Alien Ruler

Chapter 89: Interception plan


After marching so far, Queen Latin's 200,000 troops finally arrived at the foot of the imperial city of the Guangnan Empire. While she settled her army there to camp and rest, she sent envoys to declare war on the Guangnan Empire.

However, Lacy's team soon ushered in an attack out of the city. The goal of Lacy's team was to destroy the Latin Queen's war machine, but it was not that easy. They fought like this for a while, with more than 10,000 soldiers casualties and no results. Without any benefit, she had to retreat back to the city.

Ordered by the Latin Queen, she wanted to kill Laxi so that Lalan could feel heartbroken. The invading army, which affected her combat status, failed to catch up to the wall of the city emperor, so they had to retreat to the camp.

After this opening battle, there will be a battle involving hundreds of thousands of troops. What a majestic battlefield it will be, but Diao Si has no intention of watching it at the moment. He keeps supervising the work of each team, constantly Redeploying manpower and improving their technology, hopefully as soon as possible.

At this time, another birdman flew to Diao Si, but this time it was the birdmen from the Imperial City. When they saw Lafite, they immediately conveyed Lalan's will to her.

"Your Highness the Seventh Princess, the Emperor of Light requires you to immediately lead the troops to destroy the war machine of the Latin Emperor. This will give the imperial city defenders an internal and external cooperation. If you support the troops and respect yourself, you will disregard the honor of the warrior and insult the reputation of the royal family. …”

Lafite wanted to say something else, but Diao Si took over first: "Go back and tell the Emperor of Light to hold on for as long as possible. The Latin Emperor will withdraw his troops by then!"

"I am delivering an oracle to the Seventh Princess, why are you interrupting me!" The birdman actually dared to scold Diao Si, which made Lafite's subordinates obviously dissatisfied.

However, Diao Si was not angry. He continued to repeat what he had just said, saying: "Tell the Emperor of Light that we have a way to make Emperor Latin retreat. Tell the Emperor of Light to let our powerful Princess Lacy continue to resist."

After hearing the name of the powerful Princess Lacy, the generals looked at Diao Si uneasily because they knew that Lacy was Lafite's enemy. Only Lafite could know the purpose of Diao Si's words. He wanted Laxi to die.

"Did you hear that? This is what I mean too. You go back to the Mother Queen first, tell her that we are already thinking of a solution, and tell her to support her." Lafite actually said the same thing, which made those birdmen a little bit I couldn’t believe it, because Lafite always listened to Lalan’s words.

"Seventh Princess, this is the Queen's will, do you want to disobey it?" The birdmen asked again, and this time Lafite was a little shaken.

At this time, Diao Si finally understood why the general refused to obey the military orders outside. Lalan was hiding in the imperial city. She only thought about her own danger and had no idea about their situation. Now she followed her order to die, which would be detrimental to the entire battle. It has no effect at all.

"What kind of disobedience? We still doubt whether you are spies of the Latin Emperor? Have you brought any tokens? If you are sensible, you'd better go back and report to me first." Diao Si said this, and those birds knew how to be afraid. .

In fact, Diao Si wanted to order them to be killed, so as to appease Lafite's heart, but he was afraid that after he issued the order, Lafite would not allow it, which would leave a big trouble.

"You man, be careful what you say. What I am passing on is the emperor's edict. I... I will report it to the Emperor of Light!" The birdman was still irritating Diao Si. Fortunately, it flew away immediately, otherwise Diao Si would have really given the order. .

After the birdmen flew away, Lafite just stared at their backs. It seemed that she was really worried about the safety of the imperial city, and also wanted to serve Lalan and follow her orders.

"Okay, the situation in the Imperial City is very critical now. Everyone, hurry up and work hard. This is the only way to save the Imperial City." Diao Si said this, attracting Lafite's attention.

Lafite was silent for a moment and then suddenly revealed her weapon. Diao Si really thought that she was going to lead troops to rescue the imperial city. Fortunately, she just came to help, using her skills to bombard the blocking stones.

"Rumble... Rumble..." The sound of throwing machines bombarding the city wall has been faintly heard from the Imperial City. The Latin Queen has launched an attack. She has brought so many throwing machines, so that the Imperial City will be breached soon. of the city wall.

"Prepare a three-legged monster for me. I'm going there to stop their attack..." Diao Xiang thought of using magic to interfere with the Latin Queen, so he asked the generals like this.

The generals were now obedient to his orders and immediately called a three-legged monster over. In fact, such a three-legged monster is not very fast, and cannot match the speed of the gryphon, but the gryphon does not have much endurance and cannot fly that far.

"Wait, prepare one more, I want to go with the commander-in-chief." Lafite said, walking in front of Diao Si.

"No, you have to stay and direct them to complete these projects. There are many heavy parts that have to be done by you." Diao Si knew that Lafite wanted to go back and see the situation in the imperial city, which made him even more worried about her. What a stupid thing to do.

Lafite is a powerful golden warrior specially trained by La Lan. She has a high sense of honor, so she is willing to sacrifice her life for La Lan for the Guangnan Empire.

Diao Si could also understand that the reason why Lafite was not afraid of the influence of the magic user and would insult her honor and agreed to use magic to repel the Latin Queen was because she was willing to ignore her own honor for the sake of the Guangnan Empire.

"I have decided that I must go with you, otherwise what if you fall asleep again? We can't make those invaders retreat without you." After saying that, Lafite mounted the three-legged monster and wanted to let's go.

This little devil could never be persuaded. Diao Si didn't want to waste his efforts anymore. He also rode on another three-legged monster, followed Lafite, and set off.

After turning two corners, Diao Si saw the large battlefield in front of the Imperial City of the Guangnan Empire. The Latin Queen's troops were still closely protecting the tall throwing machines, which were launching towards the city wall made of rocks one after another. Fire the gun.

This looks a bit like the siege scene in the game, but those densely packed armies, flying birdmen, etc. cannot be seen in the game.

It was not easy to get close to those throwing machines. Only then did Diao Si see that there were many soldiers stationed around the Latin Queen's throwing machines, and there were some sentry-like teams outside. It was impossible to get close.

"Are you ready?" Lafite suddenly asked, and Diao Si didn't know how to answer her. To be honest, he had been prepared, but after seeing this scene, he realized that he was not prepared at all.

But they were already here and would soon be discovered by the birdmen. There was no time to prepare slowly. If you really want to take action, you must find a way to get closer now while the enemy's defenses are not sufficient.

"Do you think it's okay for us to attack like this?" Diao Si asked Lafite in turn, because the situation was now clear. He had to rely on Lafite's protection to get close to the throwing machine over there, and he didn't get too close.

"Okay, of course, I will clear the way for you now, and you smash their machines hard for me!" Lafite said, jumped off the three-legged monster, showed his weapon and roared towards the sentries.

Before Diao Si could think of a way to escape, he rode the three-legged monster and ran after Lafite. Forget it, there is no other choice now, let's focus on dealing with those machines.

"Wind elves, be angry. I need you to spin immediately and tear the intruders' machines into pieces!" Diao Si immediately cast his magic, and the surrounding air seemed to condense all of a sudden.

Lafite knew something was wrong, and the cyclone formed by the sudden change in air pressure suddenly rolled up the wind and sand in front of him. Lafite's three-legged monster was frightened and did not dare to move forward.

The guards at the sentries in front, as well as the enemies who spotted them in the distance, immediately rushed over to attack them, but as the tornado formed, they were suddenly swept up into the sky.

As if in an instant, a dark tornado appeared on the battlefield. After watching it roll up the soldiers, the surrounding soldiers were so frightened that they unconsciously stepped back.

But this tornado is still some distance away from those large machines, and they seem to be very strong. It is still unknown whether it can destroy them. (To be continued)