Alien Ruler

Chapter 90: Flooded enemy lines


Because of Lafite's protection, Diao Si boldly advanced towards the throwing machines and successfully summoned a powerful tornado. After the tornado rolled up some soldiers, the soldiers behind were so frightened that they shrank back and did not dare to get closer.

In this way, those tornadoes swept across and attacked the large throwing machines, quickly blowing down the two in front. However, due to Diao Si's lack of energy and the impact of resistance when attacking those machines, the tornado quickly weakened.

There was no other way. Diao Si was suddenly so tired that it was difficult to open his eyes, so he ordered the three-legged monster to take him away. In this state, he couldn't even control Lafite. He only knew that she was using her skills to repel the enemies that were coming.

Diao Si's vision began to blur. The three-legged monster might have been too tired to run fast, so it was hit by the skill of a warrior attacking from the side and fell down. Diao Si fell to the ground without any reaction at all. on the ground.

But when the soldier rushed up to attack him, Lafite struck again. She quickly knocked the soldier away, threw Diao Si onto her back with one hand, and ran away quickly towards the original path. .

Diao Si was already very blurry and could only feel Lafite running continuously, stopping and jumping up from time to time. Logically speaking, there is nothing to worry about. After all, Lafite is also a golden warrior. As long as she wants to escape, it will not be easy for these people to catch up with her.

"Commander... Lord Commander..." I don't know how long it took before someone woke up Diao Si. It turned out that they had already prepared the diversion ditches at several locations, and now they were waiting for Diao Si to give the order to cut off the big river.

He didn't know how long he had been asleep. After he woke up, Diao Si first asked about the situation in the imperial city, only to find out that his tornado had indeed caused the throwing machine to temporarily suspend its attack. Then Princess Lacy inside led the troops to attack outside again. , but still evacuated the city after suffering many casualties to no avail.

Now those throwing machines have begun to be gradually repaired again, and they are constantly bombarding the city wall. The city wall has cracks in many places, and it is estimated that it will not be able to support it for long.

What Diao Si could not have expected was that the Latin Queen also sent her remaining vanguard troops to attack Lafite's team on their side. In this way, Lafite gathered another army to fight. After sacrificing thousands of soldiers and generals, The enemy retreated.

The Latin Queen did not dare to send important troops here because she still had to fear the 300,000 troops in the imperial city. However, the remaining troops like that were enough to delay Diao Si's plan again and again.

It was almost done. Diao Si first ordered the generals at various key positions to guard their respective positions, then walked to the embankment of the river and began to study it carefully. Because water is not easy to control, if the embankment breaks without careful calculation, the consequences will be serious.

This so-called embankment is actually a pile of stones built up. Because the river's sedimentation over the years will cause the river level to rise, this embankment came into being. It is actually not strong.

Looking at the torrential water, Diao Si seemed to suddenly enter the world inside it. This was very strange, just like in his previous dream.

The water kept running past him, never to return. They all looked at Diao Si strangely, as if they had a lot to say to him. Diao Si looked at it and thought, and understood that these were water elves, and he had sensed them.

"Water Elf, I'm going to take you to a place to play today. I hope you can cooperate..." After Diao Si said this, he immediately ordered the soldiers to start breaking the embankment.

However, this dam is not easy to break. The main reason is that the dam is not high and the water pressure is not high. It took the generals a while to break open a few cracks and holes, until Lafite started to use her skills. After a burst of golden light, Lines of water jets began to spurt out.

Just when the soldiers began to cheer, Diao Si noticed a birdman appearing in the sky. This was sent by the Latin Queen. She must have thought it was strange for Diao Si and the others to be hiding here, so she wanted to inquire, but it was too late now. Once the river bank was broken, the water would soon reach her.

"Water Elf, go ahead. There is a low-lying place there. Hurry there and let it turn into a lake..." Diao Si didn't know if the water elf would obey his will. In short, he was using wind magic. Same way, try this.

"You shouldn't control the water elves like this before you can communicate well with them. Otherwise, it will affect your ability to communicate with them in the future." Lao Zhu suddenly said again.

Diao Si nodded after hearing this, but there was nothing he could do now. Since he had already started, he could not stop. No matter whether it would affect his relationship with the water elf in the future, he had to complete this plan first.

"I know, I will be careful, but now I really need the help of the water elf..." Diao Si responded.

Lao Zhu also sighed and continued to guide him: "In fact, from wind to water to earth, these are the three forms of natural things. They can transform into each other, and there is water in the wind, and there is also water in the water. Fengji, you are already familiar with communicating with wind elves, and it is naturally easy to communicate with water elves, so go and feel them."

Lao Zhu hid again, and this time Diao Si could fully understand what he said. The wind, water and earth he mentioned were actually gases, liquids and solids. Diao Si's physics knowledge was still acceptable.

The water quickly flowed through the designated locations they had built, and then it was the final difficulty. Because the terrain there was higher, Diao Si originally dug a channel to pass through it, but the height of the trench was still too high. You have to let the water here overflow to reach it.

Sure enough, there was a problem, because the water had not yet reached the height of the ditch. As the water pressure increased in the places where water was flowing before, some of the diversion dams they built began to leak. Although preparations had been made before, the generals and soldiers were still in a hurry when responding.

"Water Elf, obey my will!" Unexpectedly, after seeing that the dam continued to have problems, Diao Si could not help but cast magic on the water elf, because he could not watch the plan that had been deployed for so long go to waste.

I don't know if the water elves obeyed Diao Si's will. Anyway, the generals continued to mend the leak. The water slowly rose to the ditch dug by Diao Si and others, and then headed towards the imperial city over there.

This is the most critical time, because there is still a position that Diao Si has not taken action on, because it is very close to the Imperial City, and taking action in advance will easily arouse the suspicion of the Latin Queen, so now Diao Si starts to rush with Lafite and the others. Move over.

The water there filled up faster than expected. When Diao Si and the others arrived, a small lake was formed. If the water was not diverted, it might cause problems in other places first, so Huai Diaosi immediately ordered Lafite He unleashed a powerful skill.

The soldiers at the sentry below had already discovered them, and they were reporting the situation back. They thought Diao Si was going to sneak attack them again, but they didn't know that the raging water was actually coming towards them.

He succeeded, but Diao Si did not dare to relax and continued to let the generals and soldiers stay in their original positions. This flow of water must be allowed to continue for a period of time to form an artificial river before they can leave their respective posts.

As expected, the enemy attacked Diao Si and the others, but they did not expect that what greeted them was the river. The sudden rush of water made them stunned and unable to move forward.

As the water gradually soaked around the river and gradually formed a scale, it became more urgent and powerful. The enemy troops that could not rush over sent archers over and drew their bows and arrows towards Diao Si.

"Wind elves, blow back their arrows!" Diao Si also immediately used his magic, so that all the arrows just thrown into the sky were blown back by the strong wind, and the enemy might be injured.

The first wave of water has rushed to the Latin Queen's army, but they don't know how to deal with it yet. The Latin Queen will definitely be surprised, but what can she do? What is attacking now is the river water.

Those large throwing machines were soon covered by the river water, and the Latin Queen's soldiers immediately carried the cannonballs. But it was so crowded that they didn't know where to move. The attacks of the throwing machines slowed down, and some even had to stop attacking.

At this point, the overall situation has been decided. Now the Latin Queen must make a decision immediately, because the water in front of the imperial city is constantly accumulating, rising higher and higher, and is about to form a lake. (To be continued)