All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 1: Late Su Feng


As a teacher at Nefalia High School in Philadelphia, John Harper felt his IQ was insulted.

In Harper's view, the one who "insulted" his IQ was the student from China in front of him, Su Feng.

"You mean you got into a street shootout on your way to school, and after the shootout, you rescued a citizen you didn't know who had been shot several times, for which you were two full quarters late Class?" Perhaps the most bizarre excuse for being late that Harper had ever heard in his life.

"Yes, teacher." The 16-year-old Su Feng looked calm, and no matter how Harper stared at Su Feng's eyes, all Harper could see was an emotion called calm and calm. . …

"It's ridiculous!"

Reason told Harper that the Chinese student in front of him must be lying, and he must be worried that he would give him a zero in the final exam to pull out such absurd reasons for being late.

However, Harper, who has seen students lie countless times, is very clear that a liar cannot be so calm and calm.

Moreover, after noticing that there were bloodstains on Su Feng's clothes, shoes, and trousers, Harper felt that this absurd fact...

Is it true

After all, there are always countless lies behind a lie. Therefore, Harper, who was criticized as a "bald devil" by the students of Nefaria High School, for the first time in his teaching career, allowed him to continue his class after a student was late. …

The students in the same class as Su Feng were stunned.

And Demar, the black guy closest to Su Feng, looked at Su Feng with a look of admiration and said, "Dude, your reason for being late is so cool, and the bloodstains on your body, can you tell me, how are you doing? Did you come up with such a good reason in a short period of time and make a seamless layout?"

Su Feng smiled helplessly, he ignored Demar, and silently took out the notebook from his schoolbag.


It's ridiculous.

"Reality... is indeed too absurd." Su Feng muttered to himself.

However, this is the reality.

Cruel, indifferent, and sometimes even a little vexatious.

You know, compared to the bizarre encounter that morning, it took Su Feng two full weeks to digest the sudden appearance in front of him...


For most people, 2020 is definitely a magical year, and Su Feng, who has never made any contribution to society in his life, never dreamed that he really waited until the whole country worked together as an "otaku, The day of the house girl...

As long as you stay at home, it is your greatest contribution to society, and Su Feng is one of the "otaku" who choose to contribute to society without hesitation...

Then, at four o'clock in the morning at a certain house, Su Feng saw a piece of news that shocked him, a piece of unbelievable news that Su Feng thought was a hallucination...

And then, something even more absurd happened...

"ding ding ding..."

Just when Su Feng fell into memory, the bell for the end of get out of class suddenly rang.

Because of the weird reason for being late, Su Feng, a little transparent in the class, became a star of the stars.

Someone came to ask him the details of what happened in the morning, someone wondered why he was so calm, and someone wanted to know the inspiration for his reason for being late...

Of course, Su Feng knew and believed that his reason for being late was the real thing... I'm afraid there are not many.

Those students who came to ask for details just wanted to hear how Su Feng came to realize all this.

As for the remaining blood on Su Feng's body, the group of "Holmes" believed that Su Feng had prepared it in advance.

So, Su Feng simply didn't bother to explain.

"Su, come here." After another class was over, just as Su Feng was thinking about how to get rid of this group of "Holmes", suddenly, John Harper returned to the classroom.

Unlike the previous stars holding the moon, this group of "Sherlock Holmes" turned their faces faster than books.

Immediately, everyone chose to keep their distance from Su Feng. Not far from Su Feng, Demar even said with a wicked smile: "Sure enough, there is nothing to hide from the 'bald devil', this time Su is going to suffer."

The classmates on the side also cast schadenfreude expressions at Su Feng.

Sao Nian, you are too young!

Such a bizarre reason, how could it be possible to deceive Mr. Harper...

"Su, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suspected you just now, you are the pride of our Nefalia!" Just as Su Feng walked in front of John Harper, the fat white teacher suddenly hugged him to Su Feng.

This... ...

Strong man locks man

Harper's stature is short, watching his freckled nose rubbing against his arms, Su Feng suddenly felt a little nauseated...

The entire classroom was instantly fried.

And Demar, who had been gloating over Su Feng's misfortune, was even more stunned.

"Classmates, I hope we can applaud Su at this moment. We should pay the highest respect to this hero of Nefalia!" After hugging Su Feng, John Harper said to the students in the classroom they said.

Most of the students applauded almost subconsciously, while their expressions remained surprised.

"Just now, I received a call from the course instructor and he told me that the police were looking for a Chinese student at Nefalia High School..."

"Because just this morning there was a shooting near Market Street, a citizen fell to the ground after being shot several times in a row, and just as people were running away, a calm, brave man stood up come out."

"He called the police at the first time, and has been helping the injured in a timely manner, constantly encouraging the injured to persevere, and it is with his help that the injured persisted until the arrival of the medical staff... . "

"And this calm, brave, and courageous person is my student, your classmate, Su." After saying this, Harper looked at Su Feng with respect.

"Freedom, peace, and advocating democracy" in the United States does not encourage and advocate courageous actions, but as Harper narrated the details of Su Feng's morning encounter, Su Feng's classmates were shocked...

"My God, can he still come to school when something like this happens?"

"Is he too calm?"

"Are all Chinese so brave?"

"Could he be Superman?"

Looking at the classroom that was completely fried, now it was Su Feng who was stunned... Because although what John Harper said was indeed what happened to Su Feng this morning, but... Su Feng remembered I didn't have a name at the time!

You must know that as a three-good student who grew up under the red flag since childhood and was influenced by my rabbit thoughts, Su Feng has always done good deeds without leaving his name.

Well, Su Feng did not leave his name, but he forgot that he was wearing the uniform of Nefalia High School... Moreover, he was the only Chinese student in the entire Nefaria High School.

"Su, please allow me to express my highest respect to you, of course, I think you may not have time for class today, because you need a break, and the police need your assistance in their investigations." John Harper looked at him with concern. Said to Su Feng.

Su Feng spread out his hands, his expression still calm.

"Is he a monster?" Looking at Su Feng whose expression did not fluctuate, DeMar suddenly had the idea of going to China after graduation...

"Su, is your condition OK?" Officer Reiner asked, looking at the Chinese student who appeared in front of him.

"Yes, officer. I can start at any time." Su Feng looked at Reina calmly and said.

Reiner took a deep breath, and I have to say that the calmness of the child in front of him far surpassed that of his peers. Even Reiner, who has rich experience in detectives, had to be surprised.

Although Reiner had probably learned from his colleagues about the shooting that occurred in the morning, Reiner still couldn't believe that a 16-year-old student could be so calm in the chaotic situation in the morning...

"According to our investigation, we found that a man in black fired several shots at an ordinary citizen at that time, and the scene was thrown into chaos for a time. From the monitoring of the nearby supermarket, we can see that a Chinese student was not far from the shooting scene. where..."

"He chose to hide for the first time, it was a dead end of the attack, and then, after the suspect fled the scene, the Chinese student called the police in time with the help of a nearby convenience store, and provided us with the suspect's escape direction and Describes the suspect's clothing, appearance..."

"Then, after confirming safety, he stepped forward and began to help the injured. According to a citizen at the time, the Chinese student had been encouraging the citizen who was shot..."

"The whole process, even our experienced police officers, may not be able to do as well as he did."

"Okay, Su, you can slowly recall what happened this morning. The more detailed the better." After carefully observing Su Feng for a few seconds, Reiner suddenly said.

The whole process of assisting the police investigation proceeded very quickly, because Su Feng clearly stated everything that happened this morning, but Reiner noticed that the Chinese student hesitated for a while when he signed the signature.

And it was Su Feng's hesitation that reminded Reiner that the Chinese student in front of him was only a child after all.

"Don't worry, child, you are a witness, and the murderer has been arrested by us. I think you can relax." Reiner comforted Su Feng at the time.

Well... What Reiner didn't know was that Su Feng hesitated because he saw the date on the signature...

1994, May 28.

Considering that Su Feng was still a child, the school granted Su Feng a week's vacation so that he could adjust himself at home, and the school told Su Feng that if he needed psychological counseling, the school would help him as soon as possible. connect.

But I don't know why, whether it's John Harper or Officer Reiner, they all believe that this child probably doesn't need any psychological counseling...

His made of steel.

"Sigh, it will take some time to accept this new identity." After returning to the apartment on Market Street, Su Feng thought to himself with emotion.

"TMD, who can understand how I feel when I suddenly changed from a post-90s generation to a post-70s generation!"

"Why didn't I finish watching "Celebrating More Than Years" before? It's alright now. If I want to watch the last few episodes, I have to wait for more than 20 years."

After changing and washing, Su Feng, who couldn't take it easy, decided that he had to play ball and relax.

Otherwise, you will definitely suffer from depression.

Sure enough, whether it is 2020 or 1994, Su Feng's favorite is basketball.

And don't say, after confirming that he traveled back to 1994, and after learning through the Internet in the 1990s that the history of the world he was in was exactly the same as his previous life, Su Feng really crooked that he could be a basketball star in this life. , into NA, to marry Bai Fumei's dream.

But reality is reality after all, Su Feng also knows that his basketball level in his previous life was at most a lover, so this kind of thinking is limited to crooked.

After all, a protagonist like Lin Yi in "The No. 1 Plug-in in Basketball", looking at the whole starting point, the S mentally retarded author of Shui Duanqiao dared to write like this...

However, for Su Feng, who is crazy about basketball, playing basketball is definitely the best way to relax.

After all, it was a time-travel and a shootout. Even Su Feng had to slow down...

"In an age where there is no DOTA and no auto chess, how can I live!" Su Feng, who carried a basketball to a basketball court near Market Street, thought while walking.

For the United States, the country of basketball, it is not difficult to find a basketball court, and in the United States you don't have to worry about a bunch of aunts who like to dance to compete with you.

Maybe it was because he was still in class, after Su Feng came to the basketball court, he was the only one on the entire court.

Touching the basketball in his hand and looking at the basket that appeared in front of him, Su Feng smiled slightly...

Then, there is a set of handsome operations.

For Su Feng, the stubborn Ke Mi, it doesn't matter whether he scores or not, but he must be handsome.

Twisted waist, kicked legs, stuck in the air, shot.

This is definitely a handsome, fucking recoil to open the door for handsome and handsome to get home.

Of course, with such a handsome and standard lean back, the basket is naturally...


Choose to refuse!

However, at the moment when the basketball bounced, Su Feng's mouth suddenly turned into an O shape.

If Officers John Harper and Reiner saw Su Feng's expression at this time, they would be surprised.

Because Su Feng wasn't facial paralysis

Su Feng was stunned.

No matter how far the basketball rolls, looking at his hands, Su Feng patted his head to make sure it was correct, then looked at the picture that suddenly appeared in front of him, and fell into deep thought...

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