All For the Sake of Great Harmony

Chapter 101: How to redeem yourself 2


Long Yuchen, who has accepted the new identity, is doing well. Thanks to his life in another world from a young age in the previous world, he was a bit more aggressive and strict than his original self, but he was able to hold the stage.

However, Long Yuchen, who accepted the new system, also had to accept new troubles...

"I have to process tens of thousands of documents a day."


"I want to guard almost one-third of the country's military strength."


"I'm going to look for Si Nanke (and that little bitch) after these missions."


"Do you think everyone is as busy as you?"

Puff puff!

The three knives pierced through the fragile heart of the system one by one, and the system spat out a mouthful of blood, saying, [But, but if you complete the mission, Si Nanke can save one world mission...]

"Fuck off, who the hell wants to deal with a man who doesn't love himself and sends [beep] and ends up being ridden by thousands of people."

Long Yuchen has been frantically reviewing documents these few days, and at the same time ordered his subordinates to open up relationships and frantically search for information about Si Nanke and Hall. He was very anxious, and the lover radar derived from his fiery and deep love for Si Nanke told him that Si Nanke was in danger now, and his life was very, very bad!

He needs to find Si Nanke himself!

[That's just an illusion caused by your worrying too much! Speaking of which, why do you, a man, have such gorgeous inner activities like Shakespeare?]Made almost exhausted him!

[Also, I can't say that, the main character suffers only from the body, and can't control himself. In fact, he is still very good. Don't you think it's pitiful for a good person to end up in that end?]

"I don't think so, go away."

Due to the interruption of the system, Long Yuchen's review of documents was much slower, and his expression became visibly irritable.

[I can guarantee it with my reputation! Si Nanke is absolutely fine, the virtual world has a visitor protection mechanism, and it will never put outsiders in danger of life. And Hall is bewitched by the system, so he doesn't know what to think, but he likes Si Nanke, your appearance will only irritate him, you can let others secretly search for them, and then take the opportunity to complete the task of this world by yourself]

Long Yuchen: "..."

"There will be no danger to life, what about chastity?"


[please! You must complete the task, and you don't want Si Nanke to stay in these virtual worlds all the time, do you? I can tell from Si Nanke's performance that the virtual world has had some impact on his real life. You also feel sorry for him, right?]

"It means that the risk of chastity cannot be guaranteed, right?"

[There are only two worlds left! There are only two left in this world! The difficulty level of this world is lower than that of the previous world. If the task of this world is completed quickly, the next world will be easier! And you will be rewarded after completing all eight worlds!]

"Roll, roll, roll!!!"


With no system harassment for the time being, Long Yuchen began to speed up the review of documents.

[That... If the world is completed perfectly, I promise you that in addition to the randomly distributed rewards, I can also promise you an additional condition]

Long Yuchen's signing hand gradually stopped.

he asks.

"What you said is true?"

[This... Although it is more difficult, it is not impossible. After all, you have suffered danger in the virtual world, and it is our dereliction of duty...]

He looked up, his expression serious.

"Then I'm going to..."

[Ok? ? ? ! ! ! But this request...]

"You can't do it?"

[Uh... theoretically yes, but... from a humanitarian point of view...]

"Two choices, one, I will help Si Nanke complete the remaining two tasks, you promise me this wish, two, I will help the world complete its destiny line, even if I often cross in with Si Nanke, it should be deepened .”

[! ! !]

The system thought to itself: Damn it! This man is so ruthless!

[Then you must obtain Si Nanke's consent!]

Haha, there is no other way now!

Long Yuchen: "..."

"There is no need to ask for his consent. He is my subordinate anyway, so I can make the decision for him."

[Although the words are very domineering, but you are in a cold sweat...]

Long Yuchen: "..."

"Shut up."

Absolutely don't let Si Nanke know! ! !

At the same time, Si Nanke, who was thousands of miles away, suddenly shuddered.

Si Nanke: "???"

When Hall entered the room, he saw Si Nanke's bewildered expression, and he seemed a little nervous. He closed the door and asked, "What's the matter? Why do you look a little weird?"

Si Nanke said, "Well... I feel a chill from the heel to the tailbone, along the spine to the top of the head. It's terrible..."

Hall laughed, "It's really strange. Could it be that giant baby boy with the poker face talking about you?"

Poker-face giant baby boy? ?

Si Nanke was stunned.

Is it Long Yuchen

"Oh," Hall's smile froze suddenly, and a dark light flickered in his eyes. "If it's really him... it means that they have already found this world."

Si Nanke was also stunned.


Hall suddenly stopped talking and stood there not knowing what to do.

Si Nanke could tell that he was communicating with his system.


Hall's face twisted suddenly, and then he began to gnash his teeth.

Si Nanke: "..."

"Hey, your face is distorted."

Hall was startled, and immediately touched his face, and then quickly restored a sweet smile.

"Oh, Si Nanke, you are so annoying!"

Hall stuck out his tongue at him, "Forget it, anyway, you are always like this. Then I will go out today, and I hope to come to you next time, and you will be in Stockholm."

Si Nanke: "..."

Is it really okay for you to say it so bluntly

The door was closed and the room was dark.

Si Nanke stared at the empty air, thinking, it's too bad...

It's been ten days...

The biological clock is getting out of order.

The sense of time is gradually blurring...

His patience is running out...

Continue like this…

Si Nanke closed his eyes.

Maybe I really can't hold on anymore...

Long Yuchen sat on the mecha, turned on the invisible function, and roamed in the night city.

Sinan Ke...

where are you

[Pass, pass!]

Si Nanke: "!!!"

[Hey? Mossy, mossy!]

"Moxi, you big-headed ghost! Hurry up and find me, I'm almost in Stockholm!"