Alien Ruler

Chapter 88: Continue to harass


"Seventh Princess, where is the Latin Emperor's team now? Let's catch up with them quickly." Diao Si said this, but Lafite didn't look at him, which made him feel even more uneasy.

"When they arrive at the Imperial City, they will definitely build a camp in front of the Imperial City. Then we can continue to harass them and cooperate with the soldiers in the Imperial City inside and outside..." Diao Si continued, but Lafite and the generals They remained silent.

Diao Si knew what they were thinking and didn't want to escape anymore, so he said to Lafite: "Yes, I am a magic user, but didn't I help our team defeat the enemy again and again? Without my magic , we may have all died in the battle!"

Hearing what he said, Lafite turned his head and glanced at him, and then said: "I should have thought of it earlier. Since you predicted the rainstorm and the strong wind, you have been casting magic, otherwise you would not be so good. of… "

"No, magic played a certain role in this battle, but it was not a decisive role." Diao Si emphasized that he was not willing to attribute all success to magic. In fact, he did not dare to use magic. .

"Your magic caused us to lose our honor. They will say that we relied on your side tricks to win the victory..." Lafite said with difficulty, as if he was under immense pressure to say this.

"What are you talking about? You are really too ignorant. What does magic have to do with it? Why do you all look down on magic so much? Is there anything wrong with magic? Magic only achieves its goals by understanding the laws of nature and using the power of nature... "

Diao Si kept defending magic, but Lafite and the generals all lowered their heads, lifeless, as if they were more sad than losing the battle.

"I don't know if magic is wrong, but we all know the legends about magic. We know that the appearance of magic users means disaster, devastating disaster..." Lafite responded after a while.

After hearing this, Diao Si couldn't help it anymore and asked Lafite loudly: "Then let me ask you a question, would you rather watch the Guangnan Empire being crushed by the Latin Queen than rely on magic to defeat her?"

Lafite couldn't answer Diao Si's question. After a stalemate for a while, a silver light warrior suddenly said to Lafite: "Seventh Princess, now that the country is facing a national crisis, we should drive the invaders out of Guangnan first." Let’s take care of the empire!”

Her words quickly received responses from individual generals. They all said that the current crisis in the Guangnan Empire should be resolved first, and then the problem of the magic user should be addressed.

"Seventh Princess, you have never been exposed to magic at all. It is wrong to deny magic based on such a legend. Just watch how I use magic to make the Latin Queen look good!" After Diao Si finished speaking, he ignored it. Fei didn't react and ordered the march to the generals.

The generals still had to consider whether to obey Diao Si's orders, but they did not expect that the soldiers were already accustomed to obeying Diao Si's orders. They immediately gathered and prepared to set off.

Of course, as a leader, Diao Si valued the lives of soldiers more than those generals, his management was relatively humane, and he fought almost all battles with no losses, so how could they not like him.

In fact, Lafite didn't want to do anything to Diao Si, and since she had come to this point, she couldn't turn back even if her honor was damaged. She had no choice but to continue on and stop the invasion of the Latin Queen.

Diao Si knew that the magic users here would be expelled and his identity had been exposed. Next, he had to show Lafite the power of magic as much as possible to convince the people here to accept magic.

So he wanted to use magic to punish the Latin Queen's troops, and also to give himself a chance to practice. Lao Zhu has already said that such practice will be beneficial to him without any harm.

Because Diao Si did not rest for long, and the Latin Queen's team was repeatedly attacked by him, especially the transport team was greatly affected and could not travel too far, so Diao Si soon caught up with the Latin Queen's team. .

However, then came the reconnaissance birdmen. Diao Si knew that the Latin Queen could know their movements at all times, so no matter how clearly the birdmen could see, he directly let the 40,000 soldiers march exposed, and sent his birdmen to Keep an eye on the Latin Queen's troops.

Now Diao Si is not afraid of the Latin Queen. As long as he keeps a distance and follows her army, she cannot stop to deal with Diao Si. Because her target was in the imperial city and she had been pestered by Diao Si for so long, she didn't have any more time to spend with Diao Si.

It wasn't until he passed a small forest that Diao Si hesitated, because the Latin Queen's army had once been stationed there, and it was not easy to tell that the 200,000-strong team had left tens of thousands in ambush there. So Diao Si also learned from the Latin Queen's tricks and sent a few birdmen to explore the woods first.

Unexpectedly, it worked after just one try. After the birdman's inquiry, there was indeed an ambush there. It seemed that the Latin Queen was worried about the interference of Diao Si's tornado and did not want to leave such a worry.

Originally, Diao Si wanted to use extended-range arrows and other magical combinations to deal with the ambush in the woods, but he found that his archers did not have many usable arrows.

This is not surprising at all. They have fought several battles since the expedition, and the consumption of arrows is fixed. How can they still have a large number of arrows now? When there are not enough arrows, it is not easy to fight a low-cost battle, so Diao Si does not plan to fight those ambushes.

Following the plan, Diao Si let them hide there and continue to ambush, and then led his team to go around another way to the imperial city. But such a strategy was not beneficial to Diao Si. Although the Latin Queen wasted an arrangement, at least she kept Diao Si's team away for a while.

"Is there any kerosene or anything that can assist the attack on the road we are taking around?" While they were still on their way, Diao Si did not forget to investigate Lafite and the others about the situation.

"No, there is nothing that can be burned here. On the contrary, there is only water that can extinguish fires. There is the largest river in the Guangnan Empire passing through there. Sometimes it rains heavily and the embankments are missing, causing damage to the villages in front of the imperial city..."

A general explained to Diao Si that she only needed to say the word "no" in front of it. Diao Si did not want to hear her detailed introduction.

No, wait, the largest river is suffering from lack of embankments? Diao Si thought of something again, so he asked the general to take him to the place where the river once lacked a dike.

Now Diao Si's team cannot defeat a group of elite cavalry of the Latin Queen, and they are short of arrows and other items. He must use other forces, otherwise such useless harassment will not be able to stop the Latin Queen at all.

It is indeed a very wide river. Although it is not as good as the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, the water flow of this river is already lethal enough. While Diao Si was thinking about it, he asked Lafite and the others to give him a topographic map from here to the imperial city.

It won't take long for the Latin Queen's team to arrive at the Imperial City. In this way, the Latin Queen will not continue to waste time. Maybe she will gather all her troops to attack the Imperial City immediately. She can't waste too much time here.

However, while Diao Si was analyzing, another birdman from the Latin Queen flew in the sky. She was still very concerned about Diao Si's team, but how could she know Diao Si's intentions when they flew over to take a look.

Diao Si even ignored them and continued to study. Now that he had 40,000 soldiers, it was not difficult to dig a trench to divert water. The problem was that the terrain in the imperial city was higher than here. He had to continue up the river, and in Another location to divert traffic.

This project is quite large, but because of the large flow of water in the river, the power of water pressure can be used, and Diao Si is fully confident that it can be completed. After confirming that this plan would work, Diao Si immediately asked Lafite to make some tools.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of the Latin Queen, Diao Si did not break the river embankment first, but made preparations at various diversion positions. He divided the soldiers into several teams and distributed them at several key positions to attack together.

Originally, Diao Si thought he could find some local residents in the villages and other places where the diversion passed through to help. Unexpectedly, they found out that they had already moved away after the invasion of the Glorious Empire. However, Diao Si can also tear down those houses and other buildings and use them at will.

The Latin Queen's troops were about to arrive at the imperial city, and the war was about to be triggered. Diao Si could only hope that the soldiers of the Guangnan Empire could hold on as much as possible until his plan was launched. (To be continued)