Alien Ruler

Chapter 97: Enemy bombardment


"Pack up all your clothes and get out!" With these words from Lafite, the girls picked up some clothes everywhere, not caring whether they belonged to them or not, and ran outside.

If it was really that little devil, it was over now. Diao Si had used up all his strength. What should he do? We must first control the rhythm and delay as much as possible to regain some energy. It is better to talk about some war situations first to distract her attention.

Diao Si stood up with difficulty and put on his pants, then covered everything with the messy sheets. He said that he had to go to the toilet and helped him into the special "bathroom".

"Your Highness Princess, have all your soldiers been recovered? What plan does the Emperor of Light have now..." Diao Si kept talking, but there was no reply from Lafite over there for a long time.

The lack of response means that the situation is serious. This little devil is very flirtatious sometimes. Maybe she is already hiding outside, waiting for trouble.

When Diao Si secretly poked his head out to observe the situation in the room, a white and red breast squeezed in front of his eyes. However, to Diao Si's surprise, he immediately responded again, and his recovery in this regard was pretty good.

"Why don't we play a game first..." Diao thought about something and said again, but he was immediately lifted up by Lafite and placed on the bed.

"I'm no longer interested in your games. You were always so strong in the past. Today I want you to try how it feels to be bullied by a strong person!" After saying this, Lafite rushed over, and the momentum even made the bed shake. He fell down all of a sudden.

However, this is also Diao Si's strength. After he slowly dragged her down, Lafite's strength was only in the first half. In the second half, she was still beaten to death by Diao Si. Everything was still under his control.

After finishing, Diao Si, who was already exhausted, fell into a deep sleep. He didn't open his eyes until he felt Lafite wake up in a hazy state.

It was the sound of bombing. It must be the Latin Queen shelling the city wall again. Lafite immediately put on clothes and armor and rushed over to see the situation. Diao Si followed her.

If Lafite were not here, he would not be able to go up to the city wall and see this, and even if he saw it, he would have no say and nothing to do. But if Lafite is here, it will be different. He can do many things through Lafite.

He remembered what Lalan had said to the princesses before, that whoever can defeat the enemy should be her heir. In this way, only Diao Si can help Lafite defeat the enemy, and she can become the emperor of the Guangnan Empire. Then Diao Si can Through her, she can control everything and even unify the Nima continent.

Let's do it this way. Only by making Lafite the monarch of the Guangnan Empire can we protect Kawa and Mingzi who is at the bottom of the dungeon. He only has this hope in his heart. In the future, when Lafite becomes the emperor, he can protect Kawa and Mingzi at the bottom of the dungeon. He rescued him.

And compared to the short-sighted Lalan, the self-righteous Laxi, and the sinister Lamu, it is a blessing for the people here that Lafite is the emperor.

"Why are you laughing? Is this funny?" Lafite scolded him after suddenly noticing the lewd smile on Diao Si's face.

"No, Your Highness, I'm laughing because I thought of a way to deal with the enemy. I have a way to destroy their throwing machine..." After being scolded by Lafite suddenly, Diao Si understood better that this little devil's temper was a problem. She won't respect you because you are her man, she can only conquer you with your skills.

"Really? Is there any way? Their throwing machines are outside our range, and arrows are almost useless against those machines. How can you destroy them?" Lafite asked Diao Si happily. explain.

Diao Si pretended to think for a moment, and then responded: "Let me go to the city wall and analyze it carefully. Then I will tell you my method."

When Diao Si got close to the city wall, he realized that when the city wall was bombarded, there were more than 100,000 soldiers densely gathered behind it, ready to block the incoming enemies when the city wall was breached. And the enemies outside the city wall should have been preparing. As soon as the city wall is broken, they will surge in like a tide.

While climbing behind Lafite, Diao Si's heart would beat violently every time a cannonball hit the city wall. Because Lafite climbed the ladder too fast, Diao Si was almost exhausted before he reached the city wall. The city wall was already crowded with archers.

Feeling the bombardment of those cannonballs up here is even more terrifying, as if it is an earthquake. I really admire those archers who are as motionless as stone statues. If the city wall collapses, they will definitely die if they fall like this.

However, after seeing the enemy troops in front of the city gate, Diao Si was filled with emotion. Queen Latin's 200,000 troops had already lined up neatly in front of the city gate. There are also different formations on the other side, and it goes without saying that they must be from the Glorious Empire.

It seems that the two countries have already reached an agreement. When the Latin Queen's throwing machine breaks through the city wall, the more than 300,000 troops will squeeze through the mouth of this large valley.

At this time, Diao Si gradually noticed that there was a large group of black monsters in the team of the Glory Empire. They seemed to be covered in armor. It was not easy to make so much armor. It seemed that the most powerful one was this Glory. empire.

"Didn't you tell me how to destroy their throwing machine? Why are you just looking at it with your mouth wide open? We don't have much time. Look, a big gap has been broken in the wall over there."

Lafite said this and pointed to the city wall on the other side. There was indeed a big gap where it was connected to the mountain next to it, but it was still a certain distance from the ground and the enemy would not attack like this.

Diao Si looked at the throwing machines in the distance again. Their attack range was too far. If he attacked them on this city wall, he might only be able to throw small stones, but what lethality would that have

Unless he could float over, Diao thought about the birdman's trick of pouring kerosene, but considering the large birdman army like the Latin Queen, he gave up the idea.

"Do you have kerosene or anything that can easily burn in your city?" Diao Si asked.

Lafite shook his head after hearing this and said, "The kerosene we have here is not as good as Ruifeng City, because that is where it is produced. We get it from there and it is only used for lighting lamps."

"There is no other way now. We can only carry out air strikes on them." Diao Si thought for a while and then said. Lafite looked confused after hearing this, because this was the first time she had heard of the term air strike.

"Do you know what an airplane is? I think we can get some big paper airplanes right away and transport them to the city wall..." Diao Si continued to talk about his thoughts, but Lafite couldn't understand anymore.

In fact, his method is very simple, which is to make a lot of "airplanes" that can burn but will not fall directly to the ground and can glide in the air for a while, and then light these planes to attack the throwing machines over there.

Of course, it is not easy to hit the target by flying over like this. The Latin Queen's birdmen will also fly over to resist such an attack. Diao Si intends to let the wind elves help.

And he also needs to practice it, such as hanging a cannonball under such a "plane" and adding a fuse. I just hope that time allows and the city wall will not be destroyed so soon. There should be no problem with manpower. Such an "aircraft" is also very simple and can be modified directly with the tops of those tents.

However, when Lafite's idea was put forward, many generals still didn't agree with it. Even when it reached Lacy, there was a little resistance, so Diao Si had to beat her back with his tongue again.

How could Lacy stop Lafite from defeating the enemy? She had no choice but to just stay there and wait for the enemy to break through the wall and come in? Of course those generals would not support her.

"Airplanes" began to be brought to the city wall. Only then did Diao Si realize that there was a special roller transport vehicle on both sides of the city wall. Otherwise, it would have been quite a big project to transport such an "aircraft" up.

But when Lafite asked for a "test flight", Diao Si objected. Lafite was worried that there would be problems with this plan. Of course Diao Si understood this, but once the "test flight" happened, the Latin Queen would definitely have some ideas to deal with it, which would affect the success or failure of the entire operation. (To be continued)