Alien Ruler

Chapter 9: The first use of troops


"We will find a way to rescue the commander later. We have stabilized it for the time being. There may be imperial troops pursuing us later." Diao Si said this, but those guys with long ears were not willing to accept it because Diao Si Now this is like running away.

"Captain, I think we are running away now..." The older guy with long ears who just told Diao Si that he would be beheaded if he ran away suddenly said this again.

Diao Si trembled unconsciously after hearing this. He knew that these monsters would rebel if things continued like this, so he immediately reprimanded the old guy loudly and said, "Are you thinking of rebelling? Don't you know that the commander asked me to be a rebel?" Is it from your captain..."

After his rebuke, the old guy didn't dare to say anything more, but Diao Si could see in the eyes of those long-eared guys that they were all dissatisfied with his order to escape, and he had to do something to stabilize them.

"Okay, anyway, my plan was ruined by you idiots. Let's go back to rescue the commander now." Diao Si said this, and those long-eared guys raised their weapons and shouted. These idiots are really idiots. Wouldn't shouting like this let people nearby know their location

"But we have to go back secretly. We must first understand the situation and the detailed deployment before we take action... In short, you all must listen to me. You can't even scream without my order!" Diao Si gestured and walked back to the direction of retreat.

Those long-eared guys continued to shout before they realized what they were saying and didn't say anything else. In this way, Diao Si carefully observed the direction of the imperial army, but the woods were quite dense and he could not see clearly in the farther direction.

"It would be great if we still have a birdman, birdman, where can there be a birdman..." Now Diao Si knew the benefits of those monsters with outstanding vision and hearing, but when he said this, the nearby woods suddenly flew out A hawk-eyed birdman.

This was not an accident. The birdman didn't escape with them. It was a scout of the Imperial Army. When it heard Diao Si's words, it suddenly wanted to fly away because it thought it had been discovered.

"Shoot it to death and don't let it go!" Diao Si said, but those long-eared guys looked around stupidly. They didn't even know that Diao Si was referring to the hawk-eyed birdman.

The opportunity was missed, and Diao Si could only be angry. Now was not the time to blame these fools. Since the Imperial Army had sent out the Birdmen and found their location, they would be chasing them here and they had to escape.

But can you escape? They were not marching fast, and the enemy was so powerful. Moreover, he had just told them that he would go back to rescue Yingmei's troops. How to do it? If this matter cannot be resolved, they will die here.

"The enemy is coming, we must think of a way." Diao Si stopped his original action and looked around for an escape route. But the geographical environment here is very bad, and there is basically no escape route.

"The enemy is about to attack? Why didn't I hear anything at all..." Those guys with long ears listened carefully and started to tremble again.

"You stupid pigs, didn't I just say that you can't open your mouth without my order? Did you hear that? Of course you can't understand it with your brains, and I'm too lazy to explain it to you!"

Diao Si responded, walked a short distance in the other direction, and came back to climb a big tree to see the situation in the distance. But the big tree was too thick to climb. He climbed a few steps and then fell down. The shock caused a fruit to fall from the tree.

However, watching the fruit smash down, Diao Si thought of a way. They were all archers and long-range soldiers. They could climb up the trees to ambush the enemies coming over. There was a certain advantage in being condescending like this.

"... There was indeed some noise. The Imperial Army really came after me." The old guy said silently, maybe he really heard some noise.

"I told you earlier. Now there is no other choice. You should follow my arrangements immediately. All of your team will climb to the big tree over there, and this team will climb to the big tree behind here. Wait for my code, if I don’t give it, don’t give it to me!”

Diao Si arranged it, but those long-eared guys were not very willing to obey. It wasn't until the old guy obediently signaled them to climb the tree that they acted honestly.

It seems that this old guy has a certain status among them, which is even more powerful than his captain status. But it seemed that the old guy still believed Diao Si's words, because he could predict that the imperial army was coming after him.

That's fine. Diao Si already understands his position in the minds of these monsters. He must know how to change it in order to make better use of these guys.

"Old guy, now I promote you to be my vice-captain. Your team must obey its orders..." Diao Si's move was somewhat effective, and the old guy really became active.

He asked the old guy to lead the archers to hide in the big tree in front, and arranged two groups of archers on both sides to obey his direct command, and then asked a few stronger archers to use them as inducements to lure the imperial troops. Lead to this trap and circle around here.

He often uses this kind of plan in the game. As long as the enemy is introduced, the three groups of archers will take turns to attack, and the enemy will not easily fight back. This is very advantageous.

But the game is different from reality. Diao Si also determined the route of the team that lured the enemy, and emphasized to Team Arrow on the tree that they must obey orders. But he didn't have much time to prepare. The Imperial Army's team was almost arriving.

"You don't have to fight back. You just need to run according to my route, otherwise I will order them to shoot arrows at you. Do you understand?" After Diao Si said this, the team that lured the enemy lowered their heads and waited for the imperial army at the designated position. .

Fortunately, the number of imperial troops chasing after them this time was not very large, and there were basically no long-range troops. It seems that they knew that there were not many Yingmei survivors here, and they were all archers, so they did not send heavy troops here.

That's good. There are often situations like this in the game. As long as Diao Si controls them well, they can kill all these enemies without any casualties.

Here they come. Seeing so many imperial troops, Diao Si became nervous again, even though he tried hard to suppress himself and calm down. Next comes the war, and those Imperial troops are going to be killed, or they will be killed.

The team that lured the enemy was quite obedient. After all, they were all soldiers, and soldiers obeyed orders. The imperial troops were indeed brought in, but they didn't know about the ambush on the big tree.

The old guy stared at Diao Si intently, waiting for his order. It was obviously too impatient. Although the Imperial Army was now at their feet, they were the last to take action. If they took action now, they would scare the Imperial Army away.

"There are only a few remnants left here, I can kill them all by myself!" the leader of the Imperial Army said, raising his long sword and chasing after them.

They soon arrived at the foot of Diao Si's team, so the long-eared guys who were ambushing next to Diao Si became anxious, but Diao Si still didn't give them any instructions.

"Get ready... remember, we only shoot at the troops behind, not the troops in front. We will hide immediately when they find out!" After Diao Si gave the order, he first fired hidden arrows at the imperial troops behind.

This strategy really worked. Dozens of the Imperial troops behind them were down before they realized there was an ambush, but when they turned around, they couldn't find any enemies. The captain was angry, but he could only continue to chase the archers who lured them.

When passing by again, part of the Imperial Army was killed again, but this time they discovered the archers ambushing in the trees. With no way to counterattack and some soldiers being killed, the captain had no choice but to order a retreat.

This was when the old guy's team over there took action. After a burst of arrow attacks, the imperial troops had to retreat. Now they were in complete chaos. The captain kept shouting about retreat, but he couldn't figure out the direction.

They don't know that this is basically a trap. The old guy's team is used to block the escape route. They are now trapped in Diao Si's trap and cannot leave. (To be continued)