of the Latin Queen's transport truck, so that they would have a difficult time attacking the Guangnan Empire. However, after hearing those birdmen say that they didn't even find any guards around the transport truck, He already knew something was wrong.

When the arrows lit up, the sounds of enemy troops approaching from both sides were heard, and then soldiers rushed out of the transport trucks covered with cloth. This time they really fell into the trap.

Fortunately, the escape route had been arranged before. Just when the enemies thought they could kill Diao Si by surprise, they unexpectedly encountered the interception of Diao Si's ambushed archers. Because of the lack of light, the Latin Queen's ambush troops did not know the terrain well. After killing more than a hundred of Lafite's troops, there was no trace of Lafite's troops.

It failed. What Diao Si regretted was not the loss of more than a hundred soldiers, but the difficulty in getting close to the Latin Queen's troops. The Latin Queen had already planned it. She used a fake transport truck to deceive Diao Si. Fortunately, Diao Si was well prepared, otherwise he would have suffered heavy casualties this time.

However, the matter was not over yet. When Diao Sicai regrouped Lafite and the generals in the woods, he saw many little stars-like flames rising into the sky from the Latin Queen's troops.

It was those birdmen who brought fire to the sky and threw it into the nearby woods. They wanted to find Diao Si's troops in this way and then send people to encircle and suppress them.

Fortunately, Diao Si was well prepared and they had already retreated quite a distance, otherwise they would have been the ones to be attacked that night. However, it is not advisable to stay in the hiding place for a long time now, because the Latin Queen's team is still continuing to search for them.

How to escape? While studying the map, Diao Si looked at the light spot carried by the birdman in the sky, and was attracted by the peak on one side. Isn't that the peak where Diao Si led a group of long-eared archers to defeat the pursuers of the Guangnan Empire?

The mountain peak is a bit far away, but the border near here is full of mountains. You can consider retreating to the mountain first. That way, even if the enemy catches up, they don't have to worry, and they can use the advantages of the mountain to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Diao Si immediately ordered a retreat to the mountainside on the border. Although Lafite's troops were already very tired because they had not rested, it was an emergency and there was no other choice.

After driving like this for quite some time, they finally reached the foot of the mountain. The Latin Queen's light spot over there was still near the original woods. It was impossible to find it here. Moreover, Diao Si and the others had reached the border in advance and bypassed the Latin Queen. 's troops.

Let's take a rest first, they are all tired, and there are lagging troops behind them, especially the transport trucks carrying food and throwing machines. Now that the 40,000 soldiers have dispersed around, the troops in the front can rest and wait for the troops behind. After the troops behind them catch up, the troops in front can deploy the next round of plans.

You can't walk on the main road now, because you will definitely run into the Latin Queen's army. If Diao Si wants to continue to pursue and harass the Latin Queen's troops, they will have to climb over these mountains, but there is no way to go on these mountains.

In this case, Lafite's team would still have to go to the mountain peak where they were tricked last time, but how would the transport truck get past the mountain? It seems that there is no other way but to wait for the Latin Queen's troops to pass first, and then they can follow behind.

With no other option, Diao Si ate something there and lay down to rest. Even with his eyes closed this time, he was still thinking about the next arrangements.

In fact, Diao Si could use this mountain range as an excuse to hold back Lafite's troops, but he knew that even if the Latin Queen captured the imperial city, Lafite would go and die. No matter what he did, he could not stop this little devil, so It's better to help her find a solution as much as possible.

When Diao Si woke up, it was already dawn. After he arranged for the troops who had arrived later to rest there, he took the rested troops toward the mouth of the canyon on the border.

The mouth of this canyon was the original passage between the Guangnan Empire and Ruifeng City. The passage was between the mountains on both sides and was the only road nearby. Both sides had troops stationed here in the past, but after the Guangnan Empire captured Ruifeng City After that, there were no more guards here.

Moving towards the canyon like this, Diao Si thought of another way, because the slopes of the mountain they were climbing were very sloping, which would allow some rocks to even roll to the passage. In other words, as long as the Latin Queen's troops pass here, they can use those stones to attack them.

Act as soon as you think about it, because there is not much time, the Latin Queen's team also got up, and they will pass through here next. Thinking of this, Diao Si immediately ordered the troops in front to move some rocks to a very sloping position on the hillside.

The destructive power of rocks rolled down at this distance and height is not weak at all. The question is, after rolling down such a high hillside, can they still accurately hit the enemy's transport vehicle? There are too many unstable factors.

But this is the only way that can easily cause enemy casualties and destroy enemy transport vehicles. There is no better way now, so you must try it anyway.

Then Diao Si first tried to roll some rocks down from that high place to see their routes and other conditions so that he could better attack other people's transport vehicles. However, the results of this experiment were very bad. Some rocks would be placed halfway up the mountain, posing no threat to the people below.

Time continued to pass, and the Latin Queen's army below began to march again, and Diao Si's team above was already tired, so while the group of people were resting, the team that had rested behind them caught up again, and continued Help Diao Si move the stone.

There were quite a lot of stones on it, but because they were on the hillside and Diao Si's team was exhausted, it was not easy to move it. It wasn't until the Latin Queen's troops began to pass through the passage that they stopped and prepared Strike at any time.

The stability of this plan is very low, but Diao Si has no other way. He just hopes that these stones will be more obedient by then, play a role as much as possible, and drag the Latin Queen's team here as much as possible. (To be continued)