Alien Ruler

Chapter 98: Planes and bombings


When more and more "aircraft" gathered on the city wall, the Latin Queen's cannonballs once again widened the original gap in the city wall, and some obvious cracks could even be seen.

Under such circumstances, the archers on the city wall began to panic. It was not Diao Si's turn to control this, because if the city wall collapsed like this, the people on it could be said to have a narrow escape.

There was no time to think too much. Diao Si seized the opportunity for the enemy's birdmen to fly away, and immediately ordered those people to place the prepared "airplanes" on the city wall, and then began to light them.

After one after another such "airplanes" with flaming light approached the top of the Latin Queen, the Latin Queen immediately asked the surrounding birdmen to rush over to block it, but a strong wind appeared. Under such strong wind, those birdmen were blown away. Unable to block it, he was also swept towards those throwing machines.

At this time, the archers nearby looked at Diao Si with fear, because they just realized that it seemed that Diao Si had cast some magic to cause such a sudden strong wind.

Fires soon lit up around the throwing machines below, but the Latin Queen had also been prepared. Many powerful warriors immediately stood guard there, even using their bodies to block the air attacks of those "aircrafts".

However, the "aircraft" was easy to block, but the artillery shells hanging under the "aircraft" were not easy. After such continuous bombing, some of the throwing machines were finally knocked down, and more and more fire planes finally burned those machines. .

The cannonballs were still effective. Thinking of this, Diao Si immediately changed his mind and asked Lafite to order the gryphons to gather on the city wall immediately, and all the cannonballs that could be used were immediately transported to the city wall.

Yes, the Latin Queen's team of birdmen is very large. As long as they are there, it is not easy for Diao Si's gryphon to get close to them. But with Diao Si's strong wind cover, it is completely different.

Diao Si also imagined that those gryphons were flying over the Latin Queen's throwing machines like bombers, and then there were rumbling explosions around those machines, and finally they all fell down, and there was a cheer on the city wall...

"All gryphons are on standby!" After Diao Si signaled, Lafite shouted an order to the gryphons. During this period, Lafite kept running up and down the city wall, preparing "airplanes" for Diao Si and then gryphons and cannonballs, but because she believed in Diao Si, she didn't feel tired at all.

"Wind Elf, show your power and clean up the birdmen in that sky for me!" Diao Si said so loudly that the archers and generals next to him were even more certain that Diao Si was the legendary magic user. , but this did not make them feel any excitement, on the contrary, it was just fear.

Because magicians have long been vilified by their legends, they believe that the emergence of magic, which is called witchcraft, witchcraft, and heresy and illegal things, will inevitably bring great disaster to the country.

In fact, it is already a big enough disaster, but Diao Si will not pay attention to their ignorance, and he will not refuse magic just because it is vilified in this way. As long as he can be strong, it doesn't matter even if everyone in the Nima Continent accuses him.

When a strong wind comes, those birdmen who rely on air and wind spirits to fly in the sky will naturally be blown far away. Then Lafite gave an order, and the dozens of gryphons that had been prepared immediately jumped up and flew towards the sky above the throwing machines.

Although they are not very big, dozens of them flew towards the head of the Latin Queen. This momentum was really impressive, and then the cannonballs hit them one by one. You must know that this is nearly 100 meters away. The height and the attack power alone should not be underestimated.

The soldiers of the Latin Queen have already prepared their defense, but can such shells be completely blocked? After the booming explosion, the throwing machines were surrounded by smoke, but they did not fall down one after another as Diao Si imagined.

"We don't have many cannonballs like this anymore..." Lafite told Diao Si when the gryphons flew back and reloaded their cannons.

After hearing this, Diao Si hesitated for a moment, and then immediately ordered the gryphons to move some rocks over and smash them. He wanted to make the soldiers below relax their vigilance through such continuous throwing of rocks, and then replace the cannonballs.

But those birdmen soon flew back, so Diao Si summoned the strong wind again and blew them far away, followed by the rocks from the gryphons. Although the attack power of such stones is not weak with the help of potential energy, it is still not lethal enough for such a large machine.

However, the situation continued to change, and those throwing machines began to move. The Latin Queen should dismantle them first to avoid Diao Si's move or think of a corresponding method before using them.

No, we must not let go of her throwing machine! Diao Si immediately ordered those gryphons to be replaced with cannonballs, and also asked them to fly lower to ensure the hit rate this time, because there were not many cannonballs exploding like this.

This is also well-founded. Diao Si knew that bombers during World War II also chose to fly at low altitudes in order to increase their hit rate. It's just that the physical strength of those gryphons is not good to begin with, and I'm afraid they won't be able to fly back easily if they fly too low.

But there is no other choice. As long as those throwing machines can be knocked down, the Latin Queen and the soldiers of the Glorious Empire can only attack by force. In this way, the arrows on the city wall will cause them great losses.

The hit rate of this bombing was indeed very high. Among the successive explosions, only one of the large throwing machines survived, and it was towed away by a transport truck. It's already very good. They only have one throwing machine left, and it will take several times as long to capture the city wall.

Sure enough, there were losses. It was not that the gryphons lacked the energy to fly back, but that several of them were caught in the net by the birdmen who quickly caught up. But Diao Si couldn't summon the strong wind at this time, because if it blew up, his gryphon would fall down first.

After the lion eagles returned to the city wall, the archers on the city wall seized the opportunity to shoot arrows, so that the birds would turn around and fly away. But Diao Si did not let them go so easily. He used the power of the wind elves to blow the wind and suck them towards the city wall.

However, due to the influence of such wind, the attack power of the archers' arrows was significantly weakened. In the end, because Diao Si's energy was exhausted, he still had to watch the birdmen escape. No matter what, this lesson will definitely make those birdmen very profound. Let's see if they still dare to pursue the gryphons here.

Too tired, Diao Si lay on the wall again. Today he felt that his energy had greatly increased. Of course, this was not enough. He had to continue to consume like this to exercise his energy.

"We have succeeded. They only have one throwing machine left. The threat to the city wall has been greatly reduced. Do you need to go back and take a rest first?" Lafite said happily to Diao Si.

Diao Si shook his head after hearing this and responded: "The Latin Queen will not give up so easily. She must move as many stones as possible to the city wall. She will soon attack the city gate. I will rest here." "

It is not far from dark at this time. Although the troops of the Glorious Empire have brought a lot of food, it is not enough to feed the more than 300,000 soldiers for a long time. As long as they continue to stay here so that they cannot break the city wall, they In the end, the only option was to retreat.

Still thinking about these complicated issues, Diao Si quickly fell asleep. Maybe it was because the wind was quite strong on the city wall, so Diao Si fell into the dreamland of the wind elves again.

Everything is so beautiful. Floating in such a world of wind elves, it is impossible for Diao Sisi to find a trace of trouble. He really loves this world so much. He is completely free and free to wander, a place without pressure, gravity and any external force. world.

However, this time the sylph seemed to be deliberately guiding him to a certain place. He could sense the palace of the sylph, and this was the paradise of the sylph.

Diao Si can sense air, wind, clouds, fog, as well as moisture in the wind, rain, and even electrons that are even tinier than water. Such tiny electrons will condense into extremely high voltages and discharge through the tip. emit energy…

Diao Si has always mastered this knowledge. There is infinite energy hidden in the air. The power of the wind spirit is not just to summon strong winds and tornadoes. As long as you can be familiar with it and understand it deeply, its power is far more than that.

Then the wind elves in the hall collectively circled Diao Si, as if they were going to hold a ceremony for him. This may be a kind of recognition of him. After receiving such recognition, the wind elves may be more willing to obey him. of will. (To be continued)