Alien Ruler

Chapter 94: A plan to return to the city


"What a Diao Si. It seems that I not only have to admire your intelligence, but also your courage..." The Latin Queen also took the initiative to greet Diao Si this time.

Diao Si smiled after hearing this and replied: "I will not be proud of your praise. How can this talent compare to you, the emperor? My courage is not because I know your profound righteousness and foresight. …”

Diao Si flattered him a lot, and the Latin Queen seemed to accept his words more, and invited him to her big car again.

"Your Majesty, the situation has changed. The Glorious Empire has begun their ambitions. I think the Glorious Empire and the Guangnan Empire should immediately unite to fight against the Glorious Empire. Otherwise, it will be the Glorious Empire that truly unifies the Empire of Light... "

"Why don't you try to convince the old woman Lalan in the Imperial City first? I just want to realize the dream of unifying the Empire of Light. I never advocate war. I just want the Empire of Light to end years of disputes and let all the people live and work in peace and contentment... "

The Latin Queen's answer made the real prisoner gain a lot of favor from Diao Si. Diao Si had long heard that the Latin Queen had a way of governing the country. This is also the reason why the Glorious Empire has become stronger in recent years, or she could be allowed to rule the Kingdom of Light. The empire would be good for the people here.

However, the Latin Queen is warlike. After the Empire of Light becomes stronger under her rule, the war will definitely be carried out elsewhere. In short, "the prosperity of the people is suffering, the suffering of the people is suffering." This rule also applies here.

"Okay, I can try to persuade Emperor Lalan, but I must bring Princess Lafite into the city, because she is our emperor's favorite princess and may also be the future heir to the Guangnan Empire." Diao Si responded.

"There is no problem with this. I can let you pass, but you must first lay down your arms and surrender. I have already said that I do not advocate war."

"No, I can promise you to put down your arms, but surrender is impossible. Your Majesty, please think about it carefully." After Diao Si finished speaking, he continued to stay in the Latin Queen's cart.

At this time, Lafite's team over there was still confronting the enemies, but more and more farmers behind them were crowding in. They were not as calm as Lafite, and they kept squeezing towards the enemies. The situation seemed a bit out of control. .

The Latin Queen was naturally anxious. She didn't want to order the killing of civilians in front of her soldiers and the soldiers on the walls of the Guangnan Empire. But if she was allowed to do so, these peasants would disrupt her battlefield, and it would be even harder to deal with it.

"Your Majesty, why don't you let those farmers in? They are not targeting your army. They are just fleeing back to the city to take refuge because of the invasion of the Glorious Empire." Diao Si borrowed the topic and said to the Latin Queen.

The Latin Queen listened and thought for a while, then asked: "What does the invasion of the Glorious Empire have to do with the peasants? They massacred the civilians? Why do you say that?"

After hearing this, Diao Si responded: "Actually, I don't know very well, but those farmers did escape because their lives were threatened. I believe your majesty will know this soon. In fact, if your majesty lets you go now, it will You should be beneficial and harmless."

"It's beneficial and harmless?" After the Latin Queen finished speaking, she looked at the farmers over there, and then at the city walls of the Guangnan Empire. Only then did she know what Diao Si was referring to, so she immediately sent an order to let those farmers go, but still refused to let them go. Fei's team comes in.

Although Diao Si really wanted them to let Lafite go, he was not in a hurry, because the invaders from the Glorious Empire should be arriving soon, and then they would be able to act in chaos.

It was the birdmen sent by the Latin Queen who flew back first. They truthfully told the Latin Queen that there were a large number of unknown monsters approaching quickly from the east, and their target should be the Imperial City.

After listening to the Latin Queen's birdman report, Diao Si, I realized that behind those unknown monsters, there was also a regular human army of more than 100,000 people, who were clearly flying the flag of the Glorious Empire.

The Latin Queen's reconnaissance force is really powerful. With such a reconnaissance force, they can naturally know every move on the entire battlefield at all times. This is one of the reasons why the Latin Queen can capture the Empire of Light so easily.

Now that the Glorious Empire has raised its flag, Queen Latin should have no doubts about Diao Si's words. So Diao Si continued to say some words of persuasion to make the Latin Queen more aware of the current situation. Another important point was that after Diao Si hinted that they would enter the city, the Latin Queen would have no worries.

"Okay, I can let you go, but you must put down your weapons, and I will send an envoy to go into the city with you." The Latin Queen said this, and Diao Si immediately agreed to leave.

However, after returning there and watching the enemies who had been staring at Lafite's team retreat to both sides to make way, Lafite and the generals stopped moving forward again.

"All throw down their weapons. We must immediately tell the Emperor of Light about the invasion of the Glorious Empire." Diao Si said this. Lafite and the others were still stunned. They were unwilling to accept surrender.

"Don't worry, no one wants you to surrender. You just need to put down your weapons so that you can return to the imperial city. This is an order!" Diao Si yelled again, and the soldiers began to slowly put down their weapons. arms.

At this time, the peasants had already swarmed below the imperial city. They kept shouting and asking the Guangnan Empire to open the city gate, but the defenders inside ignored it and continued to stare at the movements of the Latin Queen.

"What did you tell her? Why did she let him go? Aren't you afraid that she would get in the way?" Lafite asked Diao Si.

"Don't you always want to go back to the city? What you should worry about is whether your queen mother will open the city gate for you, and how to convince her after entering the city, otherwise the next situation will be more difficult Imagined.”

Diao Si said this, making Lafite fall silent again. She took a serious look at the tall walls of the imperial city, then signaled the generals behind to drop their weapons, and then led everyone towards the gate of the imperial city. Walk in the direction.

The Latin Queen on the cart over there just watched Lafite and her troops from a distance without taking any action. The troops at the city gate also consciously opened a path for Lafite's troops to pass by.

"Open the city gate quickly, the Seventh Princess is returning to the city." After seeing this, the defenders on the city wall immediately loudly announced to the people below.

At this time, Lafite whispered to the generals to pass on the order. If the Latin Queen wanted to open the city gate for a sneak attack, they would use their flesh and blood to block the enemy's swords and guns.

However, after the soldiers on the city wall reported Lafite's entry into the city, there was no news for a long time. Moreover, the peasants were crowded in and refused to get out of the way, and Lafite couldn't even squeeze through.

After a while, the generals of the Latin Queen began to laugh at Lafite and the others. A golden warrior stood up on the city wall, and she was Lacy.

"Lafite, why are you here? Shouldn't you fight with those enemies instead of hiding back in the city?" It seems that Lafite and Lafite have always been at odds, and her words are already insulting Lafite. Fei.

"Sister Three Emperors, please open the city gate and let us enter the city. I have something very important to discuss with the Queen Mother..." Lafite said in the same pleading tone without looking at Laxi above.

Laxi, who was above, was even more proud now and responded: "If you have anything important to tell me, I will convey it to you, but if you try to save yourself from the enemy and hide back in the city, it will be a shame to our Guangnan Empire." "

"You really can't stand and talk without your back hurting. Why don't you come out to fight? Isn't it a shame that you have been hiding inside and being a coward? After all, the seventh princess has persisted outside for so long, so that you can keep your insides. You bastard, how dare you say such nonsense..."

Diao Si couldn't bear it any longer, so he pointed at Lashi above and cursed loudly, so much so that the archers on the city wall couldn't help but snicker.

"Soldiers of the Seventh Princess, please comment, is what I just said correct?" Diao Si finally provoked him like this. Of course the generals loudly supported him, because the glory of the Seventh Princess is their glory.

"I... I was joking with Lafite, when will it be your turn to speak..." Lacy became angry, but seeing the soldiers on the city wall staring at her like this, she could no longer make things difficult for Lafite, so she ordered a warning Then he opened the city gate and left in despair. (To be continued)